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For each mission, you will find the following information:

Screens How many screens wide the mission is from one end to the other.
Blocks How many reset points exist in the mission (i.e. when you die, where do you start over).
Target The image of the primary mission target, plus an indication of how many additional targets may be bombed. If a target is specific to one version, SK stands for Sky Kid and DX stands for Sky Kid Deluxe.
Submarines How many 1000 bonus point submarines will appear in this mission.
Commanders How many parachute bombing Commanders will fly across the sky during this mission.
Balloons How many Balloon-type enemies will you encounter. If there are two numbers, the first is the Fire Balloons, followed by the Mini Balloons.
Report Goals What number represent a very good grade during the battle report at the end of each mission. Air kills / Ground kills / Targets.

Mission 1[edit | edit source]

Screens 8
Blocks 1
Target SK:
Submarines 0
Commanders 0
Balloons 0
Report Goals ~10/~10/1

There is nothing particularly difficult about the first mission. You should get used to controlling Sky Kid in this mission, and learn the proper timing for dropping the bomb on your target.

Mission 2[edit | edit source]

Screens 15
Blocks 3
Submarines 0
Commanders 0
Balloons 0
Report Goals ~32/~25/1

This will be the first Mission where you get to fly over the sea. It will only last for a short while. Practice aiming at ground and water targets while flying at a low altitude.

Mission 3[edit | edit source]

Screens 22
Blocks 3
Submarines 0
Commanders 0
Balloons 1
Report Goals ~52/~43/1

This is a relatively long mission, with a long duration before you encounter the bomb. The fighting will not be too difficult, and you will have many opportunities to shoot things on the ground. If you maintain a low altitude, practice aiming high and firing up very quickly when an air target passes by. In Deluxe version only, Lightning Kids will appear.

Mission X1[edit | edit source]

Screens 15
Blocks 2
Target DX:
Submarines 1
Commanders 1
Balloons 1 + 7
Report Goals ~30/~20/1

This is the first mission that is exclusive to the Deluxe version. It will be snowing in this mission. You may find it difficult to shoot at enemies because you can't see your bullets as easily. The first half of the mission is over the sea. During the last half, you will receive fire from Air Boats, so fly low and close to the surface of the water.

Mission 4[edit | edit source]

Screens 24
Blocks 4
Target + 1
Submarines 2
Commanders 2
Balloons 0
Report Goals ~60/~30/2

You will be flying over the sea, during the sunset. At 24 screens, this is a long mission, but that tends to be the average length for many Sky Kid missions. Don't miss the S Flag, which will appear to the left of the first target that you encounter.

Mission 5[edit | edit source]

Screens 24
Blocks 3
Target + 1
Submarines 0
Commanders 0
Balloons 1 + 3
Report Goals ~37/~45/2

You will encounter many tall buildings in this mission. If you happen to get shot down over these buildings, you will rarely be able to pull out of the dive and survive the fall. Pay very close attention to enemy bullets when flying around buildings. A hidden medal can be revealed below a pod of balloons. If you collect it, the shooting from the balloons will decrease.

Mission 6[edit | edit source]

Screens 16
Blocks 3
Submarines 6
Commanders 2
Balloons 0
Report Goals ~20/~25/1

There are two portions to this mission. The first half is over the ground, and the second half is over the sea. You need to shoot downward very quickly at the ground in the first half. A lot of submarines appear in the second half, so it's better to fly near the water's surface. Flying quickly up, shooting, and dropping back down is a good strategy for dealing with air targets.

Mission 7[edit | edit source]

Screens 24
Blocks 3
Target + 1
Submarines 0
Commanders 1
Balloons 3 + 3
Report Goals ~33/~25/2

In this mission, a will bridge appear in the first half. After you fly over the bridge, lower your altitude quickly and shoot things on the ground. You can see ruins in the background as you fly along. Be very careful later on, however, is there is an enemy jet who remains hidden behind a cloud over the middle of the sea, and will attack you when you get close enough.

Mission 8[edit | edit source]

Screens 24
Blocks 3
Target + 1
Submarines 0
Commanders 1
Balloons 1
Report Goals ~50/~23/2

You will encounter a variety of environments in this mission, including buildings, the sea, and a bridge. It is relatively difficult to fly past the first group of balloons while you approach the buildings. Beyond the buildings, you will encounter the Statue of Liberty. A hidden bonus can be found on the ground to her left. Be very careful around the bridge, and monitor the Rapid Cannon who fires at the sky from underneath.

Mission X2[edit | edit source]

Screens 23
Blocks 2
Target DX: + 1
Submarines 2
Commanders 1
Balloons 2 + 6
Report Goals ~55/~25/2

The second Deluxe-only mission can be especially difficult if you're not used to looping. Throughout this mission, especially in the first block, you should try to attack large groups of enemies while looping to avoid being shot down. The second block is relatively long. When you see the penguins, shoot them for a laugh.

Mission 9[edit | edit source]

Screens 23
Blocks 3
Submarines 0
Commanders 1
Balloons 1 + 3
Report Goals ~42/~25/1

As you progress from flying over the sea to the ground, you will encounter 11 billboards. The difficulty of this mission is quite high. Learn to maneuver above the billboards and back down to a low altitude quickly in order to stay safe and out of enemy fire.

Mission 10[edit | edit source]

Screens 30
Blocks 4
Target + 2
Submarines 8
Commanders 0
Balloons 2
Report Goals ~41/~45/3

This mission consists of 30 secreens over the sea. When it's safe, you can fly close to the ocean surface because many submarines will appear. There are three targets in this mission, so you will spend a lot of time holding on to a bomb. As a result, you'll need to learn techniques to shoot enemies without looping. Don't miss the one and only Pooka hidden in the water following a Pac-Man sign.

Mission 11[edit | edit source]

Screens 15
Blocks 2
Target + 1
Submarines 0
Commanders 1
Balloons 0
Report Goals ~30/~5/1

Sky Kid's final target, the Air Successor, will appear during this mission. During that time, there will be no ground targets, so that you can focus on shooting at things in the air while you dodge bullets from the Air Successor. In Block 2, there is a bomb that will only appear if you die and start again from that block.

Mission 12[edit | edit source]

Screens 27
Blocks 4
Target + 2
Submarines 3
Commanders 4
Balloons 2 + 6
Report Goals ~55/~45/2

In this mission, you will be fighting at night. This will make it easier to see the enemy's bullets against the dark blue background. Even though there are three targets in this mission, there are only two bombs. If you hit the second Successor, you will be unable to bomb the primary target, the Factory. The second medal can be found in the water shortly after the Pac-Man billboard.

Mission X3[edit | edit source]

Screens 22
Blocks 1
Target DX: + 1
Submarines 0
Commanders 4
Balloons 1 + 7
Report Goals ~50/~20/1

It is snowing again in this third Deluxe exclusive mission. While it is composed of 22 screens, there is only one block, so if you die you will have to start from the very beginning. After you collect the bomb, there is a dummy target in the form of an Ice Base. Do not shoot it or you won't be able to destroy the primary target later on. This mission is home to the one and only Snowman.

Mission 13[edit | edit source]

Screens 30
Blocks 4
Target + 1
Submarines 0
Commanders 1
Balloons 5 + 7
Report Goals ~50/~55/1

This mission is the most complex of the mid-game stages. You can get a very high bonus if you manage to hit most of the ground targets. You should try to shoot 90% of enemies on the earth. Once you collect the bomb in the second half of this mission, you will need to hold on to it for 10 screens in order to hit your mission target.

Mission 14[edit | edit source]

Screens 5
Blocks 1
Submarines 0
Commanders 0
Balloons 0
Report Goals ~0/~0/1

This is the shortest mission in the whole game—only 5 screens long! It is an unusual mission where there are no additional enemies to attack besides the target. You can relax and read all of the messages that flash on the screen. This mission contains the third special flag, but in a very unusal location: Past the landing strip! As a result, if you pick it up, you will gain an extra life, but then immediately lose it for running out of fuel. As a result, it's only for fun.

Mission 15[edit | edit source]

Screens 16
Blocks 2
Submarines 0
Commanders 0
Balloons 0
Report Goals ~32/~16/1

This mission is relatively difficult because you have to maintain possession of the bomb while flying for a long distance. You will have to dodge a multitude of enemy fire as you fly over the tall mountain, to the first Statue of Liberty. Throughout this mission, there are a number of background objects that you can interact with by flying past them, but don't get distracted by them.

Mission 16[edit | edit source]

Screens 30
Blocks 4
Target + 2
Submarines 1
Commanders 2
Balloons 2 + 4
Report Goals ~60/~40/3

With respect to Sky Kid DX, this is one of the five most difficult missions. You should focus most of you attacks on the ground and sea enemies. There are three targets which can provide you with a hefty bonus if you manage to destroy all of them. After you fly over the last two mountains, you must quickly dive down to the ground in order to reach the landing strip.

Mission 17[edit | edit source]

Screens 30
Blocks 4
Target + 1
Submarines 0
Commanders 2
Balloons 2 + 7
Report Goals ~70/~30/2

This is a relatively long mission. Do your best to remember the locations of the enemies in the first half so that you can shoot them down immediately. There are buildings in the first half. You must be very careful of the Parachutes that are dropped by the Commander flying overhead when you drop down to pick up the bomb. After you collect it, you must rise quickly to avoid hitting the buildings. The third hidden medal can be found in the ground immediately following the first target.

Mission X4[edit | edit source]

Screens 30
Blocks 1
Target DX: + 1
Submarines 2
Commanders 0
Balloons 2 + 7
Report Goals ~45/~20/2

This is the last of the Deluxe exclusive mission, and is the 2nd most difficult mission after Mission 19. There are 30 screens, but they are all located in a single block. It is vital that you make your way through this mission without making any mistakes from the beginning to the end.

Mission 18[edit | edit source]

Screens 31
Blocks 4
Target + 1
Submarines 0
Commanders 0
Balloons 0
Report Goals ~45/~30/2

This is the easiest mission out of the final six. Since there are no air balloons, you can fly freely between the air and the ground throughout the mission without much worry. There are lots of billboards and mountains to fly over, so always be ready to climb if you see one coming up. Although attempting to earn a bonus from the special billboards is fun, don't let it distract you from an enemy threat. The fourth hidden medal is actually right in the very beginning of the mission after you take off.

Mission 19[edit | edit source]

Screens 70
Blocks 4
Target + 3
Submarines 2
Commanders 4
Balloons 7 + 7
Report Goals ~99/~99/4

This is the longest mission. If you were to combine the screens, it would measure over 20 meters long. There are a variety of landscapes including seas, mountains, and buildings. Naturally, the difficulty is very high, if not the highest in the whole game. Even with four blocks to the mission, you will realize just how long the stage is if you die and need to start over. In this very long stage, the fifth and final hidden medal can be revealed. It's located in the water after the long stretch of buildings, and just before the first Pac-Man billboard.

Mission 20[edit | edit source]

Screens 32
Blocks 4
Target + 2
Submarines 0
Commanders 1
Balloons 3 + 8
Report Goals ~60/~60/3

While not nearly as long as the last mission, this is still a very difficult mission. Ground targets will be especially difficult to hit because they are located in very impractical positions. Pay very close attention to the changes in the landscape. The ground rises frequently, and bombs are often positioned just before or after a mountain or sign.

Mission 21[edit | edit source]

Screens 32
Blocks 4
Target + 1
Submarines 0
Commanders 2
Balloons 6 + 11~14
Report Goals ~50/~40/2

This mission starts off with a high degree of difficulty, but gets a little easier once you pass the first mountain. The Air Successor will appear to tease you shortly before you can collect the first bomb. You must use the second bomb to destroy the Air Successor once and for all. If you fail to do this, the mission will end without a landing strip and you will be forced to try again. If you are successful, you will witness the end of the game.