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Mickey no Yukai na Bouken
Year released1993
System(s)Sega Pico
SeriesMickey Mouse
Japanese titleミッキーのゆかいなぼうけん
ModesSingle player
LinksMickey no Yukai na Bouken ChannelSearch

Mickey no Yukai na Bouken (ミッキーのゆかいなぼうけん Mikkī no yu kaina bō ken?, lit. "Mickey's Fun Adventure") is a education video game starring by Mickey Mouse and Disney characters. Though only released on Sega Pico in Japan and South Korea on June 26, 1993, plans were put in place at one stage to bring the game to Germany as Mickys Lustiges Abenteuer. A prototype German ROM has since been released, and hints that it was due for release in 1995.

Table of Contents


Mickey no Yukai na Bouken/Table of Contents