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Box artwork for Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth.
Box artwork for Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth.
Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth
Year released1985
Preceded byLode Runner II - The Bungeling Strikes Back‎
Followed byLode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu
SeriesLode Runner
Japanese titleロードランナー 魔神の復活
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
LinksLode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth ChannelSearch

In 1985, Irem released the third of four arcade conversions of Lode Runner. This third version, like the second contained 30 selected levels from the 150 original levels. It is pretty much the same game as the previous version, with different levels.

Irem brought many of their arcade inspired levels to the Famicom Disk System under the names Super Lode Runner and Super Lode Runner II.

Table of Contents
