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Note: The SNES reskin of Pac-In-Time changes this world's theme to a castle, and begins with a sixth new cutscene to reflect the game's new storyline:


Level 41

You are entering
the striking Mountain
level 1!

Tinies present: All
Time: 8:20
PITSNES powers: Grappling Hook, Fireballs, Bubbles
PITSNES pellets: 50

Once the yellow Tiny has reappeared on the screen, he will drop down onto a platform and you will immediately have to switch to the blue one; once you have done it, you shall have to drop down to the left into a pool of water and swim to the right under the platform until you come to the left wall of a stone platform to be warped to a forty-first bonus level. Once this forty-first bonus level has appeared on the screen, the yellow Tiny will reappear in it, and you shall have 25 seconds to collect all 78 coins in it and reach the "EXIT" sign - and once the blue Tiny's reappeared back in the main level you will have to retrace your steps back up to the starting platform and switch to the red Tiny. You will then have to make the red Tiny eat through a block in the platform underneath him to warp to a forty-second bonus level; once this forty-second bonus level has appeared on the screen, the yellow Tiny will reappear in it, and you'll have 35 seconds to collect all 80 coins in it (by letting the air currents carry you up to them) and reach the "EXIT" sign. Once that red Tiny has reappeared in the main level you'll have to switch to the green one - and once you've done so, you will have to walk up two slopes, latch onto the ceiling above you with the grappling hook to swing over some spikes, fall back down to that starting platform, walk up two more slopes, jump up to the first and second steps of the aforementioned stone platform in turn, and fall down to the ground inside it (a block shall cover the gap you have just fallen through once you've landed, and the Viking Tiny in the room shall also occasionally activate an air current that carry your own Tiny back up to the ceiling). Once the Viking Tiny has deactivated the air current, you shall have to push a block in the platform's right wall to the right (until it drops down onto a spike pit) and switch back to the yellow Tiny; once you have done it, you will have to turn back to the left and shoot four fireballs at the Viking Tiny to kill him. You then have to switch back to that green Tiny, jump up to the first and second steps of another stone platform in turn, jump back to the left onto the fourth step of the first stone platform, and jump to the left into its right wall to cause the bottom of a sawn-off Ionic column above you to fall onto the platform - and once you've done so you shall have to jump onto it and switch back to the yellow Tiny. You will then have to jump up and shoot a fireball at a torch on the wall to your right (the heat from the torch will melt the ice around the "EXIT" sign below it); once you've done so you must reach the "EXIT" sign.

Level 42

the tempting Mountain
level 2!

Tinies present: All
Time: 7:50
PITSNES powers: Grappling Hook, Fireballs, Bubbles
PITSNES pellets: 50

Once the red Tiny has reappeared on the screen, you'll immediately have to make him eat through a block underneath him to warp to a forty-third bonus level; once that red Tiny has reappeared in this forty-third bonus level, you will have 25 seconds to collect all 41 coins in it (by switching to the blue Tiny, jumping into the pool of water above you, swimming up to its surface, and jumping up to each of the floating platforms in turn to collect them), and reach the "EXIT" sign. Once the red Tiny has reappeared in the main level, you shall have to walk to the right up a slope (while watching out for a falling snow-boulder), jump up to the second step of the starting platform and walk up another slope (while watching out for another falling snow-boulder), drop down to the ground and switch to the green Tiny; once you do so, you'll have to use his grappling hook to latch onto the underside of the starting platform and swing up to its third step, enter a teleporter to be warped up to a dead tree on another platform, drop down onto a third platform and switch to the yellow Tiny. You will now have to shoot a fireball at the rope tying the third platform to the second one to make it fall onto a block of ice with a frozen mammoth inside (unfortunately, this will cause the ice to crack, and the mammoth inside will thaw out, get angry and charge at the Tiny) - and once you've jumped over the mammoth (and he has been stunned by running into the third step of the starting platform), you shall have to use the reprieve to switch back to the green Tiny, pull the block to the left with the grappling hook, and jump over it to the "EXIT" sign (but if you take too long, the mammoth will recover).

Level 43

Take a trip to
the gothic Mountain
level 3!

Tinies present: All
Time: 4:10
PITSNES powers: Grappling Hook, Fireballs, Bubbles
PITSNES pellets: 50

Once that green Tiny has reappeared on the screen, you shall have to use the grappling hook to latch onto the underside of a platform above you, swing over a dead tree, drop back down to the ground, walk up a slope, jump up to the first and second steps of another platform in turn, drop down to the third step of the platform, start pulling an ice block back to the left with the grappling hook, jump over it, and continue pushing it back to the left until it reaches the left side of the platform; once you've done so you'll have to use the grappling hook to swing up to a third platform above you and switch to the yellow Tiny. You'll then have to shoot five fireballs at a projectile-firing Yeti Tiny who's walking back and forth to kill him - and once you have done so, you shall have to switch back to that green Tiny. You must then use that grappling hook to latch onto the ceiling above you, swing up to a teleporter to be warped back down to the ground and switch back to the yellow Tiny; once you have done so, you will have to turn back to the left and shoot a fireball at a log to set it alight (the heat from the log shall melt the ice block on the second platform to reveal a key). You will now have to switch to the red Tiny - and once you've done so, you will have to make that red Tiny eat through four blocks underneath him and six blocks to his right, switch to the blue Tiny, and walk to the right to warp to a forty-fourth bonus level. Once the blue Tiny reappears in this forty-fourth bonus level you shall have 40 seconds to collect all 28 coins (and both 1UPs) in it, and reach the "EXIT" sign; once the blue Tiny has reappeared in the main level, you will have to switch back to the red one. You'll then have to make the red Tiny drop back down into the hole he'd created and eat through a seventh block underneath him to warp to a forty-fifth bonus level - and once the red Tiny reappears in this forty-fifth bonus level you'll have 40 seconds to grab as many of its first 81 coins as you can while falling (if you miss any, you won't have another chance to grab them). Once you've landed on the ground, you'll have to make that red Tiny eat through two blocks underneath him and five blocks to his right to get to 12 more coins and a third 1UP; once you've collected them all you shall have to retrace your steps back up to the "EXIT" sign. Once that red Tiny has reappeared in the main level, you'll have to switch back to the green one - and once you have done so you shall have to jump up to another teleporter to get warped back up to the third platform. You will now have to retrace your steps back down to the second platform's third step to get the key (and back up to the third platform again), use the grappling hook to latch onto the ceiling above you, swing to the left onto a fourth platform, walk back to the left up a second slope, push against a brick with a keyhole in it to make it slide down and switch back to that red Tiny; you must now make the red Tiny eat through four blocks under him, fall onto the first platform, and reach the "EXIT" sign.

Level 44

Ready to wreak havoc in
the inevitable Mountain
level 4!

Tinies present: All
Time: 4:10
PITSNES powers: Grappling Hook, Fireballs, Hammer
PITSNES pellets: 50

Once that red Tiny has reappeared on the screen, you'll have to make him eat through a block in the wall to his right, and switch to the green Tiny; once you have done it you shall have to use the grappling hook to swing into the gap the block has left behind and warp to a forty-sixth bonus level. Once the green Tiny has reappeared in this forty-sixth bonus level you will have 40 seconds to collect all 62 coins in it (by latching onto the ceiling above you with the grappling hook) - and once you have done so, you will have to drop down to the ground and switch back to the red Tiny. You will then have to make the red Tiny eat through a block under him to warp to a forty-seventh bonus level; once the red Tiny reappears in this forty-seventh bonus level you will have 40 seconds to collect all four 1UPs in it and reach the "EXIT" sign to return to the forty-sixth bonus level. Once the red Tiny reappears in the forty-sixth bonus level, you shall have to make him drop back down into the hole he created to warp to a forty-eighth bonus level - and once the red Tiny has reappeared in this forty-eighth bonus level, you'll have 40 seconds to collect a 63rd coin and a fifth 1UP (by switching back to that green Tiny and using his grappling hook to reach them), and reach the "EXIT" sign. Once the green Tiny has reappeared in the main level, you will have to walk to the left up a slope and down another one to collect a key, use the grappling hook to swing up to a platform, and switch to the yellow Tiny; once you have done so, you'll have to shoot five fireballs at a projectile-firing bird to kill him, walk to the right down a third slope, shoot three fireballs at a leaping goat to kill him and switch back to the green Tiny. You then have to jump onto four floating ice blocks (which are positioned over a spike pit, and will fall down as soon as you land on them, so you'll have to be very quick with your jumps here) and a second platform in turn, use that grappling hook to swing up to a third platform, walk right onto a brick with a keyhole in it (it will slide to the left), and fall down through the gap the brick has opened up onto the "EXIT" sign.

Level 45

Let's go mad in
the athletic Mountain
level 5!

Tinies present: Green
Time: 0:50
PITSNES powers: All
PITSNES pellets: 50

Once that green Tiny has reappeared on the screen, he'll fall down onto a block, and you shall have to jump to the right to collect two clocks for 30 extra seconds apiece; once you have dropped back down to the ground, you will have to jump up to a platform, and walk to the right down a slope (a sawn-off Ionic column shall extend itself downwards to block the gap you have just passed through, and the Viking Tiny in the room will also occasionally activate an air current that shall carry your own Tiny up to the ceiling, so you will have to make sure you are not under one of the three groups of spikes when he does so). Once the Viking Tiny has deactivated his air current, you will have to use the grappling hook to swing up to a switch on the right wall and push it (the bottom of the first sawn-off Ionic column, and a second one on the room's right side, will move towards the Viking Tiny, and crush him) - and once you've done so you shall have to retrace your steps back to your starting position to be carried up to another platform by a new air current (but not while the aforementioned block is being carried back down to the ground by it, as it will crush the Tiny underneath it when it lands). You will now have to jump onto a third platform, run up a slope and pass through a colour field to activate the yellow Tiny; once you've done so, you will have to run down another slope, drop back down to the second platform, retrace your steps back to the second air current to get carried up to a fourth platform, and pass through another colour field to activate the red Tiny. You now have to drop down onto a fifth platform, walk up a third slope and down a fourth one to drop down onto an ice block, drop down to a sixth platform, and switch to the yellow Tiny - and once you have done so, you shall have to shoot four fireballs at the ice block to destroy it and reveal the "EXIT" sign (which you then have to touch to end the level, for unlike in Level 41, it does not have to be unfrozen).

Level 46

We'll have fun in
the nice Mountain
level 6!

Tinies present: Red, Green, Blue
Time: 9:10
PITSNES powers: Fireballs, Bubbles
PITSNES pellets: 50

Once the red Tiny has reappeared on the screen, he shall drop down onto the starting slope, so you shall have to walk to the right down it and two more slopes, and switch to the blue Tiny; once you have done so, you will have to drop into an ocean and swim to the left under three platforms while blowing bubbles at an orca who has just passed under you from behind. Once you've blown enough bubbles at the orca to kill him, you will have to collect a key, swim back to the right under a fourth platform and pass through a colour field to activate the yellow Tiny - and once you have done so, you shall have to swim over an ice block (which shall rise up to the surface after you have done so) and two more platforms and swim up to the surface to warp to a forty-ninth bonus level. Once this forty-ninth bonus level has appeared on the screen, that green Tiny will reappear in it, and you'll have 20 seconds to collect all 20 coins in it and reach the "EXIT" sign; once the blue Tiny reappears in the main level, you will have to retrace your steps back over to the ice block, jump up to it and three more slopes in turn, and switch to the green Tiny. You'll then have to use that grappling hook to latch onto the ceiling above you, swing back to the left onto a dead tree on the fourth platform, and switch to that yellow Tiny - and once you have done so, you will have to drop down to the left onto the fourth platform, and shoot three fireballs at a projectile-spitting Viking Tiny to kill him. Once you have done so, he will leave another key behind; once you have collected it you shall have to switch back to the green Tiny. You will then have to retrace your steps back over to the sixth slope, use that grappling hook to latch onto the ceiling above you, swing up to a sixth platform, and enter a teleporter to get warped down to a brick that has a keyhole in it (it will slide to the right) - and once you have done so you will have to drop down onto another brick with a keyhole in it (it will again slide to the right), drop down to a seventh platform, and reach the "EXIT" sign (if you forget a key, there is a warp-back teleporter above the first keyhole brick).

Level 47

the adorable Mountain
level 7!

Tinies present: All
Time: 9:10
PITSNES powers: All
PITSNES pellets: 50

Once the green Tiny has reappeared on the screen, you will have to walk to the right over a slope to collect a coin, jump onto an ice block (which will fall onto a sawn-off Ionic column as soon as you land on it) and a second platform in turn, and walk to the right over another slope to collect five more coins; once you have done so, you will have to drop down to the left onto the fallen ice block and a third platform in turn, jump back to the left onto the first step of a fourth platform and drop back down to the left onto the second step of the platform to collect five more coins. You'll now have to jump back up to the first step of the fourth platform, and switch to the blue Tiny - and once you've done so, you shall have to drop back down to the third platform, walk to the left down a third slope into an ocean, and push a switch on the left wall (this will cause the sawn-off Ionic column to move to the right off-screen, and the ice block will continue falling to the ground as a result). You then have to retrace your steps back to the surface and switch back to the green Tiny; once you have done so, you shall have to use the grappling hook to latch onto the underside of the starting platform's first step, swing up to its second step to collect four more coins, and switch to that yellow Tiny. You'll then have to quickly shoot two fireballs at a bluebottle who is flying towards you to kill him - and once you have done so you shall have to switch to the red Tiny, make him eat through a block in the wall to his right, and jump into the gap that the block has left behind to warp to a fiftieth bonus level (which is identical to the previous one, but when that green Tiny reaches the "EXIT" sign, he will be warped to a fifty-first bonus level, where he'll have 40 seconds to collect 11 more coins and three 1UPs). Once the red Tiny has reappeared in the main level, you will have to jump back to the left onto the starting platform's third step to collect a 47th coin, drop back down onto the third platform and a fifth one in turn, and walk to the right up a fourth slope; once you have done so, you will have to jump back to the left up to a sixth platform, walk back to the left up a fifth slope, jump to the right up to a seventh platform, and walk over two more slopes in turn to collect a 48th coin and a key. You will now have to retrace your steps back down to the fifth platform, and switch back to the yellow Tiny - and once you have done so, you shall have to drop down onto the again-fallen ice block and the ground in turn, and shoot two more fireballs at another bluebottle to kill him. You will then have to turn back to the left, shoot four fireballs at the again-fallen ice block to destroy it, walk back to the left, and collect another key; once you have done so, you will have to walk back to the right, and switch back to that green Tiny. You'll then have to use the grappling hook to swing back up to the fifth platform, switch back to the yellow Tiny and jump up to shoot two more fireballs at a block on the right side of the third platform to destroy it - and once you have done so, you shall have to switch back to that green Tiny, use the grappling hook to swing back to the left against two keyhole bricks on the right side of that third platform (causing them to slide down and up respectively), fall down onto the second step of the third platform, and finally touch the "EXIT" sign to end the level.

Level 48

And now,
the sexy Mountain
level 8!

Tinies present: Yellow, Red, Blue
Time: 9:10
PITSNES powers: Fireballs, Bubbles
PITSNES pellets: 50

Once the yellow Tiny has reappeared on the screen, you'll immediately have to switch to the red one; once you've done so, you will have to jump back to the left onto three platforms in turn (while watching out for four snow-boulders) and enter a teleporter to be warped up to a fourth platform. You shall then have to make that Tiny eat through a block in the wall to his right to warp to a fifty-second bonus level (which is identical to that forty-first one) - and once the red Tiny has reappeared in the main level, you'll have to jump back to the left onto two more platforms in turn (while watching out for two more snow-boulders), then jump up to enter another teleporter and warp up to a seventh platform. You will then have to switch to the blue Tiny; once you have done so, you will have to jump back to the left onto three more platforms in turn (while watching out for four more snow-boulders), then jump up to an eleventh vertically-moving platform, two more horizontally-moving ones and a fourteenth static one in turn, and touch the "EXIT" sign to move on to the next level.

Level 49

You are going to love
the divine Mountain
level 9!

Tinies present: All
Time: 9:10
PITSNES powers: Grappling Hook, Bubbles, Hammer
PITSNES pellets: 50

Once the blue Tiny has reappeared on the screen, he shall drop down onto a chairlift which will carry him up to the top of the starting platform; once you have jumped onto it, you shall have to switch to the green Tiny. You will then have to walk to the right over three blocks, jump over a crazed Tiny onto a fourth block as he holds up a stick of dynamite, and wait for him to explode - and once the crazed Tiny has blown himself up, the third and fourth blocks shall drop down to the ground. Once you drop down through the gap the blocks have left behind, you have to use the grappling hook to drop down onto a static blue bull and switch to the red Tiny; once you have done so you shall have to slide back to the left on the bull so he is positioned over a gopher, drop down to the right onto the ground, and make the red Tiny eat through a block underneath him to fall down onto the "EXIT" sign and finish the level.

Level 50

Let's go into
the swirling Mountain
level 10!

Tinies present: Yellow, Green, Blue
Time: 5:20
PITSNES powers: Grappling Hook, Fireballs
PITSNES pellets: 50

Once the yellow Tiny has reappeared on the screen, he shall collect two coins as he drops down onto a giant half-eaten bar of chocolate; once you have landed, you'll have to switch to the green Tiny. You shall now have to use the grappling hook to latch onto the ceiling, the left and right walls, and the left and right sides of seven more giant bars of chocolate (the fourth and fifth ones are also, again, half-eaten, while the eighth one is sticking out of the right wall, and there is also a teleporter to the right of the second one which warps the Tiny back up to the top-left corner when he enters it) to collect 41 more coins - and once you've collected them all, you'll have to make your way down to the "EXIT" sign in the bottom-right corner, and touch it to end the level.

The game will now return to the overworld map, as the line of dots indicating the Tinies' progress continues to appear, and they go on to the sixth world; as mentioned on the previous page, this world is where the Game Boy reskin skips ahead to after the fourth world, but for the SNES one, this world has an extra level that will see "Pac-Boy" fighting against the Gum Monster (the final boss from Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures), and it's described below.

Level 51 (PITSNES)

Powers: All

Once "Pac-Boy" has reappeared on the screen, you will have to switch to the Bubbles power as he drops into a pool of water, and pull out the cork in the floor to drain the water (when the raft the Gum Monster is standing on touches the floor, it shall explode); once you have done so, you will have to switch to the Fireballs power and start shooting them at the Gum Monster as he throws rocks and spikes back at "Pac-Boy" (if you get hit too many times, there is an apple and banana in the top-left corner that you can collect to restore your energy, and they are also restored if you die). Each hit registered on the Gum Monster's head forces him back towards the trap door at the right side of the room - and once the Gum Monster's right over the trap door you have to jump back to the left onto the platform sticking out of the left wall, switch to the Hammer power, and hit the platform with the hammer five times to fully open the trap door, causing the Gum Monster to fall into the lava below. The time portal back to 1995, which has the text "PAC-LAND" above it, will now rise out of the lava and through the trap door; once "Pac-Boy" has entered it to return to the present time you shall be treated to the game's new ending:













After the credits have finished, the game shall return to the title screen, and remain there until you switch off the console; it's also worth noting that if you want to go directly to this stage without the hassle of having to collect all of the pellets for the fifty previous ones, you can enter LVDYK on the password screen, then return to the title screen, highlight "1UP GAME" with the cursor, push the D-Pad to the left while holding the L Button and R Button buttons and push Start Button to proceed to the game's level select screen. Once there, you can use the A Button, X Button, L Button and R Button buttons to choose a level number (oddly enough, the screen has a redundant hundreds digit), and press Start Button to begin on that level. However, the Game Boy reskin will continue for two additional worlds.