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Box artwork for SimLife.
Box artwork for SimLife.
Year released1992
System(s)Commodore Amiga, DOS, Windows, Mac OS
Preceded bySimAnt
Followed bySimFarm
Designer(s)Ken Karakotsios, Will Wright, Justin McCormick
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)ELSPA Ages 3+ESRB Kids to Adults
LinksSimLife at PCGamingWikiSimLife ChannelSearch

The producers of SimLife refer to it as "The Genetic Playground". The game allows users to explore the interaction of life-forms and environments. Users can manipulate the genetics of both plants and animals to determine whether these new species could survive in the Earth's various environments. Players can also create new worlds with distinctive environments to see how certain species (earth's species or their own) fare within them. Simlife has been used by some home schooling groups as an evolution curriculum enhancer.

SimLife gives players the power to:

  • Create and modify worlds
  • Create and modify plants and animals at the genetic level
  • Design environments and ecosystems
  • Study genetics in action
  • Simulate and control evolution
  • Change the physics of the universe in your computer

Table of Contents


SimLife/Table of Contents