Nebulasray/Stage 1

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Welcome to the game. Once the Fighting Rays have flown into view (from the bottom-left and bottom-right corners of the screen), rotated to face the top of the screen and started moving forward five Flyers will come flying down towards them from the top of the screen while firing pink lasers at them; once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, a Capsule will come flying down towards you from the top of the screen, while firing pink lasers at you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, it will leave a Speed Up ("S") powerup behind - and once you have collected it three Spinners will fly into view from the left and right sides of the screen while firing pink lasers at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them ten more Flyers will come flying down towards you from the top of the screen, while firing pink lasers at you; once you have fired a shot at each of these to kill them, you will come to a Fortress Ship that is firing pink lasers at you (from its position on the left side of the screen). Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, it will leave a Point (no letter) powerup behind - and once you have collected this for 3000 extra points five more Flyers will come flying down towards you from the top of the screen while firing pink lasers at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of these to kill them, you will come up to two more Fortress Ships, that are firing pink lasers at you from their positions in the centre of and on the right side of the screen; once you have fired enough shots at both of them to kill them the one in the centre of the screen will leave a second Point powerup behind. Once you have collected it for 3000 more extra points, twenty more Flyers will come flying down towards you from the top of the screen, while firing pink lasers at you - and once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, a second Capsule will come flying down towards you from the top of the screen, while firing pink lasers at you. Once you have fired enough shots at it, to kill it, it'll leave a Defense ("D"), 4-Way ("F"), Homing ("H"), or Large ("L") powerup behind; once you have collected it, the number "999" (in the powerup colour) will appear under your score and start decreasing very quickly as ten more Flyers come flying down towards you from the top of the screen while firing pink lasers at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you will come to an Enormous Battleship that is firing pink and blue lasers at you, from its position on the left side of the screen - and once you have fired enough shots at all five of its cannons, all four of its launchers, and its cockpit, to destroy them, it'll explode and leave two more Point powerups behind. Once you have collected these for 6000 more extra points, a third Capsule will come flying down into view from the top of the screen while firing pink lasers at you (it will also be around this time that the counter under your score decreases to "000", and your powerup wears off); once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, it will leave a Wind Shot ("W") or Glow Shot ("G") powerup behind. Once you have collected it ten more Flyers and five Vinyl Bukuro will come flying down towards you from the top of the screen while firing pink lasers at you - and once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you'll come to a second Enormous Battleship that is firing pink and blue lasers at you, while launching an infinite amount of additional Vinyl Bukuro at you, from its position on the screen's right side. Once you have fired enough shots at all five of its cannons all four of its launchers and its cockpit to destroy them (along with firing a single shot at any additional Vinyl Bukuro it may have launched), it will explode and leave two more Point powerups behind; once you have collected them for 6000 more extra points, a fourth Capsule will come flying down towards you from the top of the screen, while firing pink lasers at you. Once you have fired enough shots at it to kill it, it'll leave a second Speed Up powerup behind - and once you've collected it, two more Spinners and ten more Flyers will come flying down towards you from the top of the screen, while firing pink lasers at you. Once you've fired a shot at each of these, to kill them, you will come to two more Fortress Ships, that are firing pink lasers at you, from their positions in the centre of and on the right side of the screen; once you've fired enough shots at both of them to kill them, twenty-five more Vinyl Bukuro and two more Spinners will come flying down towards you from the top and left side of the screen while firing pink lasers at you. Once you fire off a shot at all of them, to kill them, a fifth Capsule will fly down towards you from the top of the screen while firing pink lasers at you - and once you fire enough shots at it to kill it, it will leave another Wind Shot or Glow Shot powerup behind. Once you have collected it, five more Flyers will come flying down towards you from the top of the screen, while firing pink lasers at you; once you have fired one shot at each of them to kill them, you shall come up to a third Enormous Battleship that's firing pink and blue lasers at you while launching another infinite amount of additional Vinyl Bukuro at you from its position in the centre of the screen. Once you fire off enough shots at all five of its cannons all four of its launchers and its cockpit to destroy them (along with a single shot at any additional Vinyl Bukuro it may have launched), it shall explode and leave two more Point powerups behind - and once you have collected these for 6000 more extra points ten more Flyers will come flying down towards you from the top of the screen, while firing pink lasers at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of these to kill them, a sixth Capsule will come flying down towards you from the top of the screen while firing pink lasers at you; once you fire enough shots at it to kill it it'll leave another Defense, 4-Way, Homing or Large powerup behind. Once you have collected it the number "999", again in the powerup colour, will again appear under your score and start to decrease very quickly, as four Enormous Moths come flying down towards you from the top of the screen while firing pink lasers at you before retreating - and once you have fired enough shots at each of these to kill them (or they have retreated), two more Spinners and five more Flyers shall come flying down towards you from the left side and top of the screen, while firing pink lasers at you. Once you've fired out a shot at all of these to kill them, two more Capsules will come flying down towards you from the top of the screen, while firing pink lasers at you (it will also again be around this time that the counter under your score decreases to "000" and the powerup wears off); once you have fired enough shots at both of them to kill them, they will leave a Bomber ("B") and a third Wind Shot or Grow Shot powerup behind. Once you've collected these, ten more Flyers and forty-five more Vinyl Bukuro fly down towards you from the top of the screen while firing pink lasers at you - and once you fire a shot at each of them to kill them you shall come to a fourth Enormous Battleship that's firing pink and blue lasers at you while launching a last infinite amount of additional Vinyl Bukuro at you, from its position in the screen's centre. Once you fire off enough shots at all five of its cannons, all four of its launchers and its cockpit to destroy them (along with a single shot at any additional Vinyl Bukuro it may have launched), it will explode and you will come to Uchu Kukan which had been attached to the back of the last Enormous Battleship before its destruction, and will now take off as the game's first boss fight starts; the eight bombs upon its bottom section will revolve in a clockwise direction while firing eight spreading pink lasers down at you, so it is advisable to aim for them first. However, if you take too long over destroying the bombs they shall eventually launch themselves at you, and if you can't fire enough shots at them to destroy them before they hit you, you'll have to move out of their way - and once you've destroyed all eight of the bombs or they have been launched down off the bottom of the screen it will start firing blue beams at you from its four sidemounted laser cannons. You can now either aim at them or its now-revealed core (which had been hidden by the bombs at the start of the battle but if you choose to destroy all four of the cannons you will have to aim for it anyway) next; once you have fired enough shots at the core to destroy it, the entire ship shall explode as it falls off the bottom of the screen (however, you shall not receive the points for any of the laser cannons you did not destroy). The screen will then fade out and you will receive 10000 points for every bomb you have (the maximum is 40000 if you did not use any and collected the Bomber powerup), and 30000 points for every Point powerup that you collected (the maximum is 24000 if you collected all eight of them) - and you'll then proceed onward to Stage 2 (Evergrenes Area).