Mega Man X/Flame Mammoth

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Revision as of 22:54, 3 August 2007 by Notmyhandle (talk | contribs) (image fixes)
Flame Mammoth!

Fiery Factory

Now that you've defeated Chill Penguin (you have haven't you?!) Flame Mammoth's level will be significantly easier. After defeating Chill Penguin Flame Mammoth's stage gets frozen over. All the pits of lava no longer exist and so you can cruise through this stage faster than any other.

Heart Tank

Watch out for pickaxes!

You'll be able to get both the Heart Tank of this level and the Sub Tank if you have beaten Chill Penguin.

After you rush through several sets of conveyor belts (just run underneath!) you'll come to a wall with a large health power-up. Grab it, then fall down the pit. This next room contains many platforms with pick axe throwing robots. First, run to the bottom right corner and grab the Heart Tank.

Sub Tank

Take a leap of faith for a nice surprise.

Second, climb up to the very top left, kill the two helmet bots and grab the extra life. Dash jump off the platform to the left, and climb the wall up to the Sub Tank. Wall jump on the blocks in front of it to destroy them, then climb through the gap and grab it.

Be careful of the crushers!

Now go all the way back to the other side of the room and keep scaling the wall until you reach the top. Head into the next area, which is a room filled with crushing machines and, you guessed it, more conveyor belts. If you stay too long underneath those crushers, they'll eventually come down and take a good portion of your health away. Time your movements and dodge the enemies that drop down as you make your way across the room.

Final Area

Head out to the right. When you come to the set of tubes above and below you'll meet a few new hazards. Lava drips from above, spiked robots patrol the pipes and there are some guys (called Hoganmers) with spiked maces on chains that can only be struck while they are attacking. Keep going across the room, dodging the lava and spiked robots and destroying the Hoganmers until you reach the dungeon entrance. Step through and prepare to fight Flame Mammoth.

Jump up to fake the hoganmer into attacking in the wrong direction.

Flame Mammoth

A heavy set fellow to say the least, Flame Mammoth slightly mimics Guts Man by having the ability to shake the ground after jumping. Like Chill Penguin, open up the fight with a fully-charged Buster shot, and then charge another one up again. Fire at him again, and at this point, he'll do one of these three actions: shoot you with his flames, shoot oil at you, or attempt to jump on you. Regardless of what he does, keep shooting charged buster shots at him. The flames and oil can easily be dodged, and if he tries to jump over you, dash past him and jump (so you don't get knocked down when he lands). Keep repeating this strategy, and if he corners you, simply scale the wall and hide in the corner, just like Chill Penguin's fight.

Once he's directly below you, use a wall dash to get past him (by sliding down the wall and using a dash) and deliver a charged buster shot once you reach the ground. After this, repeat the above strategy, and if he corners you again, just use the wall dash. Alternatively, you can use the Shotgun Ice on him when you're cornered, and fire it at the wall so one of the shards hits him. However, he won't get hit if he's directly beneath you, so make sure he's a good distance away from the wall.


You get Fire Wave!
You get Fire Wave!

Fire Wave! Your own personal flame thrower. This powerful short ranged weapon will come in handy when looking for Heart Tanks and other items.

Fire Wave demo.
Fire Wave demo.

Passcode Thus Far

5852 8626 5658

Chill Penguin Heart Tank

After beating Flame Mammoth, but before moving on to Spark Mandrill, head back to Chill Penguin's stage and get the Heart Tank.

When you get to the part with the Mech Armor, get in it and ride it to the part where there's a cave you have to go through. At the left entrance you can jump off the ledge straight up, then jump out of the Mech and up onto the ledge. Use Fire Wave to destroy the first misquito bot generator building up there and you'll see the Heart Tank lying inside.

Alternatively, you can go through the cave and then jump up on top from the right side by dash jumping across the small gap.

Passcode Thus Far

8334 8667 4646