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Box artwork for Trials of Mana.
Box artwork for Trials of Mana.
Trials of Mana
Publisher(s)Square Enix
Year released2020
System(s)Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows, iOS, Android, Xbox Series X
SeriesSeiken Densetsu
Japanese title聖剣伝説せいけんでんせつ3 TRIALS of MANA (Seiken Densetsu 3: Trials of Mana)
Genre(s)Action RPG
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)CERO Ages 12 and upESRB TeenPEGI Ages 12+USK Ages 12+Parental GuidanceIARC Ages 12+GRB 12+
LinksTrials of Mana (2020) at PCGamingWikiTrials of Mana (2020) ChannelSearch
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