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Box artwork for Kid Klown in Crazy Chase.
Box artwork for Kid Klown in Crazy Chase.
Kid Klown in Crazy Chase
Year released1994
System(s)SNES, Nintendo Power (SNES)
Preceded byKid Klown in Night Mayor World
Followed byKid Klown in Crazy Chase 2: Love Love Hani Soudatsusen
SeriesCrazy Castle
ModesSingle player
LinksKid Klown in Crazy Chase ChannelSearch

Kid Klown, the main character in Kid Klown in Crazy Chase, is the klutziest clown on Clown Planet, a world inhabited by clowns. Kid Klown must rescue the kidnapped Princess Honey from the evil pirate Blackjack. Kid Klown catches up to Blackjack in his spaceship, but instead of firing on his enemy, he accidentally hits the Panic Button, blowing his ship up. Now you must help Kid Klown make his way through different levels avoiding traps and enemies, while doing so before the bombs that Blackjack sets go off. In addition, you will periodically face Blackjack himself throughout the levels.

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