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River City Ransom,Downtown Nekketsu Story

Your adventure to rescue Cyndi starts right outside your high school, Cross Town High. From there, you must make your way to the right until you reach Grotto Mall. You'll need to spend some money at the mall to buy goods that make you stronger. When you're ready, you'll have to travel through Sticksville to take on the first boss, Moose.

Cross Town High[edit]

West Sticksville

You start outside Cross Town High. To the right is the city of Sticksville and Grotto Mall. You start out with only the basic moves, so use them to battle your way through the gangs. If anyone drops a weapon, pick it up to gain an advantage.

West Sticksville[edit]

Grotto Mall
Cross Town High

The west side of Sticksville isn't particularly interesting, but it is important to note that the exit from Sticksville to the Grotto Mall is through the alley along the top of the screen. Don't run at full speed to the right; you'll slam into an invisible wall and take some damage.

Grotto Mall[edit]

West Sticksville


With so many things to purchase, you may find your first mall a bit overwhelming. There are two goals for shopping: Buy books to learn new moves, and purchase the food items that give you the greatest boost for the money.

Early on, you're going to want to focus on items that can increase your Max Power, which will increase your Stamina meter and help you survive longer. Raising Will Power is another goal to focus on; a high will power will give you the chance to stand back up after losing all of your stamina and avoid losing half of your money.

Hot Cocoa is a cheap item that restores a lot of health. Coffee is a cheap way to increase Will Power while still healing yourself. Donuts are excellent for Will Power although they don't heal you. Prawns may seem great for healing, but they're much too expensive.

If you have enough money, consider picking up the Dragon Feet book. Stone Hands is good too, but since you can later buy shoes that improve your kick power, investing in your kick ability may be wiser. Don't forget to go into your belongings and read any books you buy in order to activate them. Otherwise they do nothing for you.

Rise & Shine Cafe
Item Price Effects
Coffee .95 Will Power +2, Stamina +16, Max Power +4
Tea .95 Will Power +4
Hot Cocoa 1.25 Defense +1, Stamina +24, Max Power +6
Pancakes 3.30 Stamina +25, Max Power +8
Waffles 4.10 Agility +1, Strength +1, Stamina +25, Max Power +8
Metro Bakery
Item Price Effects
Donut .80 Will Power +6
Muffin .90 Agility +1, Stamina +6, Max Power +1
Bagel .90 Defense +1, Stamina +6, Max Power +1
Honey Bun .90 Strength +1, Stamina +6, Max Power +1
Croissant 1.00 Stamina +8, Max Power +2
Sushi Bar
Cheaper Sushi
Item Price Effects
Egg 2.25 Punch +1, Stamina +10, Max Power +2
Octopus 2.25 Weapon +1, Stamina +8, Max Power +2
Squid 2.25 Throw +2, Stamina +4, Max Power +1
Conger Eel 3.75 Defense +2, Stamina +16, Max Power +4
Prawn 6.00 Strength +2, Stamina +32, Max Power +8
Expensive Sushi
Item Price Effects
Salmon 8.25 Punch +1, Will Power +2, Stamina +40, Max Power +10
Ark Shell 9.00 Weapon +1, Will Power +2, Stamina +50, Max Power +12
Sea Urchin 11.50 Throw +2, Will Power +2, Stamina +64, Max Power +16
Halibut 18.50 Defense +3, Will Power +7, Stamina +80, Max Power +20
Swordfish 28.75 Punch +4, Throw +4, Strength +4, Will Power +5, Stamina +90, Max Power +22
Item Price Effects
Salad Roll 2.00 Stamina +20, Max Power +5
Tuna Roll 3.75 Stamina +32, Max Power +7
Shrimp Roll 6.25 Stamina +50, Max Power +12
Mixed Roll 10.50 Stamina +80, Max Power +20
Grotto Book Store
Item Price
Stone Hands 26.95
Dragon Feet 26.95
Acro Circus 26.95


Sherman Park
Grotto Mall

East Stickvsille

This long stretch of road runs alongside Sherman Park. Early on in the game, there's no reason to visit Sherman Park. A boss will be waiting for you there eventually, but not before you defeat a few other bosses first.

East Sticksville[edit]

Waterfront Mall ↑                                 

Take that massive hole in the ground seriously. It doesn't matter how much health you have; one spill into the hole and you're defeated. Stay on the sidewalk along the top, or walk along the top of the wall to remain safe. Once you clear the area of normal gang members, Moose will appear right beside the alley that leads to the Waterfront Mall. He is sturdier than the average gang member, but he's not much brighter. Stay focused on getting your attacks in before he has a chance to attack you. Attack consistently until he is finally knocked out. After you defeat the first boss, head up through the alley to reach the next shopping area.