Resident Evil/Files

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Spoiler warning! This section of the article contains spoilers, or hints about the game's storyline or progression.

You might want to skip down to the next heading if you do not want facts about the game's storyline or plot revealed to you.

Numerous files can be found throughout the game. Some tell passwords, plot details, or give backgrounds. Files do not take up any Inventory space and are instead sent to the Files menu, which you access through the Inventory screen. There are a total of fifteen files in the game (sixteen in Rebirth mode).

Mansion files

Botany Book

  • Found: On top of table in Small Library (Jill and Chris- all versions).
  • Transcript:

~ About Medicinal Herbs ~

As you may know there are many plants that have medical effects. Since ancient times, humans have been healing wounds and diseases using various plants.

In this book, we're going to sample three herbs that grow around the Raccoon Mountains and give examples of those plants with medical properties.

Each herb has a different colour and different effects as medical plants: the green one recovers physical strength, the blue one neutralizes natural toxins while the red herb does not have any effect by itself. The red herb is only effective when it is mixed with the other herbs.

For example, if you mix the red with the green, you will get recovery tripled. By adjusting the amount and experimenting with these three herbs, you can create various kinds of medicines but I'll leave the details to you because that's the best way to acquire knowledge.

Keeper's Diary

  • Found: On top of desk in Employee's Bedroom (Jill and Chris- all versions).
  • Transcript:

May 9, 1998
At night, I played poker with Scott the guard, Alias, and Steve the Researcher. Steve was really lucky, but I think he was cheating. What a scumbag.

May 10, 1998
Today, a high-ranking researcher asked me to take care of a new monster. It looks like a gorilla without any skin. They told me to feed them live food. When I threw in a pig they were playing with it... pulling off its legs and pulling out its guts before they actually ate it.

May 11, 1998
Around 5 'o clock this morning, Scott came in and woke me up suddenly. He was wearing a protection suit that looks a space suit. He told me to put one on as well. I heard that there was an accident in the basement lab. It's no wonder; those researchers never rest even at night.

May 12, 1998
I've been wearing this damn spacesuit since yesterday; my skin grows musty and feels very itchy. By way of revenge, I didn't feed those dogs today. Now I feel better.

May 13, 1998
I went to the medical room because my back is all swollen and itchy. They put a big bandage on my back and told me that I don't have to wear the spacesuit anymore. I guess I can sleep well tonight.

May 14, 1998
When I woke up this morning, I found another blister on my foot. I went to the dog's pen and ended up dragging my foot. They have been quiet since morning, which is unusual. I found that some of them had escaped. I'll be in real trouble if the higher ups find out.

May 15, 1998
Even though I didn't feel well, I decided to go see Nancy. It's my first day off in a long time, but I was stopped by the guard on the way out. They say the company has ordered that no one leave the grounds. I can't even make a phone call what kind of joke is this!?!

May 16, 1998
I heard a researcher that tried to escape was shot last night. My entire body feels burning and itchy at night. When I was scratching the swelling on my arm a lump of rotten flesh dropped off. What the hell is happening to me?

May 19, 1998
Fever gone but itchy. Hungry and eat doggy food. Itchy. Itchy. Scott came. Ugly face so killed him. Tasty.


Researcher's Will

  • Found: On top of desk in Researcher's Room (Jill and Chris- all versions)
  • Transcript:

My dear Alma,

The fact that you have received this letter is both a joy and sadness for me. I could not even talk to you because of that guy in the sunglasses. Alma, be calm and read this. I think I told you that I moved to a pharmaceutical company's lab. They headhunted me. Last month, there was an accident in the lab and the virus we were studying escaped.

All my colleagues who were infected by the virus are dead. To be accurate; they've become the living dead. They still wonder around. Some of them are knocking at my door desperately right now, but there is no sign of intelligence behind those eyes. That cursed virus takes away all humanity from the human brain. Love, joy, sorrow, fear, and humor... eternally.

And Alma, even the memories of the days I spent with you...yes, I'm infected. I did everything to delay it, but I could only for a few days. The most frightening thing is I forget more about you by the day. So I chose a peaceful death, rather than becoming one of the living dead. Within an hour, I will have entered my eternal sleep. I hope you will understand my decision...

Goodbye and forever yours,

Martin Crackhorn


  • Found: on top of table in Trophy Room (Jill and Chris- Original, Director's Cut) or on the floor behind the table (Jill and Chris- Rebirth)
  • Transcript:

Top Secret July 22, 1998 2:13

To the head of the Security Dept:

"X-Day" is approaching. Complete the following orders within the week.

1. Lure the members of S.T.A.R.S. into the lab and have them fight with the B.O.W. in order to obtain data of battles.
2. Collect two embryo's per B.O.W. type of all species except Tyrant.
3. Destroy the Arkley Lab including all researchers and lab animals in a manner which will seem accidental.

White Umbrella

Pass Number

  • Found: Barry gives this to you after you wait for him to come back with the rope (Jill- all versions, Chris - N/A)
  • Transcript:

Pass No. 8/083/0


  • Found: On top of small table Large Library (Jill and Chris- all versions)
  • Transcript:


May 20. Around 10pm a 20-year old woman's body was found by a passer-by on the left bank of the Marble River in the Cider district of Raccoon City. Raccoon Police assume it to be a grizzly or other animals doing as there are teeth marks along her mutilated arms and left foot that show considerable power. Since she was wearing a hiking boot on her other foot it has been determined that she was attacked in the Arklay Mountains and fell into the river. They are hurrying to identify this woman.


Some people claim to have seen monsters in the Arklay Mountains. The monsters are supposedly dog size and run in packs like wolves do. This may sound like a pack of ordinary wild dogs, but these are surpassingly fierce and hard to hurt. They say these dogs wont bother you unless you wake them while they are sleeping. So you smart readers should stay out of the Arklay Mountains for the time being. But if you're looking for adventure, check it out! You wanna try?


-Mountain Road Blocked-

Due to the successive disasters in the Arklay Mountains, the city authorities have decided to block the road leading to the foothills. At the same time, Raccoon Police intend to search for lost people with the help of S.T.A.R.S. team members. They expect great difficulty because of the vast size of the Arklay Mountains and the primeval forest that covers most of the area. Also people are still reporting sightings of grotesque monsters in the mountains.

Eric's Letter

  • Found: On top of desk inside the hidden room in the Side Library (Jill and Chris- Rebirth)
  • Transcript:


I have a favor to ask. Can you look for a book I misplaced? Actually, it appears I lost it somewhere around the Guardhouse Quarters when I had a little too much to drink. It's very important to me. Please find it. Thank you.


Guardhouse files

Plant 42 Report

  • Found: On top of bed in 002 Dormitory (Jill and Chris- all versions)
  • Transcript:

Four days have passed since the accident and the plant at point 42 is growing amazingly fast. It has been affected by the T-Virus differently than other plants have been and shows unique shape in addition to size. Looking at the way it behaves it is difficult to determine what kind of plant it was originally.

There are two ways in which plant 42 gathers nutrition. The first one is through its root that reaches into the basement. Immediately after the accident, a scientist went mad and broke the water tank in the basement. Now the basement is filled with muddy water. It is easily imaginable that some chemical elements were blended in the water and promotes the incredibly fast growth of plant 42.

Another part of plant 42 from the basement grows through the duct and hangs down like so many bulbs from the ceiling of the first floor. Many vines come out of these bulbs and they are the second source of its nutrition. Once senceing movement, plant 42 shoots its vines around the prey and holds it. Then it starts sucking blood, using the suckers located at the back of its vine.

It also has some intelligence. It blocks the door by twining its vines around it especially when it captures prey or is sleeping. Several staff members have already fallen victims to this.

May 21, 1998
Henry Sarton

V-Jolt Report

  • Found: On the bookshelf in the 003 Dormitory (Jill and Chris- all versions)
  • Transcript:

As I stated in the last report there are some common features found in the cells of the plant infected with the Tyrant Virus. We have also found another interesting fact through some experiments. We found an element that destroys these plant cells rapidly in "UMB. No. 16" one of the series of Umbrella Chemicals that we used for the experiment.

We named this "UMB. No. 16" as "V-Jolt." In our calculations, it will take less than 5 seconds to destroy plant 42 if we put the "V-Jolt" directly on the root. You need to mix some of the UMB series chemicals in an order to make the "V-Jolt." But the UMB. Series of chemicals may generate a poisonous gas, which is harmful to the human body. Extreme caution should be taken when handling these chemicals.

Following are the types of UMB. Chemicals and their brief characteristics:
UMB. No. 2 Red
NP-OO3 Purple
UMB. No. 4 Green
Yellow-6 Yellow
UMB. No. 7 White
UMB. No. 13 Blue (Stimulating Smell)
UMB. No. 16 Brown "V-Jolt"

Lab files

Researcher's Letter

  • Found: On desk in Researcher's Room B3 (Jill and Chris- all versions)
  • Transcript:

June 8, 1998

Dear Ada,

Ada, by the time you read this I'll be something... different. Today's test turned out to be positive, just as I had expected. I feel crazy when I think about becoming one of them. Ada, your not infected and I hope you never will be. In case you're the only one left, take the material to the Visual Data Room and go to the Power room to operate the Triggering System before you escape. Make all this public through the media. If everything is in order, all the locks can be opened by the security system. You can access the system if you log in with my name, from the terminal in the small lab and enter the password.

The password is your name.

To unlock the door at 132 where the Visual Data Room is located, you'll need to access with our names first then enter another password.

I've written the code below, I'm sure you'll understand it easily.

And this is my last hope - if you find me completely changed please kill me yourself.


Yours, John.


  • Found: Inside panel in Storage Room B3 (Jill and Chris- all versions)
  • Transcript:

To: General Manager of Sanitation Division

From: Special Committee on Disasters Raccoon Special Research Dept.

This memorandum is strictly confidential and must be destroyed as soon as it is understood.

Regarding the "T-Virus" outbreak, which occurred recently. This committee conducted a field survey. According to the survey results estimates on the amount of damage caused by the accident are considerably greater than reported earlier.

Second, our security system is still in operation. However, our special security guard squad has nearly been destroyed. Because of that research information considered by our company to be Top Secret has been made available to outsiders. Counter-measures should be taken as soon as possible.

Finally, many of the "Subjects" from the experiments have escaped and are out of control. We believe that some researchers were killed by these "Subjects" and their body's mutilated.

By curious coincidence these events are proof of the success of our research. However there is also a very high risk that this news will be leaked to the press if we don't act immediately.

The condition is very serious. Our operation to cover up the situation is difficult to attain, however we hope the problem will be solved quickly. We are especially concerned that the state police and S.T.A.R.S. are intervening to quickly. We need to act on this situation as well.

Security System

  • Found: On shelf in Visual Data Room B2 (Jill and Chris- all versions)
  • Transcript:


Helicopter Port Executives and government officials only on helicopter port. This restriction may not apply in case of an accident.

Passage to Helicopter No one is allowed to enter unless a Research Consultant or Security Director attends them. All others will be shot on sight.

Elevator The Elevator stops during emergencies.


Visual Data Room The Visual Data Room is within the control of Special Research Division. Keith Arving, the room manager, is designated to have jurisdiction over room usage.


Prison Sanitation Division controls the usage of the prison. Consultant Researchers (E. Smith, S. Ross, and A. Wesker) must be present if virus is used.

Triple Lock Door No one is allowed to enter unless he presents all pass-code documents. The Chief Researcher of each block must create pass-code documents on the specialized output machines.

Power Room Only headquarter supervisors may enter. This restriction may not apply if the Consultant Researcher has received special instructions.

Pass-code Output Machines No one is allowed to use the machines but the Chief Researchers.



Regarding the progress of "Tyrant" after use of the "T-Virus"... (The remaining document is unreadable)

Pass Code 01

  • Found: On desk in Storage Room B3 (Jill and Chris- all versions)
  • Transcript:

"I swear by myself," declares the lord, "that because you have done this and not withheld your son, your only son...

(Genesis 22:16)

Pass Code 02

  • Found: On desk in Morgue B3 (Jill and Chris- all versions)
  • Transcript:

...I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky, and the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies...

(Genesis 22:17)

Pass Code 03

  • Found: On desk in Generator Room B B3 (Jill and Chris- all versions)
  • Transcript:

...and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you obeyed me."

(Genesis 22:18)

Barry's Picture

  • Found: Should you get the bad ending, Barry gives this to you toward the end of the game (Jill- all versions, Chris- N/A)
  • Transcript:

Something is written on the back of the picture

"My dearest Moira and Polly,

I hope you will grow up to be strong and beautiful women and help to cheer up mother.

Your father will be watching you all from heaven.
