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Recovery[edit | edit source]

Name Held Description Buy Sell
Provisions Pill 10 Recovers 20% of HP. 150 75
Big Provisions Pill 5 Recovers 40% of HP. 900 450
Super Provisions Pill 3 Recovers 60% of HP. 1300 650
Starvation Pill 10 Recovers 20% of Stamina Gauge (1 bar). 150 75
Big Starvation Pill 5 Recovers 40% of Stamina Gauge (2 bars). 1000 500
Super Starvation Pill 3 Recovers 60% of Stamina Gauge (3 bars). 1400 700
Poison Medicine 5 Heals Poison status. 200 100
Paralyzation Medicine 5 Heals Paralyze status. 200 100
Energy Drink 5 Heals Dull status. 300 150
Panacea 3 Heals all status effects. 1800 900
Ninja Pill 4 Recovers 20% of both HP and Stamina Gauge. 800 400
Ninja Elixir 3 Recovers 40% of both HP and Stamina Gauge. 1600 800
Ninja Secret Remedy 2 Recovers 60% of both HP and Stamina Gauge. 4000
Vitality Pill 5 Auto-recovery speed of the Stamina Gauge increases briefly. 800 400
Vitality Elixir 3 Auto-recovery speed of the Stamina Gauge increases for a while. 1600 800
Longevity Pill 2 Recovers 80% of HP. 2800 1400
True Longevity Pill 1 Fully recovers HP and all status effects. 3500
Fasting Pill 2 Recovers 80% of Stamina Gauge (4 bars). 2800 1400
True Fasting Pill 1 Fully recovers Stamina Gauge and all status effects. 3500
Resurrection Pill 1 Revives KO'd party members. 900 450
Tireless Pill 5 Lowers Stamina Gauge cost for everything but Ninja Arts briefly. 800 400
Tireless Elixir 3 Lowers Stamina Gauge cost for everything but Ninja Arts for a while. 1600 800
Ninja Prophylactic 3 Prevents status effects for a while. 800 400

Support[edit | edit source]

Name Held Description Buy Sell
Power Scroll 5 Increases Attack briefly. 600 300
Herculean Scroll 3 Increases Attack for a while. 1500 750
Defense Scroll 5 Increases Defense briefly. 600 300
Sturdy Scroll 3 Increases Defense for a while. 1500 750
Last Stand Scroll 1 Items will be sealed for a while, unabled to be used, but Attack will greatly increase. 600 300
Scroll of Throwing 5 Increases Ninja Weapon abilities briefly. 600 300
Scroll of Pitching 3 Increases Ninja Weapon abilities for a while. 1500 750
Scroll of Arts 5 Increases Ninja Arts abilities briefly. 600 300
Scroll of Secret Arts 3 Increases Ninja Arts abilities for a while. 1500 7500
Scroll of Return 1 Returns you to the base. *Excluding boss battles 150 75

Other[edit | edit source]

Name Description Buy Sell
Peach Ticket (Green) Skips difficulty 1 P&C Meditation, "Easy". 400 200
Peach Ticket (Red) Skips difficulty 2 P&C Meditation, "Mid". 900 450
Peach Ticket (Purple) Skips difficulty 3 P&C Meditation, "Hard". 1300 650
Stealth Key Can open a locked treasure chest. Once used, it disappears. 3500 1750

Money[edit | edit source]

Name Description Sell
Old Coin Can be sold for a tiny bit of money. 150
Tea Set Can be sold for a little money. 1200
Hanging Scroll Can be sold for some money. 2500
Gold Nugget Can be sold for a lot of money. 5000
Diamond Can be sold for a great amount of money. 10000