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  • ☆ = EX possible
  • ★ = MAX possible

Team Japan[edit | edit source]

Kyo Kusanagi[edit | edit source]

Hatsugane (close) or +
Issetsu Seoi Nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Ge-Shiki • Gofu Yo +
88 Shiki +
Ge-Shiki • Naraku Otoshi +
Special Moves
100 Shiki • Oniyaki ☆ +
R.E.D. KicK +
108 Shiki • Yamibarai +
75 Shiki • Kai ☆ +
└►75 Shiki • Kai (Follow Up)
Special Moves
114 Shiki • Aragami +
├►128 Shiki • Konokizu +
 ├►125 Shiki • Nanase
 └►127 Shiki • Yanosabi
└►127 Shiki • Yanosabi +
 └►Ge-Shiki • Migari Ugachi
└►124 Shiki • Munotsuchi +
 ├►427 Shiki • Hikigane
 └►Ge-Shiki • Tsurubeotoshi
115 Shiki • Dokugami ☆ +
└►401 Shiki • Tsumiyomi +
 └►402 Shiki • Batsuyomi +
  └►100 Shiki • Oniyaki +
212 Shiki • Kototsuki Yo ☆ +
Super Moves
Ura 108 Shiki •
Orochinagi ★
+ (hold)
182 Shiki ★ + (hold)
Climax Super
Ura 1127 Shiki • Yaegaki +

Benimaru Nikaido[edit | edit source]

Catch and Shoot (close) or +
Front Suplex (close) or +
Knee Drop
(close) or +
Command Moves
Jackknife Kick +
Flying Drill +
Special Moves
Iai-Geri ☆ +
└►Inazuma Sandan-Geri +
Special Moves
Raimeitou ☆ +
Raijinken ☆ +
Air • Raijinken ☆ +
Benimaru Collider ☆ (close) +
Super Moves
Rai-Kou Ken ★ +
Benimaru Rising Shot ★ +
Climax Super
Raiha Jin-Ou Ken +

Goro Daimon[edit | edit source]

(close) or +
Hiza Guruma (close) or +
Command Moves
Zujou-Barai +
Special Moves
Tenchi-Gaeshi ☆ (close) +
Kumo-Tsukami Nage ☆ +
Kirikabu-Gaeshi +
Jiraishin ☆ +
Special Moves
Jiraishin (Feint) +
Chou Ukemi ☆ +
Chou Oosoto-Gari ☆ (close) +
Super Moves
Jigoku Gokuraku
Otoshi ★
(close) +
Otoshi ★
(opponent down) +
Climax Super
Kyoutendouchi (counter) +

Team Official Invitation[edit | edit source]

Sylvie Paula Paula[edit | edit source]

Paula Kick (close) or +
Paula Hip (close) or +
Command Moves
Stret-Chon! +
Guillo-Ton! +
Special Moves
Denki Kaijin ☆ +
Bootie Bootie ☆ +
Special Moves
Kaiten Coil ☆ +
Dischar-Jing! ☆ +
Super Moves
Paula Experiment ★ +
Magneto-Trapo! ★ +
Climax Super
Mechahaya Reboot +

Kukri[edit | edit source]

Miken Funsai (close) or +
Bakkonsai (close) or +
Command Moves
Fussa Ken +
Special Moves
Nessa Jin ☆ +
Nessa Senpuu ☆ +
Bossa-Shougeki ☆ +
Special Moves
Air • Bossa-Shougeki ☆ +
Genei Sajin ☆ +any button
Super Moves
Nessa Goku Totsuha ★ +
Nessa Goku Fujin ★ +
Climax Super
Goku Nessa Housairyu +

Mian[edit | edit source]

Houyokuten (close) or +
Houbien (close) or +
Command Moves
Ouka-Shu +
Special Moves
Karin ☆ +
Bienkyu (Forward) ☆ +
├►Attack 1
├►Attack 2
├►Attack 3
└►Attack 4
Special Moves
Bienkyu (Backward) ☆ +
├►Attack 1
├►Attack 2
├►Attack 3
└►Attack 4
Hiyoushou ☆ +
Rasen ☆ +
Super Moves
Rangurenbu ★ +
Hiren Enbu ★ +
Climax Super
Zesshou Shisen Enbu +

Team South America[edit | edit source]

Nelson[edit | edit source]

Chin Breaker (close) or +
Belly Smash (close) or +
Command Moves A
I found an opening! +
Your belly! +
Your neck! +
Command Moves B
Scoop out! +
Not yet! +
Up! +
Down! +
Command Moves C
It's over! +
Wrench open! +
Lay down! +
Reap! +
Command Moves D
Forward! +
Backward! +
Special Moves
A step into victory! ☆ +
I will hit ya until
you go down! ☆
(close) +
Super Moves
Mighty Punch ★ +
Invisible Punch ★ +
Climax Super
Victory Punch +

Zarina[edit | edit source]

Zarina Rocket (close) or +
Zarina Ton (close) or +
Command Moves
Trick • R +
Trick • S +
Special Moves
Peduncle Pruning ☆ +
Floral Screw ☆ +
Special Moves
Spinning Petal ☆ +
Growing Flower ☆ +
Super Moves
Yellow Eruption ★ +
Hurricane Dance ★ +
Climax Super
Yellow Cyclone +

Bandeiras Hattori[edit | edit source]

Ippon Throw
(close) or +
Jigoku Wheel (close) or +
Command Moves
Kabutowari +
Daruma Otoshi +
Sankaku-Tobi (against wall)
Special Moves
Iguazu Otoshi ☆ (close) +
Shinobiashi ☆ +
Special Moves
Tengu no Tobikiri ☆ +
Kawarimi ☆ (counter) +
Shining Ninja Arts ☆ +
Super Moves
Kama Itachi ★ +
Tatami Gaeshi ★ +
Climax Super
Kage Bunshin +

Team Yagami[edit | edit source]

Iori Yagami[edit | edit source]

Sakahagi (close) or +
Kanyarai (close) or +
Command Moves
Ge-Shiki • Yumebiki +
Ge-Shiki • Gofu In "Shinigami" +
Ge-Shiki • Yuriori +
Special Moves
108 Shiki • Yamibarai ☆ +
100 Shiki • Oniyaki ☆ +
127 Shiki • Aoibana ☆ + (x3)
Special Moves
212 Shiki • Kototsuki In ☆ +
Kuzukaze ☆ (close) +
311 Shiki • Tsumakushi ☆ +
Super Moves
Kin 1211 Shiki • Yaotome ★ +
└►Ura 316
Shiki • Saika
Ura 1208 Shiki •
Yashiori ★
+ (hold)
Climax Super
Kin 1218 Shiki •

Mature[edit | edit source]

Death Blow (close) or +
Backlash (close) or +
Special Moves
Despair ☆ +
└►Despair (Attack)
Deathrow ☆ + (x3)
Special Moves
Metal Massacre ☆ +
Ebony Tears ☆ +
Super Moves
Heaven's Gate ★ +
Nocturnal Rites ★ +
Climax Super
Iron Maiden +

Vice[edit | edit source]

Death Blow (close) or +
Backlash (close) or +
Command Moves
Monstrosity +
Special Moves
Deicide ☆ +
Gorefest ☆ (close) +
Splash ☆ +
Special Moves
Mayhem ☆ +
└►Splash • Derivation +
Super Moves
Negative Gain ★ (close) +
Overkill ★ (close) +
Climax Super
Obscura +

Team Kim[edit | edit source]

Kim Kaphwan[edit | edit source]

Sanren Kyaku (close) or +
Sakkyaku Nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Naeryo Chagi +
Twio Yop Chagi +
Special Moves
Hangetsuzan ☆ +
Air Hangetsuzan ☆ +
Special Moves
Hienzan ☆ +
└►Hienzan (Follow Up) +
Hishou Kyaku ☆ +
Super Moves
Houou Hiten Kyaku ★ +
Houou Kyaku ★ +
Air Houou Kyaku ★ +
Climax Super
Zero-Shiki Houou Kyaku +

Gang-Il[edit | edit source]

Kubi Kari-Geri (close) or +
Sakkyaku Nage (close) or +
Command Moves
High Angle Naeryo Chagi +
Ushiro-Geri +
Special Moves
Hangetsuzan ☆ +
Hakikyaku ☆ +
├►Double Twi Chagi +
├►Naeryo Chagi +
 └►Ap Chagi +
└►Najunde Twio Yop Chagi +
 └►Ap Chagi +
Special Moves
Ressen Kyaku ☆ +
Shakka Shuu ☆ +
Super Moves
Hienzan ★ +
Gekishin Kyaku ★ +
Climax Super
Houou Kyaku +

Luong[edit | edit source]

Sen (close) or +
Chou (close) or +
Command Moves
Tsui +
Special Moves
Geki ☆ + or or
└►Geki (Keep) (hold)
 └►Geki (Cancel)
Special Moves
Ren ☆ +
Rin ☆ +
Super Moves
Tou ★ +
Tei ★ +
Climax Super
Ben +

Team Mexico[edit | edit source]

Ramon[edit | edit source]

Arm Whip (close) or +
Flying Mare (close) or +
Command Moves
Sankaku-Tobi (against wall)
Drop Kick +
Head Butt +
└►Hikiokoshi +
Special Moves
Tiger Neck Chancery ☆ (close) +
Rolling Sobat ☆ +
└►Flying Body Attack +
 └►Hikiokoshi +
Somersault ☆ +
Special Moves
Tiger Load ☆ +
├►Feint Dash
├►Feint Jump
├►Cross Chop
└►Force of Will +
 └►Hikiokoshi +
Bird of Paradise +
└►Hikiokoshi +
Feint Step +
Super Moves
Tiger Spin ★ (close) +
El • Diablo • Amarillo •
Ramon • Volando ★
Climax Super
Hyper Sonic • Ramon +

Angel[edit | edit source]

Tekitou Rush (close) or +
Shadow Behead (close) or +
Command Moves
Middle Spin +
Heavy Knee Attack +
Special Moves
Red Sky ☆ +
Mad Murder ☆ (close) +
Unchain Start
Unchain • Low +
Unchain • Heel +
Unchain • Tornado +
Unchain • Blow ☆ +
Unchain • Step ☆ +
Unchain Circle
Circle • Upper +
Circle • Sobat +
Circle • Under Blow +
Circle • High +
Circle • Hammer Blow +
Circle • Assault +
Special Unchain Circle
Circle • Feint
Circle • Feint (Forward) +
Circle • Feint (Backward) +
Unchain Finish
Finish • Lariat +
Finish • Straight +
Finish • Rolling +
Finish • Neck Cutter +
Finish • Grapple Kick +
Super Moves
Real Rave ★ +
Blue Monday
Counter ★
(counter) +
Climax Super
Ascension Time +

King of Dinosaurs[edit | edit source]

Dyna Bomb (close) or +
Dyna Buster (close) or +
Command Moves
Rex Head +
Yucatan Punch +
Special Moves
Hurricane ☆
(close) +
Assault Raptor ☆ +
Special Moves
Ankylo Hammer ☆ +
└►Ankylo Hammer (Brake)
Giga Compy ☆ +
Super Moves
Super Zetsumetsu
Hurricane ★
(close) +
Dinner of Dinosaur ★ +
Climax Super
Tyra Mosa Dread
Carno Gaoh!

Team Another World[edit | edit source]

Nakoruru[edit | edit source]

Ruten Kyougekijin (close) or +
Hougekiyou (close) or +
Command Moves
Chitenzan +
Sankaku-Tobi (against wall)
Special Moves
Annu Mutsube ☆ +
└►Annu Mutsube (Follow Up) +
Rera Mutsube ☆ +
Amube Yatoro ☆ +
Special Moves
Clinging to Mamahaha +
├►Yatoro Pokku +
└►Kamui Mutsube +
Super Moves
Irusuka Yatoro Rimuse ★ +
Inepu Ikashima
Wanpe Chuie ★
Climax Super
Kanto Kamui Mutsube +

Mui Mui[edit | edit source]

Daientou (close) or +
Hien Nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Nouten Kudaki +
Special Moves
Hien-Ryu Ken ☆ +
Ryusougeki ☆ +
├►Ryusougeki • Derivation 1 +
└►Ryusougeki • Derivation 2 +
 ├►Ryusougeki • 2-1 +
 └►Ryusougeki • 2-2 +
Special Moves
Ryusenshu ☆ +
Doraryutotsu ☆ (close) +
Super Moves
Higi • Chouryuha ★ +
Enten-Gouryuha ★ +
Climax Super
Seiryutenmei +

Love Heart[edit | edit source]

Strike Brain (close) or +
Goodbye Chicken (close) or +
Command Moves
Love Heel +
Special Moves
Sky Anchor ☆ +
Rush Heart ☆ +
Special Moves
Peace Slash ☆ +
Rising Heart ☆ +
Super Moves
Elision Wave ★ +
Sky Love Arrow ★ +
Climax Super
Senku Buster Sword +

Team Villains[edit | edit source]

Xanadu[edit | edit source]

Dark Pinch (close) or +
Dust Shoot (close) or +
Command Moves
Finding +
Special Moves
The • Sorrow ☆ +
The • Rapture ☆ +
Special Moves
The • Pleasure ☆ +
The • Rage ☆ +
Super Moves
The • Satisfaction ★ +
The • Distress ★ +
Climax Super
The • Wisdom +

Chang Koehan[edit | edit source]

Hagan Geki (close) or +
Nage Sute (close) or +
Command Moves
Hiki Nige +
Special Moves
Tekkyuu Daikaiten ☆
└►Tekkyuu Daikaiten (Cancel)
Special Moves
Dai Hakai Nage ☆ (close) +
Tekkyuu Funsai Geki ☆ +
Super Moves
Tekkyuu Dai Bousou ★ +
Tekkyuu Dai Assatsu ★ +
Climax Super
Tekkyuu Dai Ousatsu +

Choi Bounge[edit | edit source]

Jadou-Geri (close) or +
Zujou Sashi (close) or +
Command Moves
Mukuro Zuki +
Hagewashi-Geri +
Sankaku-Tobi (against wall)
Special Moves
Tatsumaki Shippuzan ☆ +
Hishou Kuretsuzan • Front ☆ +
(against wall)
 └►Shitotsu Bunki any direction+
Special Moves
Kuretsuzan • Back ☆
or +
(against wall)
 └►Shitotsu Bunki any direction+
Senpuu Hien Shitotsu ☆ +
└►Shitotsu Bunki any direction+
Kyoushuu Shitotsu ☆ +
Super Moves
Shin! Chouzetsu
Tatsumaki Shinkuzan ★
Shissou Kyoujinzan ★ +
Climax Super
Shin! Chouzetsu
Senpuu Hien Shitotsu

Team China[edit | edit source]

Shun'ei[edit | edit source]

Buster Knee Kick (close) or +
Aerial Leg Throw (close) or +
Command Moves
Sky Axe +
Special Moves
Scarlet Phantom ☆ +
Aqua Spear ☆ +
Rising Efreet ☆ +
Special Moves
Blau Wing ☆ +
Thruster Vision • Front ☆ +
Thruster Vision • Back ☆ +
Super Moves
Gaianic Burst ★ +
Specter Extension ★ +
Climax Super
Demolish Dimension +

Tung Fu Rue[edit | edit source]

Ressen-Shou (close) or +
Tetsuzankou (close) or +
Command Moves
Ukouryuu +
Special Moves
Senshippo ☆ +
Shou Ha ☆ +
Geki Hou ☆
Special Moves
Ressen Kyaku ☆ (close) +
Air • Senpuu Ken ☆ +
Super Moves
Senpuu Gou Ken ★ +
Dai Geki Hou ★ +
Climax Super
Kyoku • Koureishin +

Meitenkun[edit | edit source]

Feint Makura (close) or +
Makura Bomb (close) or +
Command Moves
Nezou Rangeki +
Special Moves
Makura Nage ☆ +
Sen-Siss Hou ☆ +
└►Sen-Siss Hou (Follow Up)
Special Moves
Geki Hou ☆ +
Ressen Kyaku ☆ +
Super Moves
Chou Geki Hou ★ +
Hakuchuu Musou ★ +
Climax Super
Daimeiten Hou +

Team K'[edit | edit source]

K'[edit | edit source]

Spotpile (close) or +
Knee Strike (close) or +
Command Moves
One Inch +
Knee Assault +
Special Moves
Ein Trigger ☆ +
├►Second Whip +
├►Second Shoot +
├►Second Knuckle +
├►Second Shell +
└►Blackout +
Special Moves
Blackout ☆ +
Crow Bite ☆ +
└►Crow Bite (Follow-Up) +
Minute Spike ☆ +
└►Narrow Spike +
Air Minute Spike ☆ +
Super Moves
Heat Drive ★ + (hold)
Chain Drive ★ +
Climax Super
Hyper Chain Drive +

Kula Diamond[edit | edit source]

Ice Coffin (close) or +
Ice Sledge (close) or +
Command Moves
One Inch +
Slider Shoot +
Special Moves
Crow Bite ☆ +
Diamond Breath ☆ +
Counter Shell ☆ +
Special Moves
Ray Spin ☆ +
├►Ray Spin (Stand) +
└►Ray Spin (Sit) +
Super Moves
Diamond Edge ★ +
Frozen Arena ★ +
Climax Super
Glacier Ridge +

Maxima[edit | edit source]

Dynamite Drop (close) or +
Drop Bomb (close) or +
Command Moves
M-9 Maxima Missile
Special Moves
M-4 Vapor Cannon ☆ +
Air M-4 Vapor Cannon ☆ +
M-19 Blitz Cannon ☆ +
Special Moves
Maxima Press ☆ +
└►Maxima Press (Follow-Up) +
Super Moves
Double Vapor Cannon ★ +
M-24 Atomic Laser ★ +
Climax Super
MX-III CIWS Launcher +

Team Ikari[edit | edit source]

Ralf Jones[edit | edit source]

Head Butt
(close) or +
Head Strike (close) or +
Command Moves
Jet Upper +
Special Moves
Ralf Kick ☆ +
Ralf Kick (Feint) +
Ralf Impact ☆ +
Special Moves
Dynamite Ralf Punch ☆ +
Vulcan Punch ☆
Gatling Attack ☆ +
Dive Bomber Punch ☆ +
Super Moves
Galactica Phantom ★ + (hold)
Bareback Vulcan Punch ★ +
Climax Super
Ralf Super Phalanx +

Clark Still[edit | edit source]

(close) or +
Fisherman Buster (close) or +
Death Lake
(close) or +
Command Moves
Stomping +
Step +
Special Moves
Mount Tackle ☆ +
├►Clark Lift +
├►Sleeper Lift (D.D.T.) +
 └►Flashing Elbow +
└►Rolling Cradler +
Special Moves
Super Argentine
Backbreaker ☆
(close) +
└►Flashing Elbow +
Vulcan Punch ☆
Gatling Attack ☆ +
└►Death Lake Driver +
Super Moves
Ultra Argentine
Backbreaker ★
(close) +
Running Three ★ +
Climax Super
Ultra Clark Buster +

Leona Heidern[edit | edit source]

Leona Crash
(close) or +
Leona Crash
(close) or +
Command Moves
Strike Arch +
Special Moves
Baltic Launcher ☆ +
Moon Slasher ☆ +
Earring Bomb ☆ +
Special Moves
Grand Saber ☆ +
└►Grand Saber (Follow Up) +
X-Calibur ☆ +
Super Moves
V-Slasher ★ +
Slash Saber ★ +
Climax Super
Leona Blade +

Team Southtown[edit | edit source]

Geese Howard[edit | edit source]

Ko Satsu Shou (close) or +
Shinkuu Nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Raikou Mawashi-Geri +
Tendou Kudaki +
Special Moves
Reppuu Ken ☆ +
Shippuu Ken ☆ +
Fudou Ken ☆ +
├►Fudou Ken • A +
├►Fudou Ken • Ba +
└►Fudou Ken • Un +
Special Moves
Jyoudan Atemi ☆ (counter) +
Chuudan Atemi (counter) +
Gedan Atemi ☆ (counter) +
Gouha Nage
(opponent down) +
Super Moves
Raigou Reppuu Ken ★ +
Oni Hanmon ★ (counter) +
Climax Super
Raging Storm +

Billy Kane[edit | edit source]

Jigoku Otoshi (close) or +
Ippon Tsuri Nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Dai Kaiten-Geri +
Boutakatobi-Geri +
Chokka Uchi +
Special Moves
Senpuu Kon ☆
Sansetsu Kon Chuudan Uchi ☆ +
└►Kaen Sansetsu Kon
Chuudan Uchi
Special Moves
Kyoushuu Hishou Kon ☆ +
Suzume Otoshi ☆ +
Super Moves
Chou Kaen Senpuu Kon ★ +
Guren Sakkon ★ +
Climax Super
Sakkon • Dai Shounetsu +

Hein[edit | edit source]

Skewer (close) or +
Pin (close) or +
Command Moves
Bayonet +
Blunder +
Special Moves
Pawn ☆ +
Knight ☆ +
Special Moves
Bishop ☆ +
Rook ☆ +
└►Castling +
Super Moves
Queen ★ +
King ★ +
Climax Super
Domination +

Team Fatal Fury[edit | edit source]

Terry Bogard[edit | edit source]

Buster Throw
(close) or +
Buster Throw
(close) or +
Command Moves
Back Knuckle +
Rising Upper +
Special Moves
Power Wave ☆ +
Burning Knuckle ☆ +
Special Moves
Crack Shoot ☆ +
Rising Tackle ☆ +
Power Charge ☆ +
Super Moves
Power Geyser ★ +
Buster Wolf ★ +
Climax Super
Star Dunk Volcano +

Andy Bogard[edit | edit source]

Kakaekomi Nage
(close) or +
Kakaekomi Nage
(close) or +
Command Moves
Hirate Uchi +
Genei Shiranui +
Special Moves
Zan-ei Ken ☆ +
Kuuha Dan ☆ +
└►Kuuha Dan (Brake)
Special Moves
Hishou Ken ☆ +
Shouryuu Dan ☆ +
Super Moves
Chou Reppa Dan ★ +
Zetsu • Hishou Ken ★ +
Climax Super
Chou • Shin • Soku •
Zan-ei Ken

Joe Higashi[edit | edit source]

Hiza-Jigoku (close) or +
Joe Special 2 (close) or +
Command Moves
Step High Kick +
Sliding +
High Kick +
Special Moves
Hurricane Upper ☆ +
Tiger Kick ☆ +
Special Moves
Slash Kick ☆ +
Bakuretsuken ☆
└►Bakuretsu Finish +
Ougon no Kakato ☆ +
Super Moves
Screw Upper ★ +
Baku-Sla Golden Tiger ★ +
Climax Super
Screw Premium

Team Women Fighters[edit | edit source]

King[edit | edit source]

Hold Rush (close) or +
Hook Buster (close) or +
Command Moves
Sliding +
Special Moves
Venom Strike ☆ +
Tornado Kick ☆ +
Trap Shot ☆ +
Super Moves
Surprise Rose ★ +
Silent Flash ★ +
Climax Super
Illusion Dance +

Mai Shiranui[edit | edit source]

Shiranui Gorin (close) or +
Fuusha Kuzushi (close) or +
Yume-Zakura (close) or +
Command Moves
Ukihane +
Sankaku-Tobi (against wall)
Special Moves
Ryuuenbu ☆ +
Kachousen ☆ +
Hissatsu Shinobi-Bachi ☆ +
Special Moves
Musasabi no Mai • Front ☆ +
Musasabi no
Mai • Back ☆
or +
Musasabi no Mai (Air) ☆ +
Super Moves
Chou Hissatsu
Shinobi-Bachi ★
Air Chou Hissatsu
Shinobi-Bachi ★
Kagerou no Mai ★ +
Climax Super
Ougi • Kunoichi

Alice[edit | edit source]

Chabudai Gaeshi (close) or +
Seoi Nage Huu (close) or +
Command Moves
Garnet Spin +
Special Moves
Tiger Crack ☆ +
Southtown Variation ☆ +
├►Charge +
└►Spin +
Special Moves
Wolf Combination ☆ +
└►Wolf Combination • Upper +
 └►Wolf Combination • Wave +
Diving Tackle ☆ +
Super Moves
Special Wolf Combination ★ +
Shadow Dunk ★ +
Climax Super
Full Set Alice +

Team Psycho Soldier[edit | edit source]

Athena Asamiya[edit | edit source]

Psychic Attack (close) or +
Psychic Throw (close) or +
Psychic Shoot (close) or +
Command Moves
Phoenix Bomb (Ground) +
Phoenix Bomb (Air) +
Special Moves
Psycho Ball Attack ☆ +
Psycho Sword ☆ +
Psycho Reflector ☆ +
Special Moves
Phoenix Arrow ☆ +
Super Psychic Throw ☆ (close) +
Psychic Teleport ☆ +
Super Moves
Shining Crystal Bit ★ +
Crystal Shoot ★ + (hold)
Climax Super
Athena Explosion +

Sie Kensou[edit | edit source]

Ryuu Housui (close) or +
Tomoe Nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Kobokushu +
Kosentai +
Special Moves
Choukyuudan ☆ +
Ryuugaku-Sai ☆ +
Ryuurenga • Chiryu +
Special Moves
Ryuurenga • Tenryu ☆ +
Ryuusou-Geki ☆ +
Senkyuu-Tai ☆ +
Super Moves
Shinryuu • Choukyuudan ★ +
Shinryuu Seio Rekkyaku ★ +
Climax Super
Zesshou Chirinshouha +

Chin Gentsai[edit | edit source]

Hougeki (close) or +
Gyaku Ashi Nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Uron Kouchuu +
Special Moves
Suiho ☆ (counter) +
Getsuga Chougeki ☆ +
Nikikyaku ☆ +
Special Moves
Kaitenteki Kuutotsu Ken ☆ +
Drinking ☆ +
Super Moves
Toukuu Hiten Hou ★ +
Tetsuzankou ★ +
Climax Super
Gouran Ennhou +

Team Art of Fighting[edit | edit source]

Ryo Sakazaki[edit | edit source]

Sanren Geki
(close) or +
Tomoe Nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Hyouchuu Wari +
Jyoudan Uke (counter) +
Gedan Uke (counter) +
Special Moves
Kohou ☆ +
Ko-Ou Ken ☆ +
Special Moves
Hien Shippuu Kyaku ☆ +
Zanretsuken ☆ +
Super Moves
Haoh Shoukou Ken ★ +
Ryuuko Ranbu ☆ +
Climax Super
Shin • Tenchi Haoh Ken +

Robert Garcia[edit | edit source]

Ryuuchou Kyaku (close) or +
Kubikiri Nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Ryuu Hanshuu +
Kouryuu Koukyaku-Geri +
Special Moves
Ryuu-Geki Ken ☆ +
Ryuuga ☆ +
Hien Senpuu Kyaku ☆ +
Special Moves
Hien Ryuujin Kyaku ☆ +
Gen-ei Kyaku ☆ +
Ryuuren •
Gen-ei Kyaku ☆
(close) +
Super Moves
Haoh Shoukou Ken ★ +
Ryuuko Ranbu ★ +
Climax Super
Mu-Ei Senpuu
Ryuu Zanshou

Yuri Sakazaki[edit | edit source]

Oni Harite (close) or +
Silent Nage (close) or +
Command Moves
Enyoku +
Yuri Raijin Kyaku +
Special Moves
Ko-Ou Ken ☆ +
Kuuga (Yuri Chou Upper) ☆ +
Saiha ☆ +
Raiou Ken ☆ +
Hyakuretsu Binta ☆ (close) +
Special Moves
Houyoku ☆ +
├►Hien Souha
├►Yuri Raijin Kyaku
├►Tsubame Otoshi (close)
└►Raiou Ken +
Super Moves
Chou Saiha
(Kyoukugenryu • Raiha) ★
Hien Houou Kyaku ★ +
Haoh Shoukou Ken ★ +
Climax Super
Chou! Ryuuko Ranbu +

Bosses[edit | edit source]

Antonov[edit | edit source]

President Lift (close) or +
President Toss (close) or +
Command Moves
President Binta +
Special Moves
Whale Stream ☆ +
Vertical Macho ☆ +
Gigantic Back ☆ +
Special Moves
Gigantic Back Press +
Bering Wave ☆ +
Super Moves
Tunguska Bomber ★ +
Kamchatka Collapse ★ +
Climax Super
Moby Dick Burst +

Verse[edit | edit source]

Giga Power Bomb (close) or +
Brain Stem Buster (close) or +
Command Moves
Star Crash +
Special Moves
Hate Knuckle ☆ +
Stray Hand ☆ +
Darkness Collision ☆ +
Stray Scaffold ☆ +
Special Moves
Dark Quanta +
├►Dark Quanta (Forward)
└►Dark Quanta (Backward)
Super Moves
Verse Ray ★ +
Meteor Verse ★ +
Climax Super
Grudge Dimension +

DLC characters[edit | edit source]

Blue Mary[edit | edit source]

Lock Kick (close) or +
Viktor Throw (close) or +
Command Moves
Hammer Arch +
Double Rolling or +
Climbing Arrow +
Special Moves
Straight Slicer ☆ +
├►Crab Clutch +
└►Stun Fang +
Vertical Arrow ☆ +
└►M. Snatcher +
Special Moves
Spin Fall ☆ +
└►M. Spider +
Real Counter ☆ +
└►Backdrop Real +
M. Breaker ☆ +
Super Moves
M. Typhoon ★ +
M. Splash Rose ★ +
Climax Super
M. Dynamite Swing +

Heidern[edit | edit source]

Lead Belcher (close) or +
Backstabbing (close) or +
Command Moves
Shooter Narnagel +
Special Moves
Cross Cutter ☆ +
Moon Slasher ☆ +
Storm Bringer ☆ (close)+
Special Moves
Stinger ☆ +
Assault Saber ☆ +
Super Moves
Heidern End ★ +
Heidern Slash ★ +
Climax Super
Gae Bolg +

Najd[edit | edit source]

Piercing Malice (close) or +
Blinding Mercy (close) or +
Command Moves
Wings of Eternity +
Storm of Valor +
Special Moves
Alluring Rains ☆ +
Blade of Purity ①☆ +
└►Blade of Purity ② +
 └►Blade of Purity ③ +
Special Moves
Vow of Glory ☆ +
The Enduring Dream +
Calamity Flash ☆ +
Retribution of the Unknown ☆ Hold and release
Super Moves
Exhale of the Earth ★ +
Virtue of Deceit ★ +
Climax Super
Scorching Fate +

Oswald[edit | edit source]

2 (close) or +
3 (close) or +
Command Moves
10 +
J +
Special Moves
Q ☆ +any button
K ☆ (counter) +
♠ ☆ + (to ♥, ♦, or ♣ up to 3x)
Special Moves
♥ ☆ + (to ♠, ♦, or ♣ up to 3x)
♦ ☆ + (to ♠, ♥, or ♣ up to 3x)
♣ ☆ + (to ♠, ♥, or ♦ up to 3x)
A (from ♥) +
Super Moves
♠♥♦♣ ★ + (hold)
10 • J • Q • K • A ★ +
Climax Super

Rock Howard[edit | edit source]

Fangs and Claws (close) or +
Kokusen (close) or +
Command Moves
Elbow Spike +
Parabola Kick +
Special Moves
Reppuken ☆ +
Hard Edge ☆ +
Rising Tackle ☆ +
Special Moves
Rage Run - Type "Dunk" ☆ +
Rage Run - Type "Shift" +
Crack Counter ☆ (counter) +
Shinkuu Nage ☆ (close) +
Super Moves
Shining Knuckle ★ +
Raging Storm ★ + (hold)
Climax Super
Neo Deadly Rave +

Ryuji Yamazaki[edit | edit source]

Kachikomi (close) or +
(close) or +
Command Moves
Eviscerator +
Slam +
Special Moves
Serpent Slash ☆ + or or
└►Serpent Slash (Keep) (hold)
 └►Serpent Slash Cancel
Badda-Bing ☆
(close) +
Special Moves
Double Return ☆ +
Sadomaso ☆ (counter) +
Spray Sand +
Fight of Tempering ☆ +
Super Moves
Guillotine ★ +
Pit Viper ★ +
Climax Super
Drill (close) +

Vanessa[edit | edit source]

Barrett Puncher (close) or +
Clinch Puncher (close) or +
Command Moves
One-Two Puncher +
Sliding Puncher +
Special Moves
Machine Gun Puncher ☆ +
Dash Puncher ☆ +
Parrying Puncher ☆ +
Puncher Vision ☆ or +
├►Puncher Upper +
├►Puncher Straight +
└►Puncher Weaving +
Special Moves
Puncher Weaving ☆ + (hold)
├►Dash Puncher +
├►Parrying Puncher +
├►Puncher Vision (Forward) +
└►Puncher Vision (Backward) +
Super Moves
Crazy Puncher ★ +
Champion Puncher ★ (close) +
Climax Super
Infinity Puncher +

Whip[edit | edit source]

Strike Three (close) or +
Assassin Trap (close) or +
Command Moves
Whip Shot +
Talon Shot +
Special Moves
Boomerang Shot "Code:SC" ☆ +
Strength Shot Type A
"Code: Superior" ☆
+ (hold)
Strength Shot Type B
"Code: Strength"
+ (hold)
Strength Shot Type C
"Code: Victory"
+ (hold)
Special Moves
Strength Shot
Type D "Code: Candy"
(from A/B/C)
Hook Shot
"Code: Zephyr" ☆
Crescent Swatter "Code: FS" ☆ +
Super Moves
Sonic Slaughter "Code: KW" ★ +
Destruction Barrage
"Code: YGW" ★
Climax Super
Depravity Branding
"Code: FA"