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  • Debut: Yatterman

Doronjo is an attractive blonde who leads the Dorombo Gang. This vain beauty along with her henchmen, Tonzura and Boyacky seek out the fabled Dokuro Stone which they would have revealed the location of a fabulous treasure. Despite her own intelligence, Doronjo and her henchmen are always defeated by Yatterman No. 1 and Yatterman No. 2.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Control selector Select controller:
Normal, Simple
Move Name Commands Notes
Buta Moodaterya...
Muhou Ishi
+ Can be done in midair.
Naniwa Clutch
Ultra Relax
Press to cancel.
Ultra Relax
Doronjo Somersault
After Ultra Relax.
Ultra Relax
Doronjo Spin
+ After Ultra Relax.
Zen Tehakokokara
Dai Fukuro Matsuru