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Box artwork for SimHealth.
Box artwork for SimHealth.
Developer(s)Thinking Tools
Year released1994
Designer(s)John Hiles
ModesSingle player
LinksSimHealth at PCGamingWikiSimHealth ChannelSearch

SimHealth, released by Maxis in 1994, is a simulation of the U.S. healthcare system. Produced with assistance from the Markle Foundation, it is virtually unknown and difficult to find.

An incredibly complex simulation, it was generally regarded as difficult and dry. Armed with none of the tongue-in-cheek humor famous for Maxis games, the only real link to the franchise was the SimCity 2000-inspired user interface. Some also claimed that the game was unfairly biased towards more liberal healthcare programs. It was produced only for MS-DOS, and is almost impossible to locate on the market today, let alone play on a modern operating system.

Table of Contents


SimHealth/Table of Contents