From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki
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Currently Playing
System Game
DS Yo-kai Watch, Code of Princess
Xbox360 Singularity, Damnation, Murdered: Soul Suspect
Online Flight Rising (Agony)
  • 2025: A year to be more active.
  • Modern update note: Zaiqukaj has survived the pandemic but took several moves to get somewhere mildly stable. As of 2023
  • Zaiqukaj lives. Internet access is unstable at best however.
  • Zaiqukaj will be back on and off. Depression has been very inconvenient. Lost my laptop cord and finally found it.

Current Status


Workin' hard for our money.
Workin' hard for our money.
A little thank you…
For getting our wanted categories down to one page!.
Hugs, najzereT 04:18, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

I've had no internet at home and phone data is limited. If you need me I can send you my discord info.


My main objective is cleanup and maintenance sweeps. The current focus is getting the spelling list all into this year and adding footers. After that the goal will be working the wanted categories list and an audit of the completion levels 0 and 1.

Recent progress
  1. As of 2025 completion scan finished up to F. Start G.
  2. As of November, 2023 completion list lv0 checked to A. If Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer can get cleaned up or get a tiny bit more it could be lv1.
  3. As of April 22, 2017 category red links are at 492. Mostly hard or research requiring ones left. First research project better be Perfect World. Are there multiple similar named companies? Double check disambig status on company pages and game page. Hopefully the game isn't a series.
  4. As of April 19, 2017 category red links are at 555.
  5. As of April 7, 2017 category red links are at 585.
  6. As of April 17, 2016 category red links are at 647. We are getting close to reaching the 1 page point!
  7. As of April 9, 2016 category red links are at 678.
  8. As of Mar 15, 2016 category red links are at 730. All easy image cats are up to date.
  9. As of Jan 28, 2016 category red links are barely below 800. Way to get through about 200 things. Ugh, keep going. Note: Is Elite a series too?
  10. This task started with a bit over 1,000 category red links. Boo.

Please note that I do not focus on walkthroughs. Cleanup and appendices are my thing. Most games are too fast paced for me to both enjoy and take notes at the same time (and lately I only have enough time to beat a game once if at all). If I do work on a walkthrough I'm horribly easily distracted while doing so.

My favorite pages

  • Loading: Pages/ideas that are being tweaked and notes live here. This is my personal sandbox and listing of my most commonly used/needed code.
  • Systems list: This is so helpful when working on infoboxes.
  • Listing of tags: These are helpful for flagging pages if they need something specific.

Specific task list

These are the main cleanup tasks I focus on. Please note my focus is quite scattered.

  • spelling sweeps are always important.
  • Keeping the amount of redlinks down by keeping up with stubbing wanted categories
    • Going through and fleshing out unloved company and series categories.
  • Making sure missing infoboxes and categories are up to date if I can find the information anywhere.

Completion stage audit

  • Status: #-F is finished in lv0 scan (2025).
  • Exception notes: How does one even complete a compilation? There are some broken images in a few galleries but that's for another day.

Check through all stage 0 guides every year or so while upgrading the scattered guides with some degree of content. Levels 1 and 2 often have guides that are overlooked and need to be upgraded since normal editors don't always feel comfortable doing it or are unaware of how low the bar is regarding a few things. It is confusing so here are the notes so we don't get confused and can be consistent during an audit. Also self please check over the higher completion levels just to make sure nothing weird or broken is going on in them. If it is close it is not our responsibility to judge if a stage 2 is a 3. Just look for obvious updates and broken things. This is a time intensive audit so the goal is to get through pages fast so the lv 0-2 cats are helpful and accurate for users. If you remember 2011 at all (and you don't) this can take months.

Guide level Official description as of 2016 Basic guidelines for zaiqukaj Last fully swept
Level 0: The unstarted Guides in this category have barely begun and cover very little of the game. They contain just a main page and maybe a table of contents (TOC). If a guide has a sub-page with content, it is eligible to be upgraded to a stage 1 guide.
  • Only add ToC if contributing new content.
Level 1: The placeholder The following guides are severely lacking in content, and some exist mainly as place holders. While there may be information on how to complete the game, there are significant gaps within the content and thus you cannot rely on the guide on how to progress through the game. Stage 1 guides do not have a walkthrough started and only have information for appendix-like sub-pages (e.g. lists, controls, characters, plot, etc.). A stage 1 guide must have a table of contents (TOC). In comparison, a stage 0 guide does not have helpful information on how to play or complete the game, and a stage 2 guide has walkthrough content.
  • no walkthrough or walkthrough only has filler unhelpful pages (like plot description or level names only)
  • Has at least 1 useful page like a filled out controls or appendix page.
  • Or has several stub page starts
Level 2: The good start These guides have the beginnings of good walkthroughs and help for their games, but need more content and polish. Guides at this stage have a walkthrough that contains some content, but is incomplete. Help improve them!
  • Good start to walkthrough
Level 3: It's a walkthrough The following guides cover nearly everything; you can complete the game using the guide, but some details for advanced play may be missing. Help give them the final touch. A stage 3 guide has a walkthrough that is complete or very close to being complete, but text-only. In comparison, a stage 2 guide has a significantly incomplete walkthrough, and a stage 4 guide is a complete guide with numerous images that help with the walkthrough.
  • Walkthrough done but needs images
Level 4: Almost done entirely These are completed guides in the sense that these are quality guides that can accurately lead readers through the game; these guides include as many screenshots as is necessary to properly illustrate situations. Also offered in these guides are appendices, maps, and other highly relevant information.

This designation does not mean that these guides are ultimately finished. Any useful information may still be added in an attempt to create a featured quality guide. Nevertheless, it may be difficult to improve upon the quality of these guides as they have already been proven to be excellent sources of information.

  • Basically done
  • Has screenshots and most images

Guides I plan on working on

Even though Zaiqukaj has a very limited amount of time for game playing there are a few titles she is slowly working on gathering information (through actually playing them) for.

Actively focused on
  1. Found a started set of guide notes for Monster Rancher 2. Work to add that info into the guide followed by fleshing out everything within Getting Started.
  2. Beating Yo-kai Watch to be able to fill out appendices.


These are on my mind but I'm not working on them at the moment.

  1. Jade Cocoon 2
  2. Wonderswan titles need more love.
  3. Nintendogs would be pretty easy to get to a 2.
  4. Vandal Hearts could use some love.
  5. Any and all Summon Night things zai has should be worked on.
  6. Onimusha games could use some love.
  7. Get out the guide books and get the base encounter info down for most recent Pokémon games.
  8. Monster Hunter guides need fleshing out.
  9. Monster Rancher species info needs to be fleshed out for each version.
  10. Work on Operation research if I can find a good prize system or interest.

Game Related

My favorite types of games are Puzzle, RPGs, and anything that involves raising monsters for combat (except for Robopon. Robopon is really bad.). I am the worst at realistic types of racers and sports games. I've been playing a lot of shooters lately for those sweet sci-fi stories.


Even though I am horrible at completely beating games, I do hoard them.

ZOIDs collection

Also collect these but the games are really hard to find. List will be added later.


Despite some being bad I rather enjoy Digimon games. Slowly I'm trying to get all of them.

Digimon World: Dawn and Dusk
Digimon World: Dawn and Dusk
8th March 2009


Zaiqukaj is the winner of the Walkthrough competition!

Your guide, Digimon World: Dawn and Dusk, was the winning walkthrough!