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Locating the Zone entrance[edit]

To reach the remaining zones, you'll have to travel a bit farther than the familiar section of the house that you've been exploring. The next zone that you should visit is behind the door that is on the second floor above room A. The unfortunate aspect of the Jump Shoes is that they do not work outside of a Zone, so you cannot use them to leap up to the second story. You'll have to find a different way to access the room. Trying to punch holes in walls is always a good way to start.

Room I[edit]

Room I is the right most room that you can access on the second floor before you hit a wall. It is one of the rare rooms that has two doors facing out to the hallway. The right door on the South wall is the door that you arrive through, and the left door takes you out to a small but blocked off portion of the hallway. You won't be able to use this to access room H, so you'll need to find another way in. On the West wall, you'll find a gun in a closet (along with a hole that you can punch above the closet to reach room J without entering the hallway.) A potion sits out in the open for you along the North wall. And if you hit the frame on the East wall, you will reveal a grenade. But don't stop hitting. Keep hitting around for a weak spot in the wall. Eventually you will find a hole that will lead you into room H.

Room H[edit]

You should arrive in this room facing East, where if you open the right window, you will find machine gun ammo. Collect it, and then turn around to face the West wall. Open the closet door and you will find yet another helpful potion. Now face the North wall, and you will find three windows. The Zone Detector will be blinking at this time. Open each window and try to go through them until you find the one that can be used to access Zone 7.

Into Zone 7[edit]

Surprisingly, this zone won't be terribly difficult for you to pass through. You can move fairly quickly and unhindered through the zone, and you can dodge more fights than in previous zones, allowing you to conserve ammo and health. Never the less, be on your guard, and be prepared to toss a grenade if the appearance of more than one winged demon starts getting difficult to manage.

Towards the middle of the zone, you cannot remain on the lower path and proceed to the boss. The platforms will slope downward and cut off your progress to the end. Climb up the tall ladder and remain on the highest path until it drops back down to the floor. The zone ends with a tunnel just before you reach the boss. Proceed carefully and keep your health as high as possible, as this zone's boss is bound to do some damage to you.


The boss of the seventh zone is a strange flying creature that swoops around the room, and can move right through the various platforms in the room. There really is no safe place where you can avoid getting hit. The boss makes parabolic dives down into the room, attempting to swoop down on you with each pass. It also shoots projectiles at you. Getting hit by the boss does a good amount of damage, so it's better to get hit with the projectile if you have to. Since the platforms can interrupt your gun shots, it is best to hang out on the left or right sides of the room and jump up to attack as frequently as possible. The boss will always home in on your position, so there's little you can do to avoid getting attacked unless you want to run back and forth in order to avoid getting hit. However, doing so will limit your opportunities to turn around and attack. That is why arriving with a high level of health is so important. If you still have a good amount of bullets, you can stay at upmost platform, and shoot the boss at such time that he runs over you when he has just took damage and cannot hurt you.

Along with the seventh piece of the laser gun, this boss is guarding the fourth and final red health capsule that will increase your health by 100 points. With this capsule, you will attain the maximum possible health of 499 if you restore all of your lost energy. It is a good idea to take some time to do this when you exit the zone, as the remaining zone bosses will be quite challenging. There is one item that we can collect that will effectively halve the damage you take from enemies, and it is found in the zone that we will visit next.