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Before obtaining the boat[edit | edit source]

Town of Helwan[edit | edit source]

Current quest Other dialogues
  • A guard says: "Find the key and sail the seas."
  • Gregg says: "Find Steve, for he knows of the key."
  • Steve says: "Rumor has it that it is on an island."
  • A sailor says: "Look for islands in desolate places."
  • Logan says: "In desolate areas, water may be your only hope!"
  • A guard says: "Welcome to Helwan, city by the sea."
  • Sara says: "Kings can be of great help in thy quest!"
  • Bob says: "Journey to the white north."
  • A sad merchant says: "I am sorry, I do not have anything to sell because I was robbed by pirates."
  • A guard says: "I must guard these cells with my life. So, begone or I will use force."
  • [Locked boat door] Jeff says: "Pirates are easily killed as boats are easily retrieved."
  • [Locked boat door] Anders says: "Once lost, however, boats are lost forever!"
Input from Paranor Jail in Helwan
A guard says: "Ask a prisoner in Helwan about the P)owers of the sword."
  • A guard says: "I must guard these cells with my life. So, begone or I will use force."
  • [Beyond guard] A prison guard yells: "Jail break!!! Jail break!!!" [He attacks you.]
  • [Beyond guard & jail door] Black Beard says: "I was once a pirate. Our dwellings were in the Cove."
  • [Beyond guard & jail door] An evil creature says: "Pirates are the only ones who can steal a boat and get away with it."
  • [Beyond guard & jail door] A prisoner says: "Leave me alone."
    • P: "To utilize the complete sword's power, I have heard one must attack from a distance. It must be done at the right time and the right place, or it may result in your destruction."

Town of Rara Avis[edit | edit source]

Current quest Other dialogues
  • A thief says: "Visit our guild shop in the town of Capaal."
  • A strange creature says: "I hear that Capaal sells furs that protect from the cold. Ask the trapper there for a F)ur!"
  • A guard says: "Make sure you are warm before you travel too far north."
  • "Welcome to Rara Avis."
  • A guard snores: "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz."
  • A thief steals some gold.
  • An archer says: "Zarebae is the evil one."
  • A guard says: "Castle Lunca holds a great many secrets."

About the pirates:

  • A guard says: "I hear there is a place full of pirates!"
  • A guard says: "Beware, for pirates are greedy!"
  • Jon says: "Always ask for a F)ull pint!"
  • A bartender asks: "Would you like a brew?"
    • Y: "Would you like H)alf or F)ull pint of beer? Half is 6, full is 11 Gold."
    • H: "Good stuff, ya would like another round?"
    • F: "I hear only pirates have been able to sail into the Cove. The reason? Nobody knows."
  • A viking says: "Pirates fly their flags up high."
  • A guard says: "Be careful, because the prisoners are very dangerous and might escape."
Input from Capaal Jail in Rara Avis
A bartender asks: "Would you like a stout?"
  • F: "I hear one of the prisoners in Rara Avis knows about the C)rystal."
  • A guard says: "Be careful, because the prisoners are very dangerous and might escape."
  • [Jail door] A guard says: "If you take justice into your own hands, it may be harmful to your health."
  • [Jail door] A pirate says: "Boats! Boats! I must steal boats!"
  • [Jail door] A prisoner says: "Please leave me alone. I will be free on word in one week."
  • [Jail door] A prisoner says: "I have done wrong and I must pay the price."
    • C: "I hear the crystal is on the lower level of Skull Mountain."
  • [Jail door] A prisoner says: "Die, young fool." [He attacks you.]

Village of Capaal[edit | edit source]

Current quest Other dialogues
  • A thief says: "Our guild shop sells many useful items. Seek it out."
  • A thief says: "I know of a crooked guard. Find him and... ask for K)eys."
  • A guard says: "What do you want, young adventurer?"
    • K: "So, you want some keys? I will sell you jail-keys for 15 Gold each. How many do you want?"
  • A trapper says: "How may I help you?"
    • F: "Sorry, I am all out of furs, but you can buy them from the town of Luncatia."
  • A guard says: "Welcome to Capaal."
  • A man says: "You must find the Sword of Rhin. It is the only way you can save us."
  • Lord British asks: "Psst. Want a copy of Ultima V?"
    • (DOS) Terry says: "I am lost."
  • A bartender asks: "Would you like a stout?"
    • Y: "Would you like H)alf or F)ull pint of beer? Half is 5, full is 10 Gold."
    • H: "Would you like another round?"
    • F: "I hear one of the prisoners in Rara Avis knows about the C)rystal."
  • A guard says: "You had better leave before you make me angry. You would not like me when I am angry."
  • [Locked door] A humble man says: "Of keys there are but four. With them you will be able to unlock any door."
  • [Either jail door] An escaped convict says: "Prepare to die, young fool." [He attacks you.]

Castle of Thierry[edit | edit source]

Main halls Later quests (locked rooms)
  • A guard says: "Welcome to the castle of Thierry, home of the rulers over Southern Hera."
  • A guard says: "I guard the entrance to the royal bedrooms."
  • A guard says: "I am the king's left hand man."
  • A guard says: "I am the king's right hand man."
  • A sharp man says: "Ah... kimochingdabena."
  • A tired man says: "I have come from afar to be healed by the great Father Androl."
  • Queen Linda says: "Our daughter is very mischievous, so we have locked her in her room."
  • [2 Locked doors] A guard says: "I guard the princess well, for she is of great value to the king and queen."
  • [2 Locked doors] An ugly prisoner says: "I was once a servant of Zarebae. Ask the fisherman where he D)wells."
  • A fisherman says: "There are great fortunes in the depths of the sea."
    • D: "It has got to be the skull."
  • [Guard & locked doors] The princess (Emily) says: "Once I traveled far and collected many items, but now I am locked in my room."
    • F: "The suit is yours. You can now pass through all of the electric walls."

Ruins of Irray[edit | edit source]

Current quest Other dialogues
  • [Island] Spencer says: "All of Hera is now open to you. Be careful."
  • A ghost moans: "Boooooooooooooooooo!!!!"

Before obtaining the submarine[edit | edit source]

Village of Paranor[edit | edit source]

Current quest Later quests
  • A thief says: "I have tried and tried, but still am unable to pass through the electric wall."
  • Mike says: "Have you tried the ale here yet? It is great!"
  • The bartender asks: "What will it be, F)ood or A)le?"
    • A: "Would you like a H)alf or F)ull pint of ale? Half is 4, full is 6 Gold."
    • H: "Great ale, eh? I am sure you would like some more, yes?"
    • F: "I hear that the princess knows of a special suit that allows one to pass through force fields!"
  • "Would you like a H)alf or F)ull pint of ale? Half is 3, full is 10 Gold."
    • H: "Good malt, do you say not? Would you like some more?"
    • F: "Ask for a F)orce suit."
  • A guard says: "Welcome to the village of Paranor."
  • Grimp says: "I buy my weapons from towns, so I can battle fools like you!!!"

About the sword of Rhin:

  • A guard says: "Jomde knows of the great sword of Rhin."
  • Jomde says: "It is incomplete without the crystal."
  • [Force field] A viking says: "Zarebae draws his power from the green gem."
  • [Force field] A thief says: "Zarebae and the gem can become one. Both must be destroyed to ensure victory."
  • [Force field & locked door] A strange monster says: "Beware, for I am the keeper of the key to the depths of the oceans."

Village of Luncatia[edit | edit source]

About the fur Other dialogue
  • An archer says: "How do those vikings stay warm? There has got to be a better way than standing by this fire all day."
  • The bartender says: "Would you like a H)alf or a F)ull pint of Luncatian ale? Half is 4, full is 6."
    • H: "Good malt, do you say not? Would you like some more?"
    • F: "The viking that wanders in the snow can tell you how to keep warm!"
  • A viking says: "I keep warm in the cold wilderness with my fur clothing, which I purchased at Wanda's Woolies! Ask her for a F)ur."
  • A lady says: "Welcome to Wanda's Woolens. Can I help you?"
    • Y: "What would you like from my fine shop?"
    • F: "A, yes, my furs will keep you very warm, but in turn they are 5000 gold! Do you desire one?"
    • Y, 5000 G: "This excellent fur is yours and has a life-time guarantee on it!"
  • A guard says: "Welcome to Luncatia, village of the north."
  • "...Brrrrrrrrrrr... I am freezing!!"
  • A staggering man says: "M-my <hic>whi-whiskey keeps me... wa-aaarm."
  • "I am lost"
  • "Go away. I feel terrible!"
  • A big guard says: "I guard an empty cell for noone here has done wrong."

Castle Lunca[edit | edit source]

About the sword of Rhin Other dialogue
  • A guard says: "Ask a prisoner in Helwan about the P)owers of the sword."
  • A guard whispers: "I hear a great sword was lost, but found... by scavengers!!"
  • A worn adventurer says: "I search for a sword of great power, so that I may rule all Hera!"
  • A bartender asks: "Would you like a pint?"
    • Y: "Would you like a H)alf or F)ull pint of beer? Half is 5, full is 10 Gold."
    • H: "Cours is the one. May would you like another round?"
    • F: "I hear one of the guards in Castle Venipanor knows of the sword of R)hin."
  • A guard says: "Welcome to the castle of Lunca, home of King Nimbus, ruler of the North."
  • A stern guard says: "Welcome, adventurer, to the castle in the great white north."
  • A dancing girl says: "I sing and dance for the king's pleasure. La-de-da."
  • A thirsty guard says: "The bar! I must find the bar!!"
  • A guard says: "Have you tried our ski resort? It is 90% expert!"
  • A plastered guard slurs: "Wanth a thisp of my <hic> my whi-whiskey?"
  • "Hi."
  • A guard says: "Hail <hic> t'theking."
  • A drunk guard says: "Take-off hoser. I get my drinks on the house."
  • [Beyond guard] An angry bartender says: "Leave at once. I do not like people ho beat up my customers." [All guards attack you.]
  • [Sub-door] Todd (Paul) says: "The way out is below."
  • [Sub-door] Hurin says: "Bishop Kristoffer accepts donations. Ask Darrell for the amount."
  • [Sub-door] Darrell says: "Offer 73 Gold for your donation."

After having obtained the submarine[edit | edit source]

Castle Venipanor[edit | edit source]

Current quest Other dialogues
  • The bartender says: "What will it be, sir: F)ood or A)le?"
    • -: "Nothing? O.K., come back another time."
    • A: "Would you like a H)alf or F)ull pint of ale? Half is 3, or full is 5 Gold."
    • H: "Great ale, eh? I am sure you would like some more, yes?"
    • F: "I hear the gardener knows a secret, and he will tell you only if you give him a certain amount of Gold. Phil is the only one who knows the amount."
  • A stern guard says: "I guard these cells with my life, for the prisoners within are murderers and very dangerous."
  • [Beyond guards, force fields, jail doors and plain doors] A humilified prisoner says: "Peace, tranquility and the secrets of the aquarius are found in the great monastery of Saint Remi."
  • [Beyond guards, force fields, jail doors and plain doors] Phil says: "Offer the amount of 27 Gold, and a secret you will be told."
  • Sam[1] says: "I keep the church and its gardens well for Father Walker, but I am very poor. Wilt thou spare a few gold pieces to a starving man?"
    • N: "O.K., be that way, but do not expect any help from me if you need it!!!"
    • Y: "Thank you so very much."
    • 27 G: "Ask Father Walker about the C)ross! Oh... And thank you very much for your generous gesture."
  • [Locked door] "I am Father Walker. What can I do for you, my son?"
    • "You are forgiven of all your sins, my son. Come back soon."
    • C: "The cross to the entrance of the great monastery of Saint Remi is yours, my son."
  • A guard says: "Welcome to the great castle of Venipanor."
  • A royal guard says: "Hail the king and queen, rulers of the midlands."
  • Brother Hendrix says: "Father Walker is the soul owner outside of Saint Remi."
  • [Beyond guard, force field and jail door] Arnold says: "Your clothes... Give them to me now!!!"[2]
  • [Beyond guards, force fields and jail door] A frustrated captive says: "Pirates serve Zarebae!"

About the sword of Rhin:

  • A guard says: "Welcome to the castle of Venipanor."
    • R: "Ask the Rovers."
  • Queen Margrethe says: "The nomads that camp in our great lands call themselves Rovers."
  1. This might be a reference to Sam Gamgee, hobbit gardener in The Lord of the Rings.
  2. This is a reference to Terminator 2, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Monastery of Saint Remi[edit | edit source]

Current quest Other dialogues
  • "I am the bishop Kristoffer. Have you come to repent?"
    • Y: "I forgive you of all your sins. Will you make a small offering to our cause?"
    • N: "Farewell my son."
    • Y: "How much are you willing to offer, my son?"
    • X Gold: "Many thanks for the generous contribution."
    • 73[1] Gold: "The high priest Paul knows of the world of the D)eep seas!"
  • The high priest Paul says: "Welcome to Saint Remi. What can I do for my son?"
    • D: "Ask Jaanos about the diving S)uit."
  • Jaanos says: "I have been suspended from Saint Remi until I have completed my repentance."
    • S: "The diving suit is yours. The undersea world is now open to you."
  • "Welcome to the great monastery of Saint Remi, my son... Peace is the only way, so your weapons will be useless here. Please have a peaceful and pleasant stay in Saint Remi."
  • "I have traveled to Saint Remi to study into monkhood."
  • "You invade my privacy, scum bag!!!"
  • "I am busy studying the book of the word."
  • "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
  • A monk says: "I tend to the sacred tree and the fish in the pond."
  • A monk says: "I tend to the garden and its lawn."
  • A monk says: "I have prayed and have become a monk."
  • A serious man says: "I have studied, and now must pray to enter monkhood."
  • A worried troll says: "I am lost."
  • [Locked door] "Please, you are not supposed to be talking to me back here. I am meditating the holy words of God."
  1. You learned this information in Castle Lunca, using the submarine.

Pirates cove[edit | edit source]

Current quest Other dialogues
  • A pirate says: "You cannot have the wand, for it is our only way to see Zarebae!"
  • Randy says: "You must W)ave the wand."
  • "Har! Har! I have stolen many boats and will steal many more!!!"
  • A pirate says: "Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!"
  • A pirate says: "Boats! Submarines! And more boats!"
  • A bartender says: "Begone, for I only serve pirates!!!"

Nomad camp[edit | edit source]

Current quest Other dialogues
  • Peggy asks: "How may I be of assistance?"
    • R: "I will not part with the sword so easily. However, I might trade it for a valuable item, but you do not own any items of interest to me."
    • R: "I would trade the sword for a valuable item. Ah... The fur you wear is nice. A trade?"
      • N: "Sorry, but I will not part for anything less."
      • Y: "The sword is yours! And the fur is mine!"
  • Peggy asks: "Have you come to return the sword for the fur?"
    • N: "Ok. Then leave me in peace and be on the way."
    • Y: "Deal. I return the fur for the sword."
  • A nomad says: "Welcome to our camp. Please feel free to look around."
  • A nomad says: "We camp the great lands of Hera to gather riches."
  • Cephello says: "I am the leader of my people, the nomads of Hera."
  • A nomad guard says: "I guard the riches of our leader, Cephello."

Errata corrige[edit | edit source]

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Errata corrige is Latin for "errors (errata) to be corrected (corrige)".

"Correct a fool, and he will hate you. Correct a wise man, and he will thank you."
— Book of Proverbs, page 9

In the Apple II port of Hera there are many spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. The following list omits the punctuation errors. Some of the remaining errors were corrected for the MS-DOS version, but a few more were introduced.

The list is incomplete.

  • Get weapon ready: "Not able to weild weapon."
    • should be: "Not able to wield weapon."
  • Town of Rara Avis, viking: "Pirates fly there flags up high."
    • should be: "Pirates fly their flags up high."
  • Town of Rara Avis, guard: "Be careful, because the prisoner are very dangerous and might excape."
    • should be: "Be careful, because the prisoners are very dangerous and might escape."
  • Jail of Rara Avis, prisoner: "Please leave me alone. I will make parole in one week."
    • should be: "Please leave me alone. I will be free on word in one week." (100% English.)
  • Any of the three kings says: "Return when thou art more experencienced."
    • should be: "Return when thou art more experienced."
  • Village of Paranor, bartender: "I hear that the princess knows of a special suit that is allows one to pass through force fields!"
    • should be: "I hear that the princess knows of a special suit that allows one to pass through force fields!"
  • Castle of Venipanor, guard: "I guard these cells with my life, for the prisoners within are murders and very dangerous."
    • should be: "I guard these cells with my life, for the prisoners within are murderers and very dangerous."
  • Saint Remi monastery, cleric: "I am meditating the holy words of the gods."
    • should be: "I am meditating the holy words of God." (Because everything here references Christianism.)
  • Ending: "All the people are greatful for your bravery, but do not hast in forgetting what you have learned,..."
    • should be: "All the people are grateful for your bravery, but do not haste in forgetting what you have learned,..."

DOS only:

  • Castle Venipanor, Father Walker: "The cross to the entrance of the great monestary of Saint Remi is yours."
    • should be: "The cross to the entrance of the great monastery of Saint Remi is yours."
  • Thief's starting title: Rouge (French for "red")
    • should be: Rogue