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Controls[edit | edit source]

Joystick[edit | edit source]

Assuming your character is facing right:

Jump Up
Jump Backwards Jump Forward
Move Backwards, Block Move Forward
Crouch, Block Low Crouch

Buttons[edit | edit source]

Fighter's History[edit | edit source]

SNES Switch Action
Neutral Dpad Neutral Dpad or Neutral Lstick Move
Y Button Y Button Light Punch
X Button X Button Medium Punch
L Button L Button Heavy Punch
B Button B Button Light Kick
A Button A Button Medium Kick
R Button R Button Heavy Kick
Start Button Plus Button Pause

Karnov's Revenge[edit | edit source]

Neo Geo Saturn Wii Virtual Console ACA Neo Geo Action
Wii Remote Wii CC GC Switch PS4 Xbox One
Neutral dpad Neutral dpad Neutral dpad or Neutral lstick Neutral dpad or Neutral control Neutral Dpad or Neutral Lstick Neutral dpad or Neutral lstick Neutral dpad or Neutral lstick Move
X button 1 button B button B button Y Button Square button X button Fast Punch
Y button 2 button A button A button B Button Cross button A button Strong Punch
A button A button Y button X button X Button Triangle button Y button Fast Kick
B button B button X button Y button A Button Circle button B button Strong Kick
C button or Z button All Four Attacks
Start button Plus button Plus button Start button R Button Options button Menu button Start
L Button L1 button LB button Add Credits
Plus Button Touchpad button or R3 button View button or R button Options Menu

Fighter's History: Mizoguchi Kiki Ippatsu!![edit | edit source]

Super Famicom Action
Neutral Dpad Move
Y Button Fast Punch
X Button Strong Punch
B Button Fast Kick
A Button Strong Kick
R Button All Four Attacks
Start Button Pause

How to Play[edit | edit source]

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