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Once Jane Jetson has appeared on the screen, you will have to walk up and to the left through a door on the left side of the screen (while watching out for a flying coffee pot), walk down and to the left through another door on the left side of the screen (while watching out for an automatic floor sweeper), walk to the left onto a left-moving conveyor belt (while watching out for droplets of water spewing out of seven shower heads on the ceiling), and collect Electronimo (the Jetsons' robot dog!); once you have done so, you will have to walk back to the right, onto another (right-moving) conveyor belt, retrace your steps back to that starter room, walk down through a third door at the bottom of the screen, walk to the left through a fourth door on the left side of the screen (while watching out for another flying coffee pot), set Electronimo on the cat-burglar (he'll chase him away off the left side of the screen then return to Jane), walk left and down through a fifth door, at the bottom of the screen, walk to the right through a sixth door on the right side of the screen (while watching out for a flying mouth-type radio) and collect a $50 bill. You shall now have to retrace your steps back to the previous room, walk down through a seventh door at the bottom of the screen (ignore those two elevators for now!), walk down through an eighth door at the bottom of the screen, walk to the left through a ninth door, on the left side of the screen, set Electronimo on the cat-burglar a second time (he shall again chase him away off the left side of the screen and return to Jane), walk to the left and down through a tenth door at the bottom of the screen and walk to the right to collect another $50 bill - and once you've done so, you will have to walk back to the left to collect a third $50 bill. You will then have to retrace your steps back to the room with the flying mouth-type radio, while watching out for it again, walk down through an eleventh door at the bottom of the screen, and swap Electronimo for a pair of jet boots (while watching out for another flying mouth-type radio); once you have done this, you will have to retrace your steps back to the room with the two elevators in it, enter the first one to go up a floor to the garden, hover to the left over a pond, with help from the jet boots, and up through a twelfth door at the top of the screen, hover up to the trees and turn all four valves on (they don't appear to do anything!), hover to the right (if you did not turn all four valves on, up to four jets of water will be spewing out of four holes in the ground!) and swap the jet boots with a remote control. You'll now have to retrace your steps back to the elevator, reenter it to go back down a floor to the house again, retrace your steps back to the room with the second flying mouth-style radio while watching out for it again, and swap the remote control with Electronimo - and once you have done so, you'll have to retrace your steps back to the room where the cat-burglar appeared for the second time, walk to the left through a thirteenth door on the left side of the screen, walk up through a fourteenth door, at the top of the screen, walk to the right through a fifteenth door, on the right side of the screen, and collect a fourth $50 bill. You now have to walk back to the left and up to enter a third elevator and go down a floor, walk to the left through sixteenth door, on the left side of the screen, walk left and down through seventeenth door at the screen's bottom (while watching for a malfunctioning plate dispenser on the wall), walk to the right through an eighteenth door on the right side of the screen (while watching out for second malfunctioning plate dispenser on the wall), walk to the right through nineteenth door, on the right side of the screen (while watching out for third malfunctioning plate dispenser on the wall), walk to the right through a twentieth door on the right side of the screen, set Electronimo on the cat-burglar for a third and final time (this time, he will chase him off the right side of the screen and return to Jane), and walk to the right to collect a fifth $50 bill; once you have done this, you will have to walk down through a twenty-first door, at the bottom of the screen, walk to the right to knock a bottle on a shelf over and reveal a button upon the wall, press this button (it again doesn't appear to do anything), retrace your steps back to the room just before the one where the cat-burglar appeared for the third time, walk up through twenty-second door, at the top of the screen, walk up through a twenty-third door, at the top of the screen, walk to the right onto a third right-moving conveyor belt to go through a twenty-fourth door on the right side of the screen (while watching for a third flying mouth-style radio) and collect a sixth $50 bill. You will now have to retrace your steps back to the previous room (while watching out for the third flying mouth-style radio again), press both buttons on the wall to close a twenty-fifth enormous-set-of-teeth-like door at the top of the screen, and imprison Rosie, the Jetsons' robot maid, walk to the left onto a fourth left-moving conveyor belt to go through a twenty-sixth door on the left side of the screen, press the button on the wall (which has a red cross above it) to turn the television in the top-left of it on (an unidentified man's face will appear upon it), retrace your steps back to the room where the cat-burglar appeared for the third time, walk to the right through a twenty-seventh door, on the right side of the screen, walk to the right and up through a twenty-eighth door at the top of the screen, and walk to the left to enter the Jetsons' jet-car, which shall slowly rise into the air and then fly away off the right side of the screen - and the text "WELL DONE JANE" will then appear on the screen.

The flying section of the stage shall then start; once the Jetsons' jet-car has flown up into view from the bottom of the screen, you will have to start flying up and to the left (to collect three $50 coins); once you have done so, you will have to fly to the right to collect a fourth $50 coin. You will then have to fly back to the left to collect a fifth $50 coin and the letter J (which is worth $100) - and once you have done so, you shall have to fly back down, to the right, up and to the right (while watching out for an electrical force field) to collect a sixth $50 coin. You will then have to fly to the right to collect a seventh $50 coin; once you have done so, you will have to fly to the left to collect an eighth $50 coin. You will then have to fly to the right to collect the letter E (which is, again, worth $100) - and once you have done so you will have to fly back down, to the left, up and to the left (while watching out for another electrical force field) to collect a ninth $50 coin - and once you've done so, you will have to fly to the right to collect a tenth $50 coin. You will then have to fly back down, to the left, to the right, up, and to the right to collect an eleventh $50 coin; once you have done this, you will have to fly back to the left to collect a twelfth $50 coin. You will then have to fly to the right to collect three more $50 coins - and once you have done so, you will have to fly back down, to the left and up to collect a sixteenth $50 coin. You will then have to fly to the right to collect a seventeenth $50 coin; once you have done it, you will have to fly to the right to collect an eighteenth $50 coin. You will then have to fly to the left to collect a nineteenth $50 coin - and once you have done it, you will have to fly to the right to collect a drink can (if the jet-car was unfortunate enough to get hit, it will restore some of its energy). You then have to fly back down, to the left, to the right, up and to the right to collect the letter T (which is, once again, worth $100); once you've done so, you will have to fly back to the left and up as you pass two flashing lights (which indicate a speed-restriction zone) and collect the letter S (which is, yet again, worth $100). You will then have to fly to the right as you pass two more flashing lights (which indicate another speed-restriction zone) and collect another drink can - and once you have done so, you will have to fly to the right to collect two more $50 coins. You will then have to fly to the left to collect a twenty-second $50 coin; once you have done so you will have to fly to the right, up and to the right to collect a pocket watch (which will give you some extra time). You will then have to fly back up and to the left as you pass two more flashing lights (which indicate a third speed-restriction zone) to collect the letter O (which, for a fifth time, is worth $100) - and once you have done so you will have to fly to the right as you pass two more flashing lights (which indicate a fourth speed-restriction zone) to collect a twenty-third $50 coin. You will then have to fly back down and to the right to collect the letter N (which is, for a sixth time, worth $100); once you have done it, you will have to fly back up, to the left and to the right as you pass two more flashing lights (which indicate a fifth speed-restriction zone), fly left as you pass two more flashing lights (which indicate a sixth speed-restriction zone) and fly to the right to collect the second letter S (which, for a seventh and last time, is worth $100). You now have to fly to the left to collect a third drink can - and once you have done so, you will have to fly to the right to collect a twenty-fourth $50 coin (while watching out for a black hole it is positioned close to). You will then have to fly back down, and to the left, to collect three more $50 coins (while again watching out for the black hole they are positioned close to); once you have done so, you'll have to fly back down and to the right to collect another pocket watch. You will now have to fly back up, to the left and up to collect two more $50 coins (while watching out for another black hole they are positioned close to) - and once you've done so, you'll have to fly back down and to the left to collect two last $50 coins (while again watching out for the second black hole that they're positioned close to). You will then have to fly back up, to the right and off the top of the screen; the game shall now proceed to the third stage, where control is switched again (this time to Judy Jetson).