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Tokyo Disney Sea Mickey to Asobou!
Year released2002
System(s)Sega Pico
SeriesMickey Mouse
Japanese title東京ディズニーシー ミッキーとあそぼう!
ModesSingle player
LinksTokyo Disney Sea Mickey to Asobou! ChannelSearch

Tokyo Disney Sea Mickey to Asobou! (東京ディズニーシー ミッキーとあそぼう! Tōkyō Dizunīshī Mikkī to Asobou!?, lit. "Tokyo DisneySea Let's Play with Mickey!") is a education video game starring by Mickey Mouse and Disney characters. It was released for Sega Pico on October 2002 and was developed and published by Kodansha in Japan only.

Table of Contents


Tokyo Disney Sea Mickey to Asobou!/Table of Contents