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Revision as of 17:00, 25 July 2016 by Namcorules (talk | contribs) (The second stage has now been written for; because it is shorter than the first one, maybe its write-up will be easier to read)
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Once all three Ghostbusters have reappeared on the screen, eight Type 8 enemies will emerge from the ground (four on both sides of the screen), while spitting lightning bolts at you; once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them for 500 points apiece, they will leave eight ghosts behind. Once you have beamed all these up, you'll have to walk to the right and climb a ladder, as five Type 2 enemies come walking towards you while spitting projectiles at you - and once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them they will leave five more ghosts behind. Once you have beamed them all up, you will have to continue walking up as you come to three Type 9 enemies who are firing shots in eight directions at you; once you fire off enough shots at each of these to make them recede back into their tree stumps and kill them for 1000 points apiece, they will leave three more ghosts behind. Once you have beamed them all up, you will have to walk to the right and climb another ladder, as three more Type 2 enemies come walking towards you while spitting projectiles at you - and once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them they shall leave three more ghosts behind. Once you have beamed them all up four Type 10 enemies will fly towards you from the top and right side of the screen while firing lightning bolts at you; once you have fired a shot at each of these to kill them for 2000 points apiece, they'll leave four more ghosts behind (one of which has a Shot Power Up powerup inside). Once you beam them all up, two Type 1 enemies will come flying up towards you from the bottom of the screen while sticking their tongues out at you - and once you've fired a shot at both of them to kill them they'll leave two more ghosts behind. Once you have beamed both of them up, you shall have to walk to the left, up and to the right as four more Type 10 enemies fly toward you from the right side and bottom of the screen while firing lightning bolts at you; once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them, they shall leave four more ghosts behind. Once you have beamed all of them up, you will have to climb a third ladder, as you come to two Type 11 enemies who are spitting projectiles at you - and once you've fired a shot at both of them to kill them (for 100 points apiece), they will leave two more ghosts behind (one of which has a Beam Energy Up powerup inside!). Once you have beamed both ghosts up, you have to walk to the left and fire a shot at the first and fourth of four construction barriers to destroy them; once you have done so, they shall leave another Shot Power Up and Beam Energy Up powerup behind. Once you've collected them, you will have to continue walking to the left while seven indestructible Type 12 enemies have receded into the ground, then climb a fourth ladder as six Type 3 enemies come flying towards you from the left, right, and bottom of the screen, while spitting projectiles at you - and once you fire a shot at each of these to kill them, they will leave six more ghosts behind (one of which has a Green Ghost powerup inside). Once you've beamed them all up Slimer will appear and start circling around your Ghostbuster; you shall then have to fire a shot at the first of three more construction barriers to destroy it. Once you have done so, it will leave a third Beam Energy Up powerup behind - and once you have collected this, you shall come to five more Type 9 enemies who are firing shots in eight directions at you. Once you've fired enough shots at each of them to recede back into their tree stumps and kill them they will leave five more ghosts behind; once you beam them all up you have to fire a shot at a wheelbarrow to destroy it (and once you've done so it will leave a fifth ladder behind).

You'll then have to climb the fifth ladder as you come to a Type 2 boss enemy and the game's "boss" theme starts to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2203 and YM-3812; the Type 2 boss enemy attacks by moving horizontally in front of the Ghostbusters until he gets lined up with one of their vertical positions, and lowering his single eye-tentacle down onto them (assuming they moved out of the way in time). Once you fire off enough shots into his mouth while it is open to kill him, he will explode into eight red atoms (which can still kill the Ghostbusters if they hit them) - and once the atoms have flown off the sides of the screen a key shall appear in front of the double doors. Once you have collected it, the double doors will open; once all three Ghostbusters have walked through them, the text "STAGE CLEARED!!" will appear on the screen for a second time. The "Ghost Storage" theme will then start to get heard from the Yamaha YM-2203 and YM-3812 again, as all three Ghostbusters deposit their beamed-up ghosts into it for a second time - and once they have done so, they shall proceed to the third stage (the first where the boss enemies are "regular" ones as opposed to "large").