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Box artwork for Animal Crossing: City Folk.
Box artwork for Animal Crossing: City Folk.
Animal Crossing: City Folk
Developer(s)Nintendo EAD
Year released2008
Preceded byAnimal Crossing: Wild World
Followed byAnimal Crossing: New Leaf
SeriesAnimal Crossing
Japanese title町へ行こうよ どうぶつの森
Players1-4 alternating
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)ESRB EveryoneCERO All agesPEGI Ages 3+OFLC General
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LinksAnimal Crossing: City Folk ChannelSearch

Animal Crossing: City Folk is part of the Animal Crossing series. The title was announced as a Wii game that markets the WiiConnect24 feature of the console. In a 2006 interview, Katsuya Eguchi — leader of Animal Crossing's production development — stated, "someone could send a letter from their cellphone or from an email address on a PC to the Wii, and then the player living in the town in Animal Crossing could receive that letter." In another interview with IGN, Katsuya Eguchi also discussed how his team continues exploring potential ways to take advantage of the WiiConnect24 feature such as allowing friends to visit other towns or leave messages while the machine is in standby mode.

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