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Quiz Torimonochou intro.png

Once you have inserted your coin(s) into the cabinet of Taito Corporation's Japan-only 1990 quiz arcade game, Quiz Torimonochou, and pressed either Start Button, Heihachi (and Nariyoshi in 2P mode) will appear on the screen with their Kanji names above them, as the game's opening cutscene starts:

昔々、犬東時代。黄金の都を求 (Mukashi mukashi, inu azuma jidai. Kogane no miyako wo motome)
めて旅をする旅人たちがおった (Mete tabi wo suru tabibito-tachi ga otta)
そうな・・・ (Sōna...)
Translation: Once upon a time in the Dog East, it seems that the travellers who travelled in search of the golden capital...

黄金の都は実在したがそれを独 (Kogane no miyako ha jitsuzai shitaga sore wo dokusen)
り占めしようと企む族一やから (Ri shime shiyō to takuramu zoku ichiyakara)
一がおって、その族はめっぽう (Ichi ga otte, sono-zoku ha meppō)
クイズ好きなんだそうな・・・ (Kuizu-sukina n sō sōna...)
Translation: Although the golden capital existed there was a tribe from which one planned to try to keep it, and that tribe seemed to like quizzes...

その族は黄金の都を尋ねてくる (Sono-zoku ha kogane no miyako wo tazunete kuru)
旅人たちを黄金の都の十個の都 (Tabibito-tachi wo kogane no miyako no jū-bu no miyako)
へ監禁してしもうな・・・ (He kankin shite shimō na...)
Translation: The tribe will confine the travellers in search of the golden capital to the ten cities of the golden capital...

そこて捕方の平八と成吉は立ち (Sokote torikata no Heihachi to Nariyoshi ha tachi)
上がり国を支配している族を捕 (Agari kuni wo shihai shite iru zoku wo to)
まえ黄金の都の地図を得て旅人 (Ma e kogane no miyako no chizu wo ete tabibito)
Translation: Heihachi and Nariyoshi captured the tribe which dominates the rising country and got a map of the golden city and travellers

クイズの旅に出るのであった。 (Kuizu no tabi ni deru nodeatta.)
Translation: I left for a quiz trip.
QT Round 1 Overworld Map.png

The game shall then proceed to its first round, which is set on the Japanese island of Kyūshū; its overworld map, which has the Kanji text of Ichi, Kyūshū (一、九州) above it, shows the starting positions of the two lords and the locations of its four scenes, and also has the Kanji/Hiragana text Kazuyuki kuni Satsuma sā, tabi no hajimarida. (一之国薩摩さあ、旅の始まりだ。) in its bottom-right. The Hiragana/Kanji text of Dono kago de iku ndē (どのかごで行くんでえ) shall then be displayed at the top of the screen above a pair of bamboo-stick-bearers and four cages with the Kanji numerals for 1 to 4 over them - and it will then be changed to the Kanji/Hiragana text Noranē nda na (乗らねぇんだな), followed by a fourth Kanji/Hiragana text Shitaku ka muzukashī ze (四択か 難しいぜ) as the Kanji text Shitaku (四択) appears in the first cage and lastly the three-script text Tsugi no noruma ha 3-da. (次のノルマは3だ。). This means that in order to proceed to the second scene of the round you will have to answer three of the multiple-choice Japanese questions correctly.

Quiz Torimonochou scene intro (Cage Select).png

Note: It is also possible to press a button to select one of the other three cages at the start of a scene, and doing so may cause one of three other Kanji texts to appear in it: Ni-taku (二択), in which case the Kanji/Hiragana text of Ungaīna ni-takuda ze (運がいいな 二択だぜ) shall appear at the top of the screen and the questions shall only have two possible answers, Mitaku (三択), in which case the Kanji/Hiragana text of San-taku ka yōjin shite iki na (三択か 用心して行きな) shall appear at the top of the screen and the questions shall only have three possible answers, or Chikamichi (近道), in which case the Hiragana/Kanji text Medetē na chikamichi wo iki na (めでてぇな 近道を行きな) will appear at the top of the screen and the scene is skipped; also, if Chikamichi (近道) appears in a cage you select at the start of a fourth scene, the boss of the scene will not be skipped and must be defeated.