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Edgeworth gets up from the floor dazed. Looks like he was unconscious for 10 minutes due to turbulence. Then, the pilots announce that the plane will hit more turbulence. As Edgeworth heads towards the elevator, something falls out from him. It's a travel wallet, but its not his. Now he faces two of his worst fears, earthquake like turbulence and an elevator. Those who played the first game might remember why. As he opens the door, he sees...a body. Suddenly,a flight attendant approaches and accuses Edgeworth of murder. After that, the plane hits turbulence and Edgeworth faints.

After a while, we're on the second floor of the plane. The flight attendant will introduce herself as Rhoda Teneiro. Looks like the passengers know what happened, and she tied us up! Teneiro says that we're under suspicion of the murder, and that she has incriminating evidence. Looks like we have a confrontation session with Miss Teneiro.


What Ms. Teneiro Saw

  1. I swear to tell the whole truth as a professional flight attendant.
  2. Unfortunately for you, Mr. Edgeworth, I am certain you are the killer.
  3. The scene I saw in front of the elevator...
  4. was you, standing there, with fresh blood dripping off of the murder weapon.
  5. So, if you would please cooperate, we'll turn you over just as soon as we land.


Present the Travel Wallet at the fourth statement. The murder weapon that she saw was the travel wallet Edgeworth found! The blood that was dripping of it is actually grape juice! Ms. Teneiro is still persistent that you killed the victim. She will ask to examine the wallet. Examine the gold button to open the wallet. There's only a passport inside! But the owner of that passport is the victim! The Travel Wallet is updated into Mr. Hick's Travel Wallet. Ms. Teneiro will accuse us of theft now.

Ms. Teneiro's Logic

  1. As you claimed, the murder weapon is not the travel wallet...
  2. ...however, it IS something you stole from Mr. Hicks after you were done with the vile deed.
  3. I find it hard to believe myself, but your motive was very simple...
  4. You were out to steal Mr. Hick's money, weren't you?


Present the Crime Scene Notes at statement 4. This murder wasn't because of money. Present the bills on the floor. The floor is scattered with money, but the killer didn't take them! Ms. Teneiro will now release us.

Suddenly, a man that speaks an unknown language walks up. Looks like his Borginian, but he can speak English as well. He wants us under arrest until the plane touches down. After whining about wasting his precious time, he introduces himself as Zinc Lablanc II, and he is an art dealer. He says he saw the victim go down to the lounge at about 6 o'clock! Ms. Teneirodiscovered the body at 6:15, so that means the victim would have been killed within this 15 minute timespan. And the only person at the lounge was Edgeworth! Lablanc will say that he saw the man the whole time operating his cell phone.

Edgeworth will request an investigation of the crime scene,and we have the captain's approval! All right, begin investigation!