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This is the first game in the Getsu Fuuma Den series. For other games in the series see the Getsu Fuuma Den category.

Box artwork for Getsu Fuuma Den.
Box artwork for Getsu Fuuma Den.
Getsu Fuuma Den
Year released1987
Followed byGetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon
SeriesGetsu Fuuma Den
Japanese title月風魔伝
Genre(s)Action RPG
ModesSingle player
LinksGetsu Fuuma Den ChannelSearch

Getsu Fūma Den (月風魔伝げつふうまでん? lit. "Legend of Getsu Fūma") is an action RPG game for the Famicom by Konami, released in 1987. The box features artwork printed on a lenticular card which makes the image change depending upon the angle it is viewed from. This game was never released outside of Japan, although the legendary translation group RPGe has translated the game into English. The patch to translate the game, which was released in late 1998, can be found here. A hack-and-slash "roguevania" sequel, titled GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon, was released in 2022.

Fuuma has appeared as a playable character in the Wai Wai World franchise (where other Konami characters made an appearance as well). In the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, Getsu Fuuma and his enemy, the Dragon Master, also appear as cards. The English versions of the cards are called "Getsu Fuhma" and "Ryu Kokki."

Story[edit | edit source]

The lead character, Getsu Fuuma (whose name can be translated as "Lunar Wind Demon"), is based on the real life 16th century ninja Fuuma Kotaro. The following is a translation of the game's opening story:

"In the first years of the Demon Age (A.D.14672), a horrible demon named "Dragon Master" was revived by his minions in hell. To protect the peace of the overworld, the two eldest Fuuma brothers fought the Dragon Master. Both were unable to defeat him and were killed, losing their legendary Wave Swords, also called Hadoukens. To avenge their deaths, the last of the Fuuma brothers vowed to slay the Dragon Master, and take back the Hadoukens."

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Getsu Fuuma Den resembles the 1986 Namco arcade game called Genpei Touma Den. The "Underworld" concept, characters, and gameplay are very similar in both games.

The player controls Getsu Fuuma, who travels through the overworld on pre-determined paths, which often branch off, leading to shops, character areas, and dungeons. Once in a dungeon, which is usually marked on the map with a torii (traditional Japanese gate), the player can navigate Fuuma through traditional platform action, jumping and attacking enemies with a sword or other weapons. There are also first-person dungeons later in the game. Throughout the game, the player can collect money and then use it to buy weapons and other accessories on the overworld.

Table of Contents


Template:Getsu Fuuma Den