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Box artwork for Unconnected Marketeers.
Box artwork for Unconnected Marketeers.
Unconnected Marketeers
Developer(s)Team Shanghai Alice
Publisher(s)Team Shanghai Alice
Year released2021
SeriesTouhou Project
Japanese title東方虹龍洞 〜 Unconnected Marketeers
ModesSingle player
LinksUnconnected Marketeers at PCGamingWikiUnconnected Marketeers ChannelSearch

Unconnected Marketeers (東方虹龍洞 Touhou Kouryuudou?, Eastern Rainbow Dragon Cave) is a vertical-scrolling shooter and the eighteenth official installment of the Touhou series.

Story[edit | edit source]

Mysterious cards are circulating in Gensoukyou. Dubbed "Ability Cards", they seem to hold the power of various inhabitants of Gensoukyou, both human and youkai. Sensing the threat these cards pose, the protagonists seek to find their creator in hopes of getting rid of them.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

The signature gameplay aspect of this game is the aforementioned Ability Cards. The player can equip up to three of these cards as they progress, and these cards are divided into four types:

  • Item Cards. These grant you lives or Spell Cards (or fragments of them), money or Power.
  • Equipment Cards. These grant you a portion of the powers of other characters in the series, specifically their shot types, though a couple of them function more like shields, erasing bullets around them.
  • Passive Cards. These make your playthrough easier and do not require manual activation.
  • Active Cards. These cards can be activated to deal damage, evade attacks, and more. Unlike other cards, they have cooldowns.

A majority of the cards are randomly available for purchase at the end of each stage, but some cards can be bought only after beating the boss they are linked to. Additionally, clearing the game with every character unlocks one card resembling their shot type. About a third of all Equipment Cards must therefore be unlocked by clearing the game with each protagonist. These four playable characters are:

  • Reimu Hakurei, the Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise.
  • Marisa Kirisame, the Ordinary Magician.
  • Sakuya Izayoi, the Elegant Maid.
  • Sanae Kochiya, the Miraculous Living God.

Table of Contents
