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Box artwork for Petz: Catz 2.
Box artwork for Petz: Catz 2.
Petz: Catz 2
Developer(s)Ubisoft Entertainment
Publisher(s)Powerhead Games
Year released2007
System(s)Nintendo DS
Preceded byCatz
SeriesDogz and Catz (Ubisoft)
Genre(s)Virtual pet
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)PEGI Ages 3+ESRB Everyone
LinksPetz: Catz 2 (Nintendo DS) ChannelSearch

Petz: Catz 2 (known as Catz 2 in the UK) is a virtual pet game for the DS. There is also a PS2 and Wii version which in the UK is just called Catz. The main objective in the game is to care for a cat.

There are nine breeds to choose from, including three unlockable big cat breeds. Cats also now have thought bubbles to tell you how they are doing.

Table of Contents
