StrategyWiki:Cleanup project/Misspellings

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

This is a list of common spelling mistakes found on StrategyWiki, and their appropriate corrections. If you have any free time, feel free to perform a search for any of these spelling mistakes and correct any occurrences you find, spell-checking the rest of each page you correct as well.

Before making the change, try to verify that the word is not correctly spelled. In some cases, the incorrect spelling may appear in-game and should not be changed, while other cases may involve a regional spelling difference.

#[edit source]

  • - → – or — (see next two) (last done on April 17, 09)
  • -- → – (en-dash; –) (last done on July 29, 08)
  • --- → — (em-dash; —) (last done on July 29, 08)
  • coming soon{{stub}} or {{sect-stub}} (last done on January 14, 08)
  • todo{{stub}} or {{sect-stub}} (last done on N/A)
  • ... → … (horizontal ellipsis; …) (last done on July 29, 08)
  • .... → … (horizontal ellipsis; …) (last done on July 29, 08)

A[edit source]

  • acheive → achieve (last done on November 14, 12)
  • activly → actively (last done on November 14, 12)
  • adjactant → adjacent (last done on November 14, 12)
  • agains → against (last done on November 14, 12)
  • aginst → against (last done on November 14, 12)
  • agressive → aggressive (last done on November 14, 12)
  • aint → are not (last done on November 14, 12) (informal; page may need tagging as {{drivel}})
  • ain't → are not (last done on May 23, 09) (informal; page may need tagging as {{drivel}})
  • aircrafts → aircraft (last done on November 14, 12)
  • airbourne → airborne (last done on May 23, 09)
  • alright → all right (last done on May 23, 09) (informal; page may need tagging as {{drivel}})
  • alot → a lot (last done on November 14, 12)
  • altho → although (last done on November 14, 12)
  • amulance → ambulance (last done on November 14, 12)
  • anohter → another (last done on November 14, 12)
  • anyways → anyway (note: "anyways" is a variant) (last done on November 14, 12) (informal; page may need tagging as {{drivel}})
  • appart → apart (last done on November 14, 12)
  • approch → approach (last done on November 14, 12)
  • approack → approach (last done on November 14, 12)
  • aquiring → acquiring (last done on November 14, 12)
  • armys → armies (last done on November 14, 12)
  • asap → as soon as possible
  • a.s.a.p. → as soon as possible (last done on November 14, 12)
  • assualt → assault (last done on November 14, 12)
  • aswell → as well or a swell (last done on November 14, 12)
  • aswel → as well or a swell (last done on November 14, 12)
  • automaticaly → automatically (last done on November 14, 12)
  • atain → attain (last done on November 14, 12)
  • automaticly → automatically (last done on November 14, 12)
  • availible → available (last done on November 14, 12)

B[edit source]

  • backdoor → back door (note that backdoor is an actual word) (last done on May 23, 09)
  • baddy → baddie (informal; page may need tagging as {{drivel}}) (last done on May 23, 09)
  • baddys → baddies (informal; page may need tagging as {{drivel}}) (last done on November 14, 12)
  • balista → ballista (last done on November 14, 12)
  • ballistas → ballistae (last done on November 14, 12)
  • battleling → battling (last done on June 8, 13)
  • becomming → becoming (last done on November 14, 12)
  • becuase → because (last done on November 14, 12)
  • bizzare → bizarre (last done on November 14, 12)
  • bomb-omb → Bob-omb (last done on May 23, 09)
  • bob-bomb → Bob-omb (last done on May 23, 09)
  • breif → brief (last done on November 14, 12)
  • burried → buried (last done on November 14, 12)
  • bungie → bungee or Bungie Studios if it is that specific company name. (last done on May 23, 09)

C[edit source]

  • cancelling → canceling (British/English difference)
  • cafe → café ("cafe" is the US spelling)
  • caft → craft (last done on November 14, 12)
  • canceled → cancelled (British/American difference)
  • cant → can't (note: "cant" is a real word with a different meaning) (last done on November 14, 12)
  • catagories → categories (last done on November 14, 12)
  • catagory → category (last done on November 14, 12)
  • causeing → causing (last done on November 14, 12)
  • channeling → channelling (last done on N/A)
  • charachter → character (last done on November 14, 12)
  • charicter → character (last done on November 14, 12)
  • cemetary → cemetery (last done on November 14, 12)
  • chocabo → chocobo (last done on November 14, 12)
  • chosing → choosing (last done on November 14, 12)
  • collecion → collection (last done on November 14, 12)
  • colums → columns (last done on November 14, 12)
  • competant → competent (last done on November 14, 12)
  • comquer → conquer (last done on November 14, 12)
  • controlls → controls (last done on November 14, 12)
  • corridoir → corridor (last done on November 14, 12)
  • crapload → lots (informal; page may need tagging as {{drivel}}) (last done on November 14, 12)
  • cricle → circle (last done on November 14, 12)
  • crystl → crystal (last done on November 14, 12)
  • crystle → crystal (last done on November 14, 12)
  • crytal → crystal (last done on November 14, 12)
  • curcuit → Circuit (last done on November 14, 12)

D[edit source]

  • dammage → damage (last done on July 12, 11)
  • ° → ° (HTML character code should be replaced with ASCII character; note that the full string of ° cannot be searched for because '&' has its own use within URL syntax) (last done on September 2, 2014)
  • defalt → default (last done on July 12, 11)
  • diety → deity (last done on July 12, 11)
  • delt → dealt (last done on July 12, 11)
  • definately → definitely (last done on July 12, 11)
  • discernable → discernible (regional spelling variant)
  • dispite → despite (last done on July 12, 11)
  • destory → destroy (last done on July 12, 11)
  • destoryed → destroyed (last done on July 12, 11)
  • devasted → devastated (last done on July 12, 11)
  • devestating → devastating (last done on July 12, 11)
  • devistating → devastating (last done on July 12, 11)
  • dieing → dying (last done on July 12, 11)
  • disapeared → disappeared (last done on July 12, 11)
  • disired → desired (last done on July 12, 11)
  • dispair → despair (last done on July 12, 11)
  • dissappears → disappears (last done on July 12, ll)
  • doesnt → doesn't (last done on May 20, 09)
  • dogde → dodge (last done on May 20, 09)
  • dont → don't (last done on May 20, 09)

E[edit source]

  • ecstacy → ecstasy (last done on May 20, 09)
  • ect → etc.
  • eigth → eight or eighth (last done on October 16, 08)
  • enemey → enemy (last done on May 20, 09)
  • enemys → enemies or enemy's (last done on May 20, 09)
  • entrace → entrance (last done on May 20, 09)
  • enviroment → environment (last done on May 20, 09)
  • equiptment → equipment (last done on May 20, 09)
  • equivelant → equivalent (last done on May 20, 09)
  • equivilant → equivalent (last done on May 20, 09)
  • escourt → escort (last done on May 20, 09)
  • esspecially → especially (last done on May 20, 09)
  • everytime → every time (last done on May 20, 09)
  • execept → except (last done on May 20, 09)
  • existance → existence (last done on May 20, 09)
  • exsept → except (last done on May 20, 09)
  • exspensive → expensive (last done on May 20, 09)
  • extremly → extremely (last done on May 20, 09)

F[edit source]

  • flash bang→ flashbang (last done on Never)
  • flys → flies or fly's or flys' (last done on May 20, 09)
  • foward → forward (last done on May 20, 09)
  • foreward → forward (last done on May 20, 09)
  • fouth → fourth (last done on May 20, 09)
  • freind → friend (last done on May 20, 09)
  • fulfil → fulfill both are right
  • futher → further (last done on May 20, 09)

G[edit source]

  • gardner → gardener (last done on May 20, 09)
  • Gattling → Gatling (last done on N/A) 'Note: In Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour this is right'
  • gameboy → Game Boy (last done on May 20, 09)
  • gaurd → guard (last done on May 20, 09)
  • gonna → going to (last done on May 23, 09)
  • gray → grey (regional spelling variant)
  • guage → gauge (last done on May 20, 09)
  • guerilla → guerrilla (note: alternate spelling) (last done on May 20, 09) Note: According to, the Halo3 achievement is spelt Guerilla
  • Gyrados → Gyarados (last done on June 7, 08)

H[edit source]

  • happend → happened (last done on May 23, 09)
  • havent → haven't (last done on May 23, 09)
  • hidding → hiding (last done on May 23, 09)
  • hierachy → hierarchy (last done on N/A)
  • hitpoint → hit point (last done on May 23, 09)
  • hitpoints → hit points (last done on May 23, 09)
  • horizaontally → horizontally (last done on May 23, 09)
  • hovercrafts → hovercraft (last done on May 23, 09)

I[edit source]

  • immediatley → immediately (last done on May 23, 09)
  • ina → in a (last done on May 23, 09)
  • inadvertantly → inadvertently (last done on May 23, 09)
  • inbetween → in-between, in between or between (last done on May 23, 09)
  • indefinately → indefinitely (last done on May 23, 09)
  • independantly → independently (last done on May 23, 09)
  • indispensible → indispensable (last done on May 23, 09)
  • infanty → infantry (last done on May 23, 09)
  • infront → in front (last done on May 23, 09)
  • ingame → in-game (last done on May 23, 09)
  • inital → initial (last done on May 23, 09)
  • insted → instead (last done on May 23, 09)
  • instil → instill (note: regional difference) (last done on May 23, 09)
  • intial → initial (last done on May 23, 09)
  • invisble → invisible (last done on May 23, 09)
  • invisiblity → invisibility (last done on May 23, 09)
  • irreplacable → irreplaceable (last done on May 23, 09)
  • isnt → isn't (last done on May 23, 09)

J[edit source]

  • junp → jump (last done on May 23, 09)

K[edit source]

  • kat → cat (note: this is a common female name) (last done on May 23, 09)
  • knowledgable → knowledgeable (last done on May 23, 09)

L[edit source]

  • labled → labeled (last done on May 23, 09)
  • layed → laid (note: also found in "played") (last done on May 23, 09)
  • lazer → laser (last done on May 23, 09)
  • levelled → leveled (note: alternate spelling) (last done on May 23, 09)
  • loosing → losing (note: correct in rare instances) (last done on May 23, 09)

M[edit source]

  • manoeuverability → manoeuvrability (last done on N/A)
  • maximise → maximize (note: alternative spelling) (last done on May 23, 09)
  • megaman → Mega Man (last done on May 23, 09)
  • mecenary → mercenary (last done on May 23, 09)
  • mercinary → mercenary (last done on May 23, 09)
  • messageing → messaging (last done on May 23, 09)
  • millenial → millennial (last done on May 23, 09)
  • miscelaneous → miscellaneous (last done on May 23, 09)
  • miscellanious → miscellaneous (last done on May 23, 09)
  • mislabeled → mislabelled (last done on May 23, 09) (British/American difference)
  • missle → missile (last done on May 23, 09)
  • mispelling → misspelling (last done on May 23, 09)

N[edit source]

  • neccesary → necessary (last done on May 23, 09)
  • neccessary → necessary (last done on May 23, 09)
  • nessesary → necessary (last done on August 27, 12)
  • negligable → negligible (last done on May 23, 09)
  • nogotiate → negotiate (last done on May 23, 09)
  • noticably → noticeably (last done on May 23, 09)
  • nto → not (last done on May 23, 09)
  • nunchuck → nunchucks → nunchuk (last done on May 23, 09) (Note: change to "nunchuk" for Wii games that use the nunchuk controller)

O[edit source]

  • occasionaly → occasionally (last done on May 23, 09)
  • oppisit → opposite (last done on May 23, 09)
  • opponet → opponent (last done on May 23, 09)
  • opponennt → opponent (last done on May 23, 09)
  • oppenant → opponent (last done on May 23, 09)
  • oppurtunity → opportunity (last done on May 23, 09)
  • oppurtunities → opportunities (last done on May 23, 09)
  • opportunites → opportunities (last done on May 23, 09)
  • orginal → original (last done on May 23, 09)
  • originaly → originally (last done on May 23, 09)
  • outta → out of (last done on May 23, 09)
  • oviously → obviously (last done on May 23, 09)

P[edit source]

  • parimeter → perimeter (last done on June 8, 13)
  • particuliar → particular (last done on May 23, 09)
  • pavillion → pavilion (accepted spelling variant)
  • payed → paid (last done on May 23, 09)
  • persistant → persistent (last done on May 23, 09)
  • poins → points (last done on May 23, 09)
  • pokemon → Pokémon (last done on May 23, 09)
  • Pokeball → Poké Ball (last done on May 23, 09)
  • Pokéball → Poké Ball (last done on May 23, 09)
  • Poké ball → Poké Ball (last done on May 23, 09)
  • Poke Ball → Poké Ball (last done on May 23, 09)
  • pokemart → Poké Mart (last done on May 23, 09)
  • ponts → points (last done on May 23, 09)
  • postions → positions (last done on May 23, 09)
  • powerfull → powerful (last done on May 23, 09)
  • preform → perform (last done on May 23, 09)
  • prespective → perspective → prospective (last done on May 23, 09)
  • prestigous → prestigious (last done on May 23, 09)
  • prity → pretty (last done on May 23, 09)
  • proccess → process (last done on May 23, 09)
  • protaganist → protagonist (last done on May 23, 09)
  • pertruding → protruding (last done on Aug 27, 12)
  • protuding → protruding (last done on May 23, 09)
  • purchaseable → purchasable (last done on N/A)

R[edit source]

  • recieve → receive (last done on May 23, 09)
  • recieved → received (last done on May 23, 09)
  • recive → receive (last done on May 23, 09)
  • recruting → recruiting (last done on May 23, 09)
  • refered → referred (last done on May 23, 09)
  • refridgerator → refrigerator (last done on May 23, 09)
  • refueling → refuelling (last done on N/A)
  • relativley → relatively (last done on May 23, 09)
  • relervant → relevant (last done on May 23, 09)
  • remaing → remaining (last done on May 23, 09)
  • remodeled → remodelled (last done on May 23, 09) (British/American difference)
  • rendesvous → rendezvous (last done on May 23, 09)
  • ressource → resource (last done on N/A)
  • retuns → returns (last done on May 23, 09)
  • reveiw → review (last done on May 23, 09)

S[edit source]

  • sacrifical → sacrificial (last done on May 23, 09)
  • Scandanavia → Scandinavia (last done on May 23, 09)
  • Sattelite → Satellite (last done on July 09, 13)
  • Screnshot → Screenshot (last done on N/A)
  • seige → siege (last done on May 23, 09)
  • seperate → separate (last done on May 23, 09)
  • seperated → separated (last done on May 23, 09)
  • seperately → separately (last done on May 23, 09)
  • sheild → shield (last done on May 23, 09)
  • shootin → shooting (last done on May 23, 09)
  • similat → similar (last done on May 23, 09)
  • similiarly → similarly (last done on May 23, 09)
  • simutaneously → simultaneously (last done on May 23, 09)
  • simultaneousy → simultaneously (last done on May 23, 09)
  • sizable → sizeable (last done on May 23, 09) (Regional variances)
  • slaped → slapped (last done on May 23, 09)
  • slighty → slightly (last done on May 23, 09)
  • soley → solely (last done on May 23, 09)
  • souvenier → souvenir (last done on May 23, 09)
  • sorceror → sorcerer (last done on N/A)
  • spys → spies or spy's (last done on May 23, 09)
  • strat → start (last done on May 23, 09) (It could also be a shortening of strategy)
  • stratergy → strategy (last done on May 23, 09)
  • stregth → strength (last done on May 23, 09)
  • stright → straight (last done on May 23, 09)
  • succesful → successful (last done on N/A)
  • succesfully → successfully (last done on May 23, 09)
  • suprise → surprise (last done on May 23, 09)
  • survivabilty → survivability (last done on May 23, 09)

T[edit source]

  • targetted → targeted (note: alternative spelling) (last done on May 23, 09)
  • teh → the (last done on May 23, 09)
  • tehn → then (last done on May 23, 09)
  • temperment → temperament (last done on May 23, 09)
  • tendancy → tendency (last done on May 23, 09)
  • theese → these (last done on May 23, 09)
  • theif → thief (last done on May 23, 09)
  • theives → thieves (last done on May 23, 09)
  • ther → there, their or they're (last done on May 23, 09)
  • theres → there's (last done on May 23, 09)
  • thier → their (last done on May 23, 09)
  • thingy → thing (informal; page may need tagging as {{drivel}}) (last done on May 23, 09)
  • thn → then (last done on May 23, 09)
  • thoughought → throughout (last done on May 23, 09)
  • throughought → throughout (last done on May 23, 09)
  • throughoutly → thoroughly (last done on N/A)
  • throught → throughout or through or thought (last done on May 23, 09)
  • tunnes → tunnels (last done on May 23, 09)
  • till → until (informal; page may need tagging as {{drivel}}. note: this is also a real word) (last done on May 23, 09)
  • torpedos → torpedoes (last done on May 20, 2009)
  • torwards → towards (last done on May 23, 09)

U[edit source]

  • unaccessable → unaccessible (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • unfortunatly → unfortunately (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • uneccessary → unnecessary (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • untill → until (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • usefull → useful (last done on May 23, 09)
  • useable → usable (note: alternate spelling) (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • ususally → usually (last done on Jan 8, 16)

V[edit source]

  • vegitable → vegetable (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • villan → villain (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • villian → villain (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • vunerable → vulnerable (last done on Jan 8, 16)

W[edit source]

  • walkthough → walkthrough (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • wanna → want to (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • wasnt → wasn't (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • weilded → wielded (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • weilding → wielding (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • westish → westward (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • wich → witch or which (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • wil → will (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • withing → within (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • whats → what's (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • wittness → witness (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • wnat → want (last done on Jan 8, 16)
  • wouldnt → wouldn’t (last done on Jan 8, 16)

Y[edit source]

  • youll → you'll (last done on Jan 8, 16)