Fire Emblem/The Port of Badon (Hector)

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Chapter 17x: The Port of Badon
Chapter 17x: The Port of Badon Objective Talk to Farghus Recommended Members
New Member Canas Canas - Level 8 Shaman
Boss: Damian
Damian Class Paladin STR 12 DEF 14
Level 5 Skill 7 RES 13
HP 34 SPD 5 Move 8
Weapon Killing Edge Luck 2 CON 11

If you are very weak, go to the north and pass behind the shop to go to the deck and finish the map quickly

If not, you can exploit the arena at the bottom at the map for exp and gold. This should be after your first Hero Crest if you looted a chest from the previous map.

If you do want to exploit the arena, bring Guy, Dorcas, Bartre or Raven alongside with Serra or Priscilla.