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Box artwork for Super Dodge Ball.
Box artwork for Super Dodge Ball.
Super Dodge Ball
Developer(s)Technos Japan
Publisher(s)Technos Japan, Aksys Games, Arc System Works
Year released1988
System(s)NES, Wii, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)CERO Ages 12 and upESRB Everyone 10+PEGI Ages 3+USK Ages 12+Parental GuidanceIARC Ages 3+GRB All
LinksSuper Dodge Ball (NES) ChannelSearch
This guide is for the home version release. For the arcade release, see Super Dodge Ball.

Super Dodge Ball, released in Japan as Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu (熱血高校ドッジボール部 Nekketsu Koukou Dojjibooru Bu?, lit. "Hot-Blooded High School Dodgeball Club") is a dodgeball-based sports game produced by Technos Japan Corp. originally released as an arcade game in 1987. Various home versions and sequels of the game have been released for various platforms.

The NES version of Super Dodge Ball was released in 1988, although it is not an exact port. It featured several differences such as special moves and full stats for individual team members, two additional teams (India and U.S.S.R.), and a "Bean Ball" mode. The soundtrack featured stage music appropriate for each country depicted in the game.

In 2020, the Famicom version was translated in Double Dragon & Kunio-kun Retro Brawler Bundle as Nekketsu High School Dodge Ball Club, with the original story and characters.

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