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Magic City Gariland


The chapter exists as a flash back from the previous event and starts with several cadets talking about the Death Corps.

Ramza and Delita talk about Prince Larg and Marquis Elmdor of Limberry their visit regarding the Hokuten Knights all over Ivalice. A Hokuten Knight addresses them about barbarians in Final Fantasy Tactics/Places/Gallione and about the cadets assignment to guard Igros Castle. A female Knight rushes in and then you're assigned to destroy thieves going through town.


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After the battle go into the formation menu and find the two Female Units with the best faith (I'll refer to them as Charmaine and Scarlet from now on) and the male with the best brave (I'll call him Pado).

Unequip everything from the other generic units then order them by hp. Turn Scarlet and Charmaine into Chemists and have Ramza, Delita and Mark be Squires. If Ramza has enough JP to learn Gained JP Up then have him do so. Equip it as a Support. Give your three male units Item as a secondary and give the females Basic Skill secondary. Make sure one of the Chemists has Phoenix Down learned, if neither do then have Ramza learn it. Make sure all 5 of your party has Potion learned if possible.

Buy about 15 Potions at the shop and give all your Squires a Board Sword. Give Charmaine the Mythril Knife. Unequip the Battle Boots from Ramza and give them to Charmaine.

Attempt to move to Mandalia Plains to start a story sequence.

In the sequence, Balbanes (Ramza's father) is dying, and Zalbag and Lord Dycedarg assure him that the war is about to end. Balbanes is releived but Alma doesn't take it as well. Ramza comes in to talk to his father before he ultimatly dies.

Go to Mandalia Plains to start the next battle.

Mandalia Plains


This battle begins with a question: choose to do you duty and destroy the Death Corps or save the man who is under attack. Choosing "1. Our duty is to destroy the Death Corps." will give you 10 additional Brave for the battle and 2 permanent Brave points. That choice would sort of go against the spirit of what your father told you to do on his deathbed though. If you choose "2. Saving him is our priority." and the man dies then you will lose the battle.

I'd choose the first because there is no downside and Algus could possibly die and you'd be fine.


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Algus then talks with Ramza and Delita before they head off to Igros Castle.