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Box artwork for Sega Superstars Tennis.
Box artwork for Sega Superstars Tennis.
Sega Superstars Tennis
Developer(s)Sumo Digital
Year released2008
System(s)PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Wii, Xbox 360, Nintendo DS
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)PEGI Ages 7+OFLC GeneralESRB Everyone 10+
LinksSega Superstars Tennis at PCGamingWikiSega Superstars Tennis ChannelSearch

Sega Superstars Tennis is a tennis game developed by Sumo Digital and published by Sega. The game was released on March 17, 2008 in Europe, on March 18, 2008 in North America, and on March 27, 2008 in Australia. The game includes 16 playable characters and 10 courts from Sega franchises, including (but not limited to) Sonic the Hedgehog, The House of the Dead, Alex Kidd and Space Channel 5. 15 Sega franchises are represented in the game. The game was never released in Japan.

Table of Contents
