Dungeon Despise[edit | edit source]
If you followed this walkthrough, you cleared this dungeon already, but I'll repeat here what can be found in it. This is the first dungeon for one main reason: it's the only one whose map is in the manual!
Annon of Britain knows the Word of Power to open Despise ("Vilis" means "worthless" in ancient Latin).
The entrance to the dungeon is East of Britain, along the road to Minoc.
FLOOR 1 | 2 chests, blue potion, flaming oil; |
FLOOR 2 | white talisman, red potion, mani talisman (blue), 2 chests; |
FLOOR 3 | 3 chests; |
FLOOR 4 | 2 chests, yellow potion, Sant talisman (red), 2 blue potions, An-Tym scroll (pink); |
FLOOR 5 | white talisman, food, An-Tym scroll; meet Captain Johne. |
Dungeon Covetous[edit | edit source]
Another dungeon that should have been cleared long ago. Why? Because Ambrose of Minoc told you that the powerful Avatar's Arms are at the bottom of this dungeon.
Fiona of Minoc knows the Word of Power to open Covetous ("Avidus" means "greedy" in ancient Latin).
The entrance to the dungeon is along the coast South-West of Minoc.
FLOOR 1 | Mani scroll (white), gold coins, gold scroll; |
FLOOR 2 | An-Tym scroll (pink), 2 chests, food, sulfurous ash, Mani scroll (white); |
FLOOR 3a | Mani talisman (blue); |
FLOOR 3b | Gold coins, flaming oil, chest, 2 blue potions, black pearls, gold scroll, 2 an-tym scrolls, mani scroll; |
FLOOR 4 | Sant talisman, 7 chests; |
FLOOR 5 | 4 Magic Armours, 4 Magic Shields, 2 Magic Swords, Magic Axe, Magic Bow. |
Dungeon Wrong[edit | edit source]
Sin'Vraal of Minoc told you that the Shard of Hatred is at the bottom of this dungeon. He also told you that Astaroth is the name of the Shadowlord of Hatred. (Astaroth or Ishtar was actually the name of the Mesopotamic goddess of love).
Felespar of Yew, captive in Britain Castle, knows the Word of Power to open Wrong ("Malum" means "evil" in ancient Latin).
The entrance to the Dungeon is not far from the long road from Britain to Minoc. Starting from Britain, follow the road North-East, but when it starts turning South, go North along the coast instead. You'll eventually reach the entrance of Dungeon Wrong.
FLOOR 1 | 5 Gold Coins; |
FLOOR 2 | 1 chest, 50 GC, two-handed axe, spiked shield, dagger, 4 arrows; |
FLOOR 3a | 2 chests, Mani scroll, 150 GC; |
FLOOR 3b | red potion, blue potion, 5 torches, 75+25 GC, short sword, club, leather armor, 2 wood shields, sling, spear, dagger; |
FLOOR 4 | 3 chests, black potion, 2 blue potions, red potion, white talisman, plate mail, chain mail, sword, curved heater, bow, dagger, 60 arrows; |
FLOOR 5 | Shard of Hatred. |
Exit the Dungeon and go to Empath Abbey, the Castle of Love. Talk to Lord Michael and obtain the Horn of Summons. Access the room with the Flame of Love. Stand in front of the Flame, and prepare the Gem Shard and the Horn. Blow the Horn to summon Astaroth, then quickly burn the Shard of Hatred in the Flame of Love.
One Shadowlord is defeated.
Dungeon Deceit[edit | edit source]
Leonna of Empath Abbey told you that the Shard of Falsehood is at the bottom of this dungeon.
Malifora of Moonglow, in the Lycaeum, knows the Word of Power to open Deceit ("Fallax" means "deceitful" in ancient Latin).
The entrance to this dungeon is on the island North of the Lycaeum and South of the Shrine of Honesty.
FLOOR 1a | Ginseng, 25 GC, dagger; |
FLOOR 2a | Sant talisman, 5 sulfurous ashes, 15+150 GC; |
FLOOR 1b | Mani scroll, white potion, 8 blood moss, 2 black pearls, 2 flaming oil; |
FLOOR 2b | Mani talisman, black potion, An-tym scroll; |
FLOOR 3 | chest, white talisman, Sant talisman, yellow potion, blue potion, 2 red potions, Mani scroll, gold scroll, 5 black pearls, 5 nightshades, 5 mandrakes; |
FLOOR 4 | chest, 1 food; An-tym scroll; Mani talisman, blue talisman, Sant talisman, blue potion, 3 spidersilks; |
FLOOR 5 | Shard of Falsehood. |
Exit the Dungeon and go to the Lycaeum, the Castle of Truth. Talk to the Lord of the Lycaeum and obtain the Horn of Summons. Access the room with the Flame of Truth. Stand in front of the Flame, and prepare the Gem Shard and the Horn. Blow the Horn to summon Faulinei, then quickly burn the Shard of Falsehood in the Flame of Truth.
The second Shadowlord is defeated.
Dungeon Hythloth[edit | edit source]
Gardner in Serpent's Hold told you that the Shard of Cowardice is at the bottom of this dungeon.
Hassad of New Magincia, captive in Blackthorn's Castle, knows the Word of Power to open Hythloth ("Ignavus" means "lazy" in ancient Latin).
This dungeon is on the same island with the Shrine of Humility and the Codex. The entrance is in the inner part of the great eastern bay.
FLOOR 1 | |
FLOOR 2 | |
FLOOR 3 | |
FLOOR 4 | |
Exit the Dungeon and go to Serpent's Hold, the Castle of Courage. Talk to Lord Malone and obtain the Horn of Summons. Access the room with the Flame of Courage. Stand in front of the Flame, and prepare the Gem Shard and the Horn. Blow the Horn to summon Nosfentor, then quickly burn the Shard of Cowardice in the Flame of Courage.
The last Shadowlord is defeated.
Dungeon Destard[edit | edit source]
Lady Tessa of Bordermarch told you that the Amulet lies in the underworld. She didn't specify that it is actually under Dungeon Destard.
Goeth of Jhelom knows the Word of Power to open Destard ("Inopia" means "poverty" in ancient Latin).
The entrance to Dungeon Destard is near Trinsic. Leave the town from the West gate, and follow the river to the South-West. At the top of the valley you'll find the entrance to Dungeon Destard.
FLOOR 1a | 2+3 Ashes |
FLOOR 2a | - |
FLOOR 1b | - |
FLOOR 2b | Black potion, 140 GC |
FLOOR 3a | 50 GC |
FLOOR 1c | 7 Ashes, 65+50 GC |
FLOOR 2c, 3b, 2d, 1d | 1 Chest |
FLOOR 2e | 1 Chest, Yellow potion |
FLOOR 3c | 8+15+9+20 Ashes, 1 Food, 2 Chests |
FLOOR 4a | 5+5+3+10+5+5+5+6 Ashes (44), 6 Chests, 35+50+200 GC |
FLOOR 4b | - |
FLOOR 5 | Morning star, Sword, Two-handed axe, Curved heather, Chain mail, Amulet |
Dungeons Shame & Doom[edit | edit source]
Getting ready[edit | edit source]
Before you enter Dungeon Shame, make sure you own all of the following five items. Many characters around Britannia told and re-told you that you absolutely need them. Also, before accessing Dungeon Shame you should spend all your money, since you won't need it anymore. I suggest to buy loads of reagents and yellow potions.
1. The flying carpet Sutek told you the Carpet is necessary to access Dungeon Doom, and this is actually under Dungeon Shame. You should have this since long, long ago. Bandaii of Paws told you it was in Lord British's room in Britain Castle.
2. Lord British's amulet Lady Tessa of Bordermarch told you the Amulet too is necessary to access Dungeon Doom. OK, you just retrieved this from Dungeon Destard.
3. Lord British's crown Sir Simon of Bordermarch told you that the Crown protects from any enemy spell. Someone (who???) told you that Blackthorn is keeping it in his castle for this reason. But first you need a special item. Go to New Magincia and tell Elistaria the Oppression Password you learned from Flain of Skara Brae. Elistaria will give you a Black Badge. Now sail to Blackthorn's Castle and wear the Black Badge. This item and the Oppression password will persuade Blackthorn to let you pass and access his room. There, in plain view, is the Crown. And, since you don't need the black badge anymore, feel free to discard it.
4. Lord British's sceptre (and the glass sword) Sir Simon of Bordermarch told you that the Sceptre is held in the "Earthly Fortress" of the Shadowlords. This is Stonegate, in the mountains between Britain and Minoc. First of all, you need the grapple. Talk to Bidney in Buccaneer's Den, if you didn't already, then ask the Grapple to Lord Michael of Empath Abbey. Now, where's the best place to start climbing the mountains? Follow the road from Britain towards Minoc, first North-East, then South-East. When the road starts turning Nort-East again, you go North-West instead, in a corner between the mountains. Attack the rock with the grapple, and in few steps you should be past it. The Sceptre is in the fortress of Stonegate, guarded by a dumb gargoyle.
How about the Glass Sword? You followed a track by talking to Justin and Greyson in Britain Castle, Malik at the Lycaeum, Sven in Buccaneer's Den. Well then, go back to Britain now. From the entrance of Castle Britannia, follow the moat West and North. Then, follow the moat river further North to its spring in the Serpent's Spine Mountains. Get to the North-eastern-most corner in the vale, and use the Grapple again to climb. The Glass Sword should soon come in plain view, ready to be taken by the Avatar. You can discard the grapple now.
5. The sandalwood box Fiona of Minoc told you to use the sandalwood box from Lord British's room. Talk to Kenneth in Paws: he'll give you a Music Sheet and tell you to practice on a harpsicord. A harpsicord is actually a Renaissance version of the modern piano. There is one in Lord British's room in Britain castle, the same room with an annoying portcullis. Guess what? Play the music sheet on the harpsicord, and the portcullis will magically lift! Now you can finally get the Sandalwood Box and discard the music sheet.
Dungeon Shame[edit | edit source]
Sindar of Trinsic knows the Word of Power to open Shame ("Infamia" means "dishonor" in ancient Latin).
The enrance to Dungeon Shame is actually near Yew. Walk around the town and continue South along the coast to find the guardian statue.
FLOOR 1 | 3 chests, 25+50+50 GC |
FLOOR 2 | 3 blue potions, 5 chests, 100+75+50+50 GC |
FLOOR 3a | 10 chests, 250 GC |
FLOOR 4a | 7 chests |
FLOOR 3b | 2 chests |
FLOOR 4b | - |
FLOOR 5 | entrance to Dungeon Doom |
Dungeon Doom[edit | edit source]
This Dungeon lies under Dungeon Shame. We can say that the two form a single dungeon on nine levels.
FLOOR 1a | Use the Sceptre to remove te barrier to the right. Follow the passage until you get to the stairs. |
FLOOR 2a | Follow the passage North, and climb the stairs. |
FLOOR 1b | Feel free to explore this passage: there's just a stair. |
FLOOR 2b | In this passage there's a lonely Blue Potion, and a stair. |
FLOOR 3a | Follow the passage to the south until you get to an opening. Pick up four blue potions, then climb the stairs up. |
FLOOR 2c, 1b | Just a short corridor and a dome |
FLOOR 2a again | A different part of a previously visited area. Follow the passage as North as possible, ignore the first ladder you'll meet and climb the second one. |
FLOOR 1c, 2d, 3b | A dome and a short corridor. There are two blue potions on the second floor. |
FLOOR 4a | Although more vast than the previous three passages, the only thing worth a note is a single blue potiaon. |
Fiona of Minoc told you to use the sandalwood box in front of a mirror deep underground.