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United States of America[edit | edit source]

In Civilization III, the Americans are considered an Industrious and Expansionistic civilization, therefore, they start with Pottery and Masonry, and have significant bonuses to exploratory and construction activities.

  • Leader: Abraham Lincoln
  • Capital: Washington
  • Unique Unit: F-15
  • Team Color: Sky Blue

Aztec[edit | edit source]

In Civilization III, the Aztecs are considered a Militaristic and Religious civilization, therefore, they start with Warrior Code and Ceremonial Burial, and have significant bonuses to military activities and religious pursuits.

  • Leader: Montezuma II
  • Capital: Tenochtitlan
  • Unique Unit: Jaguar Warrior
  • Team Color: Dark Green

Babylon[edit | edit source]

In Civilization III, the Babylonians are considered a Scientific and Religious civilization, therefore, they start with Bronze Working and Ceremonial Burial, and have significant bonuses to their religious and scientific pursuits.

  • Leader: Hammurabi
  • Capital: Babylon
  • Unique Unit: Bowman
  • Team Color: Navy Blue

(People's Republic of) China[edit | edit source]

In Civilization III, the Chinese are considered a Militaristic and Industrious civilization, therefore, they start with Warrior Code and Masonry, and have significant bonuses to military and building activities.

  • Leader: Mao Zedong
  • Capital: Bejing
  • Unique Unit: Rider
  • Team Color: Pink

Egypt[edit | edit source]

In Civilization III, the Egyptians are considered an Industrious and Religious civilization, therefore, they start with Masonry and Ceremonial Burial, and have significant bonuses to building activities and religious pursuits.

  • Leader: Cleopatra VII
  • Capital: Thebes
  • Unique Unit: War Chariot
  • Team Color: Gold

United Kingdom (England)[edit | edit source]

In Civilization III, the English are considered an Expansionistic and Commercial civilization, therefore, they start with Alphabet and Pottery, and have significant bonuses to exploratory activities and commercial pursuits.

  • Leader: Elizabeth I
  • Capital: London
  • Unique Unit: Man-O-War
  • Team Color: Orange

France[edit | edit source]

In Civilization III, the French are considered an Industrious and Commercial civilization, therefore, they start with Alphabet and Masonry, and have significant bonuses to commercial pursuits and building activities.

  • Leader: Joan d'arc
  • Capital: Paris
  • Unique Unit: Musketeer
  • Team Color: Red-Violet

Germany[edit | edit source]

In Civilization III, the Germans are considered a Scientific and Militaristic civilization, therefore, they start with Warrior Code and Bronze Working, and have significant bonuses to scientific pursuits and military activities.

  • Leader: Otto van Bismarck
  • Capital: Berlin
  • Unique Unit: Panzer
  • Team Color: Royal Blue

Greece[edit | edit source]

In Civilization III, the Greeks are considered a Commercial and Scientific civilization, therefore, they start with Alphabet and Bronze Working, and have significant bonuses to trading activities and scientific pursuits.

  • Leader: Alexander the Great
  • Capital: Athens
  • Unique Unit: Hoplite
  • Team Color: Lime Green

India[edit | edit source]

In Civilization III, the Indians are considered a Religious and Commercial civilization, therefore, they start with Alphabet and Ceremonial Burial, and have significant bonuses to religious pursuits and trade-related activities.

  • Leader: Mohandas Gandhi
  • Capital: Delhi
  • Unique Unit: War Elephant
  • Team Color: Gray

Iroquois[edit | edit source]

In Civilization III, the Iroquois are considered a Religious and Expansionist civilization, therefore, they start with Pottery and Ceremonial Burial, and have significant bonuses to exploratory activities and religious pursuits.

  • Leader: Hiwatha
  • Capital: Salamanca
  • Unique Unit: Mounted Warrior
  • Team Color: Violet

Japan[edit | edit source]

In Civilization III, the Japanese are considered a Militaristic and Religious civilization, therefore, they start with The Wheel and Ceremonial Burial, and have significant bonuses to military activities and religious pursuits.

  • Leader: Tokugawa Ieyasu
  • Capital: Tokyo
  • Unique Unit: Samurai
  • Team Color: Maroon

Persia[edit | edit source]

In Civilization III, the Persians are considered a Scientific and Industrious civilization, therefore, they start with Bronze Working and Masonry, and have significant bonuses to scientific pursuits and building activities.

  • Leader: Xerxes I
  • Capital: Pesepolis
  • Unique Unit: Immortal
  • Team Color: Blue

Rome[edit | edit source]

In Civilization III, the Romans are considered a Militaristic and Commercial civilization, therefore, they start with Warrior Code and Alphabet, and have significant bonuses to military and trade activities.

  • Leader: Julius Ceasar
  • Capital: Rome
  • Unique Unit: Legionary
  • Team Color: Red

Russia[edit | edit source]

In Civilization III, the Russians are considered a Scientific and Expansionistic civilization, therefore, they start with Pottery and Bronze Working, and have significant bonuses to scientific pursuits and exploratory activities.

  • Leader: Catherine the Great
  • Capital: Moscow
  • Unique Unit: Cossack
  • Team Color: Brown

Zululand[edit | edit source]

In Civilization III, the Zulu are considered a Militaristic and Expansionistic civilization, therefore, they start with Warrior Code and Pottery, and have significant bonuses to military pursuits and exploratory activities.

  • Leader: Shaka Zulu
  • Capital: Zimbabwe
  • Unique Unit: Impi
  • Team Color: Blue-Gray