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GLA Structures

  • Command Center
  • Supply Stash
  • Barracks
  • Tunnel Network
  • Stinger Site
  • Arms Dealer
  • Palace
  • Black Market
  • SCUD Storm

GLA Units

As a GLA player you may notice that something is left behind when enemy land vehicles are destroyed. These are scrap piles, visible and moveable only by GLA players. Moving over them with GLA units will normally provide a cash bonus, although where applicable your unit may recieve a weapons upgrade or a promotion.


  • Worker - The Worker, deployable from both the Command Center and Supply Stash, is the GLA's take on the Construction Dozer. It fills the roles of both a Construction Dozer and a Primary Resource Gatherer. Although it can't build very quickly compared to the machines of the other factions, the Worker is very expendible because of its low cost. It can clear mines and traps.
  • Rebel -
  • RPG Trooper -
  • Terrorist -
  • Hijacker - The hijacker is a relatively fast, unarmed infantry unit. He can capture any land unit that is not occupied by extra units. He is stealthed unless moving or attacking.
  • Angry Mob -
  • Jarmen Kell - The GLA hero unit, feared for his exclusive ability to neutralize vehicles. When a vehicle is neutralized, all units inside spill out, making for easy sniping for the revealed Jarmen Kell. As of the recent patch, Jarmen Kell cannot detect other stealthed units. Kell, like the Pathfinder, can hide in structures and snipe at enemy infantry without revealing his location. Before he can be built, a level 3 generals point must be expended.


  • Technical -
  • Scorpion Tank -
  • Marauder Tank -
  • Quad Cannon -
  • Radar Van - Unarmed, fragile, and slow, this vehicle provides radar for the GLA, and also serves as the GLA's only mobile stealth detection unit. With the Radar Scan upgrade, Radar Vans can temporarily reveal an area of the map, detecting stealted units at that.
  • Toxin Tractor - Lightly armored, but resistant to rockets and immune to anthrax and radiation, the Toxin Tractor is a utility, annihilating infantry at short range, even those inside civilian structures. Their toxin nozzles are also effective against vehicles, but can't be used at all against dozer-built structures. The Toxin Tractor can contaminate a considerably large circle with anthrax toxins, reducing the health of any units that cross it.
  • Rocket Buggy - This miniature unit is the GLA's main siege weapon. When in range, the buggy fires an impressive barrage of small rockets at a distant target, dealing significant damage to anything that doesn't flee. The Buggy is fast, but also is lightly armored and therefore in danger from aircraft and anything else that can catch them.
  • SCUD Launcher -
  • Bomb Truck - This unit delivers a tremendous explosive charge to its destination. Moderately fast, its primary function is to soften up incoming Chinese forces or to finish off a crippled non-GLA structure. They can be individually upgraded with extra firepower, an anthrax compliment, or both. These units are expensive, and should not be used in excess when the more dependable tech-terror strategy is available.