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Part-time Jobs[edit | edit source]
There are six part-time jobs available. You can begin taking part-time jobs on April 23, and access them by visiting the Town Bulletin Board in the Central Shopping District. Spending time doing a part-time job ensures you will earn a little extra money, develops a stat, and in some cases develop S. Links. Generally, it is far more to your advantage to invest time in the three jobs that develop S. Links than it is to invest time in the three jobs that only advance stats. All of the jobs are evening activities, except for Temperance, which is Daytime. Note that the base pay rates listed here increase as the job's required stat goes up. You'll earn more money for the Hospital Janitor job as you become more Diligent.
Job | Obtainable | Where | Status Level Required | Status Increase | Payment | S.Link |
Envelope Constructor | April 23 | Work Table at home | N/A | Diligence | 1000 Yen | N/A |
Origami Crane Folder | April 23 | Work Table at home | Diligence: Persistent | Understanding | Volunteer Work | N/A |
Translator | April 23 | Work Table at home | Knowledge: Informed | Expression | 1000 Yen | N/A |
Assistant Day Care Caretaker | April 23 | MFSat... Bus Stop | N/A | Understanding | 4000 Yen | Temperance |
Hospital Janitor | May 25 | WThF... Bus Stop | Diligence: Strong | Courage | 5000 Yen | Devil |
Tutor | May 25 | TThSat... Bus Stop | Understanding: Saintly | Expression & Knowledge | 10000 Yen | The Tower |