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  • Name: Liu Yungmie (류영미)
  • Weak point: Sash

Moves[edit | edit source]

Karnov's Revenge[edit | edit source]

Tomoenage or +
Command Moves
Sankaku Tobi (against wall) +any
└►Sambal Chagi +
Special Moves
Aura Smash +
Neri Chagi +
Fire Binta alternate and

Fighter's History: Mizoguchi Kiki Ippatsu!![edit | edit source]

Tomoenage or +
Command Moves
Sankaku Tobi (against wall) +any
└►Sambal Chagi +
Kakato Otoshi +
Special Moves
Grand Aura Smash +
Aura Smash +
Neri Chagi +
Fire Binta alternate and
Foot Rush +