Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare/Blackout

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  • Eliminate the outer guard posts.
  • Meet the Russian Loyalists at the field.
  • Provide sniper support from the road.
  • Cut off enemy reinforcements at the power station.
  • Provide sniper support from the cliff above town.
  • Provide sniper support.
  • Follow Kamarov to the power station.
  • Rappel down from the power station.
  • Rescue the informant.
  • Get Nikolai to the helicopter.

Eliminate the Outer Guard Posts[edit]

10 Gamerscore points
Kill an enemy while blinded by a flashbang

When you get close to the enemy, take him out with either of your weapons, the sniper rifle (M21 Suppressed) is silenced so maybe it is better to use that. His comrade will see him so take him out quickly. Then go to the shack to the left and wait for one of your comrades to throw in a flashbang, if you are looking in the doorway and line up your sights to the enemies bodies before they throw the flashbang you can get the Daredevil achievement, if you don't then there are other places to get this achievement or you can replay the level. There is some intelligence in the hut so get that as well then follow Captain Price.

Meet the Russian Loyalists in the Field[edit]

You will see a shack with a doorway, when you are told, plant both claymores at both sides of the doorway then get seen or shoot the sleeping enemy in the chair on the second shack, now run away and the claymores will kill them. There will be a few other enemies in the shack above that one, so just check you killed the two enemies in the first shack then use it as cover, maybe throw in a grenade or flashbang as there are quite a few enemies. After you have killed all the enemies, go through the buildings and get to the field.

Provide Sniper Support from the Road[edit]

shoot through the wall here

Kamarov will lead you to a road where you should snipe from, get out your rifle and kill the two machine-gunners to the left of the battlefield. You will have to shoot through the wall to get the second one, then continue picking off the enemies around the area until you are told to move on.

Cut off Enemy Reinforcements at the Power Station[edit]

The Grenade Launcher in action

Kill the first wave of enemies with your sniper rifle/assault rifle, then when the second wave comes, get out your grenade launcher and fire of a few rounds, then kill the rest with your weapon of choice remembering to throw back or run away from any grenades.

Provide Sniper Support from the Cliff Above Town[edit]

Shoot the snipers in the building then continue to kill the troops.

Use your sniper rifle to take out the three enemies sniping right under you, kill them then kill anyone you see until you are told to move on. Now follow Kamarov up the road. When you are told to rappel, press the use key when you are near the rope.

Rescue the Informant[edit]

Take cover behind the tractor when the enemies are gone then go inside the building

This is fairly hard, you will be in a courtyard with lots of enemies in, you may want to use the remaining grenade launcher ammunition as this is the last major fight.

Wait for the enemies to come then kill them.

After a few kills, start going towards the building to the left, there will be an enemy hiding to the right of the door, firing out the window. Throw a flashbang then go in and kill the enemy some enemies will come out of the next door, go prone and hide under the desk, shooting at their feet when they come in. Wait for your squad to go in and kill them, look out the window and you will see a few enemies outside, kill them then look into the next room through the window, kill them then go outside and up the hill to the house where Nikolai is in.

Shoot the table but don't shoot Gaz at the window

Now go up the road and go to the front door of the building while Gaz cuts the power, kill the enemy in the room and then go upstairs, you will enter a room with an enemy in the corner with a pistol, kill him then you will see a table, shoot that as there is an enemy behind it. Gaz will go past the window, make sure not to shoot him. Now go to the right, you will see Nikolai in a room, watch out as there is an enemy in there too, so throw a flashbang and go in and kill him or maybe plant a claymore and wait, though watch out in case you kill Nikolai.

Get Nikolai to the Helicopter[edit]

Don't forget to pick up the intelligence in the bathroom opposite the room where Nikolai is

Firstly go to the room directly opposite the room Nikolai was in and get the piece of Intelligence in there then get to the helicopter and press jump to get in it to end the level.

The Rescue
40 Gamerscore points
The Rescue
Complete this Mission on Veteran to get this
Dancing in the Dark
20 Gamerscore points
Dancing in the Dark
Complete this Mission to get this