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Talk to the Mimiga near the warp point and you will be asked to go retrieve his house key. Follow the path until you see a small ditch surrounded by enemies. The mimiga's key will be in the center underneath the platform. Kill the enemies and grab the key. Go back to Santa and give the key back and he will invite you inside his house. Follow him and talk to him once he is inside his house. You will receive the Fireball for your efforts.

Secret Item
Right after you examine the fireplace and talk to Chaco for the first time, sleep in her bed to receive Chaco's Lipstick.

Head out again and follow the path until you reach Chaco's House. Enter her house and examine the fireplace. Chaco will then talk to you and tell you that an item called Jellyfish Juice is needed to put out her fire and proceed. Exit her house and go back to where you found Santa's Key. Jump onto the platform above it and shoot the Giant Jellyfish perched on the ceiling to initiate a battle. The fight with the Giant Jellyfish is really quite easy, just shoot upwards until it is dead. It might fly downwards and hit you, causing five points of damage, but it shouldn't kill you. After you defeat the it, it will drop a chest containing Jellyfish Juice.

After you get the Juice, go left back to the warp portal and return to Arthur's House. Once you are back in the Village, go to the Assembly Hall and use the Jellyfish Juice on the fireplace in the Hall. You will find another weapon, called the Bubbler. Proceed back to Arthur's House and teleport back to Grasstown.

Heart Container
You will see a pair of platforms with four breakable blocks. Climb to the top platform then follow the hanging blocks to the left to reach the container.

Once you are back in Grasstown, go back and fight the Giant Jellyfish again to get more Jellyfish Juice. Go to Santa's House with the Jellyfish Juice and use it on his fireplace to receive charcoal. Go and fight the Giant Jellyfish for a third time to get even more Jellyfish Juice. Return to Chaco's house and pour the Jellyfish Juice into her fireplace to gain passage over the wall and into the second half of Grasstown. Head right but be careful of the numerous hidden pits.

Eventually you will fall down a wall that you cannot get back up. Keep going right after this. Eventually you will see a house with a purple vehicle in front of it. Try to open the door to this house and you will see an icon appear over a crack in the side of the house. Examine this crack to start dialog with a mystery character. Agree to help them and you will receive a rusty key. Use the key on the door then go back and talk to the mystery character again. Head back to the ledge you fell down and use the key to go into the house located underneath it.

Power Room

Go over to the computer on the left side of the room and turn on the power. A robot will turn on and attack you but he will be crushed by Balrog. You will then have to fight Balrog again (Boss strategy here). After you defeat him and Balrog runs off, examine the crushed robot. Pull him out of the ground and talk to him. He will then ask you to get him three ingredients for his bomb: Charcoal, Jellyfish Juice and Gum Base.

Grasstown Part 2

  • When you leave the power room, you will notice that the fans are now on. When you are floating, press jump to float even higher
  • Using the fans, go over the ledge and back to where the giant jellyfish is. *Fight him for the last time to get Jellyfish Juice
  • Head back to the 2nd Grasstown area. This time instead of using Chaco’s fireplace, use the fan right outside her house to get over the wall.
  • Right after the first save point in the 2nd Grasstown area is a double set of fans with some frogs, bats and ghosts around it, use the fans to get on top of the platform opposite the platform with the save point on it
  • Jump on some platforms to the right and at the end will be your first Missile expansion
  • Drop down to the locked house with the person inside, examine the crack in the wall to talk to him. He will give you the Gum Key.
  • Use the fan to the right of the house to get to the abandoned house (Grasstown Hut) directly above it, go inside.
  • Examine the bed to get the message “Red petals lie scattered on the ground…”
  • Open the treasure chest to get another missile expansion and you will also be attacked by a monster.
  • Mini-boss battle: Just shoot the monster with your polar star as fast as you can, don’t worry about damage much, as it can be taken down within 5 seconds.
  • After you beat the monster, exit the house
  • Continue until you see a door with a skull and crossbones over it, this is the Execution Chamber, enter it.
  • Once you are inside the execution chamber, shoot the breakable block to the left, then immediately run to the far left. A monster will fall down, and if you are under it, you will be killed instantly
  • Jump onto the fallen monster then jump up to the next level
  • Kill the monster that didn’t fall down and jump onto the breakable block that it was on.
  • Shoot the block above you and jump up to get the Heart Container
  • Drop back down and kill the only monster left to exit the chamber
  • Continue to your right until you reach the far right side, where there will be a save point and a series of fans
  • Strongly recommend you save
  • To make it over the gaps, jump at the very end of the platforms and hold forward, the fans will push you the rest of the way, try to have as much missile ammo and health as you can before you open the door with your Gum Key, because it is your first serious boss battle.


  • Walk forward and open the treasure chest. Inside it will be the Gum Base
  • Misery and Balrog will come down and after a short chat Balrog will be turned into a frog.
  • Boss Battle Frog Balrog (3rd): Okay, the first serious battle. Use the fans to jump over Balrog when he gets near you (roughly the treasure chest and the door for their respective sides is when you can make it over him) and use the polar star to kill the frogs that fall down for some health/missiles/experience points. When he opens his mouth, launch as many missiles as you can into it to cause damage. When his health bar is halfway depleted, he will make a large jump, causing lots and lots of big/little frogs to fall down, shoot them to get more experience points. Repeat until he is dead.
  • After you beat Balrog, exit Gum

Leaving Grasstown

  • Go back to the robot and he will make you an explosive
  • Go to the locked door with the person inside it and blow it up. The person inside is revealed to be Kazuma, Sue’s brother.
  • After talking to Professor Booster and Kazuma, save and then if you want, you can examine the teleporter, but it doesn’t work, go outside after you are done
  • Booster and Kazuma will fly away, go back to the teleporter at the very beginning of the level and warp back to Arthur’s house.

Arthur’s House

  • Talk to Sue to trigger a conversation
  • Save if you want to then go to the teleporter
  • Warp to the Sand Zone