Aliens versus Predator 2/Predator

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Interface[edit | edit source]

File:Aliens versus Predator 2 Predator controls.png
  1. Your current health. When it drops to 0, you die. The limit is 60.
  2. Your current energy. It's used for most tools, abilities and some weapons. The limit is 60.
  3. The number of ammo you have for current weapon. Remember that some weapons use your energy instead of ammo.
  4. The number of trophies (heads taken from enemies) you've obtained during current level. While this number affects nothing, it might be just fun to see it increasing.

Moves and Tools[edit | edit source]

Next/previous vision mode[edit | edit source]

Unlike other characters, the predator has more than two vision modes meaning that he can cycle them in reverse as well. Here are those modes:

  • Regular vision: That's your basic vision. No pros and cons.
  • Human vision: You see everything in blue. Humans are highlighted in red-yellow-green. Auto-aim weapons will target humans. If you've seen the original Predator movie, you will be familiar with this vision.
  • Alien vision: You see everything in red. Aliens are highlighted in white. Auto-aim weapons will target aliens.
  • Night vision: You see everything bright and clear but in some weird palette. It's impossible to fight in this vision since all enemies are transparent being next to invisible. However, this is the only vision that shows predators.

Leap[edit | edit source]

Press the jump button while crouching. You will make a really high vertical leap which is sometimes needed to reach certain areas. This trick needs a few seconds to recharge.

Zoom in/out[edit | edit source]

You can zoom in and out using any weapon including melee.

Charge emitter[edit | edit source]

This tool works just like marine's hacking device. Switch to this tool when the game tells you to.

Cloak[edit | edit source]

Makes you invisible and slowly drains your energy. Enemies will still see you when you come too close and you can still be heard. Some enemies like aliens, turrets and synthets cannot be fooled by your cloak. Stepping into the water turns off your cloak.

Disc retrieve[edit | edit source]

This maneuver drains quite an amount of your energy and gets you your self-guided disc back. It also makes you visible if you're using a cloak.

Energy sift device[edit | edit source]

While this device is activated, your energy will be restoring to the maximum. This reduces your speed and does not allow using any other devices and weapons, so don't sift energy without finding some cover first.

Medicomb device[edit | edit source]

This device drains quite an amount of energy, but while it's activated, your health will be constantly restoring. Just like an energy sift device, it slows you down and makes you vulnerable to enemies' attacks.

Weapons[edit | edit source]

Wristblades[edit | edit source]

Your regular melee weapon. It's not very powerful but thanks to a lot of gadgets you possess you will be able to use your wristblades without getting yourself shot. On higher difficulty levels you will have to land a head punch to kill your victim with a single hit.

  • Fire: Makes a fast and weak punch.
  • Alt-Fire: Hold alt-fire to gain power and release the button to make a powerful strike.

Combistick[edit | edit source]

A good alternative to wristblades, a combistick has better reach and is a bit faster. It's also the only weapon that can pierce through praetorians' armor.

  • Fire: Two fast swings.
  • Alt-Fire: One powerful overhead swing.

Pistol[edit | edit source]

Sounds too trite, but this weapon is nothing like a regular human pistol. It doesn't require special ammo using your energy instead.

  • Fire: Fires a shot that produces a small blast upon impact. Don't stand too close to your target while shooting.
  • Alt-Fire: Makes three consequent shots that fly in an arc. These shots don't deal any damage but stun targets instead. They work even on armored praetorians but are ineffective on bosses. If you are caught in a blast, your energy level will drop do 0 and your speed will be reduced dramatically for a few seconds.

Speargun[edit | edit source]

Fires a spear which deals moderate damage. Try to land a headshot. You can pick up shot spears and reuse them. If you kill a human with the speargun, their head will be pinned. Use the pinned head to gain a trophy and take back the spear.

  • Fire: Fires a spear.
  • Alt-Fire: Fires a spear as well. Unlike sniper rifle, you will have to zoom in manually using special buttons.

Plasmacaster[edit | edit source]

It's a powerful self-guided shoulder cannon you saw in the movie. To use this weapon efficiently you need to switch to a different view mode first (blue for humans and red for aliens). Then aim this weapon and wait for a few seconds. As the triangle is formed, you are ready to fire a plasmacaster.

  • Fire: Fires an explosive projectile that deals massive damage in a small radius. It you've waited long enough before firing, it will be self-guided. Otherwise, it will fly in a straight path.
  • Alt-Fire: No effect.

Disc[edit | edit source]

Works just like a plasmacaster, but this weapon deals damage to a single target. You have only one disc, so you have to retrieve it after you throw it. Retrieving the disc is made with a special button (see controls) and turns off your cloak.

  • Fire: Throws a disc that deals damage to one target. It you've waited long enough before firing, it will be self-guided. Otherwise, it will fly in a straight path.
  • Alt-Fire: No effect.

Netgun[edit | edit source]

This weapon is a really weird one. Netgun fires a net that doesn't deal any damage but stuns the target instead. It also has a very limited ammo so you won't be able to use it frequently. The only place where it makes sense to use it is in a human base right after you obtain it. Shortly after that you will receive a better arsenal and a set of tools making the netgun completely useless.

  • Fire: Fires a net that stuns the target for a few seconds. If you don't kill the target quickly, it will stand up and fight back.
  • Alt-Fire: No effect.

Remote bomb[edit | edit source]

This bomb is thrown not too far away and explodes on your command. Good for ambushes as well as fighting enemies in narrow spaces when you know where they will come from.

  • Fire: Throws a bomb.
  • Alt-Fire: Detonates all previously thrown bombs.