'Allo 'Allo Cartoon Fun/Level 4

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Once René and Michelle have reappeared (still exploded) in the dungeons of the chateau (they will stay exploded for the whole of this level!), walk to the right, jump up to collect two sunglasses-wearing stars (which both look somewhat like those Starmen from Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. series) and one red star, walk back to the left, and go through the door to a second room of the chateau dungeons; once you have reappeared in the second room of the chateau dungeons, throw the cap off the previous level at Officer Crabtree, to make him drop six gold coins and a ring of three keys. Once you've picked them all up (remember: that when René and Michelle collect ten gold coins, they'll become invulnerable, for a very short period of time), walk to the right and jump to collect four more red stars and two more sunglasses-wearing stars then go back to the left and go back through that aforementioned door to the first room of the chateau dungeons - and once you've reappeared, in that first room of the chateau dungeons, jump up and throw that pineapple from the previous level at a bat that is flying towards you, to stun him, jump onto each of the three steps of a pillar in turn, jump to the left up to a platform with eleven bricks on it to pick up the lamp and collect four more sunglasses-wearing stars, jump to the right up to a second platform with a twelfth brick on it, jump up to a third platform (to collect four more red stars, and four more sunglasses-wearing stars), jump up to both of the two steps of a second pillar in turn, jump onto a fourth platform with a thirteenth brick on it, to collect four more sunglasses-wearing stars, jump to the left up to a fifth platform and pick up the petrol can, jump to the right onto a sixth platform with another door (possibly leading to a third room of the chateau dungeons) on it, drop down to a seventh platform and throw the petrol can at a gun-wielding German guard to stun him (and make him drop a gold coin!). Once you have collected the gold coin, jump over a brown block and drop down to an eighth platform with five more bricks and fifteen more brown blocks on it, jump to the right up to the step on the left side of a ninth platform and throw the boot at another bat that's flying towards you to stun him, then fall down to a second step on the right side of the ninth platform, drop down to the top of a third pillar to collect eight more sunglasses-wearing stars and four more red stars, jump over to the fourth step of a fourth pillar (the first three are below it) and jump onto its fifth, sixth and seventh steps in turn (while picking up the pineapple, cherry and helmet on them), throw the helmet at a third bat who is flying towards you to stun him, drop down to a tenth platform that is made up of fifteen more brown blocks to collect a twenty-fifth sunglasses-wearing star and fourteenth red star, drop down to the left onto an eleventh platform made up from ten more brown blocks (the ones on the right side will crumble beneath your feet as you stand on them), drop down to the right side of a five-step staircase, open the cell door to free the first Resistance prisoner, throw the cherry at another gun-wielding German guard to stun him and retrace your steps back up to the tenth platform; you will now have to drop back down onto the eleventh platform again (but this time, the five blocks on the left side will crumble beneath your feet when you stand on them), drop down the first two steps of the five-step staircase's left side, jump up (to collect two more sunglasses-wearing stars and a fifteenth red star), and throw the pineapple at a third gun-wielding German guard to stun him and make him drop a gold coin. Once you've collected the gold coin, you'll find yourself back where you were at the start of the level - and you'll then have to go back through the door again.

Once you have reappeared in the second room of the chateau dungeons for a second time, walk to the right, throw the helmet at a bulldog to stun him, jump up to collect three more red stars, jump to the right up to a platform that is built into the right wall (to collect three more sunglasses-wearing stars), drop back down to the ground, walk to the left, climb a ladder to the first floor, jump to the left over a gap in the floor, drop down through another gap in the floor (the next part has five bricks on it) to collect six more red stars, jump to the left onto a small platform over a third gap in the floor, drop down to the next part of the floor and jump up to a platform with six more bricks on it, climb a second ladder to the second floor, jump to the right onto a second platform (four of the "blocks" shall crumble beneath your feet as you walk over them), throw the saucepan at a gun-wielding German guard to stun him, jump to the right up to a third platform (two more of its "blocks" shall crumble beneath your feet as you walk over them), throw the saucepan at a fourth gun-wielding German guard to stun him (once you have done so, three more of the platform's "blocks" will crumble beneath your feet as you walk over them), drop down to the next part of the floor (to collect five more sunglasses-wearing stars and four more red stars), jump to the right to another small platform, jump to the right to a fourth platform (two of the "blocks" will crumble beneath your feet, as you walk over them), drop down onto a third small platform, jump to the right onto two more small platforms, jump up and throw the pineapple at a fourth bat to stun him, jump up to a fifth platform with a third door on it and pick up the cherry (once you have done this, three of the platform's "blocks" will crumble beneath your feet as you walk over them), and go through the door into a third room of the chateau dungeons (they were never as big as this in episodes of the show that featured them though).

Once you have reappeared, in this third room of the chateau dungeons, jump to the right onto a small platform to collect two sunglasses-wearing stars and two red stars, drop down to a second platform, and throw the cherry at a bat to stun him (two of the "blocks" will crumble beneath your feet as you walk over them), drop down to the second and first steps of a pillar in turn, two more small platforms and a third platform with two bricks on it to collect four more sunglasses-wearing stars and two more red stars, while watching out for a spirit that will possess René and Michelle if it touches them, drop down onto the step of another pillar, drop down onto a fourth platform, open the cell door to free the first British airman (RAF Flight Lieutenant Bumbly Carstairs), drop down to a fifth platform to collect six more sunglasses-wearing stars and three more red stars and pick up a fish, drop down to a sixth platform with three more bricks on it to collect three more red stars and two more sunglasses-wearing stars, drop down to a sixth small platform, drop down to the fourth, third, second and first steps of a third pillar to collect two more red stars and two more sunglasses-wearing stars while once again watching out for another spirit, fall back down to the ground, throw the bear at a guard dog to stun him, jump up (to collect: a fifty-second sunglasses-wearing star and a thirty-ninth red star), walk back to the left, then go through the archway (with no door) into a fourth room of the chateau dungeons.

Once you have reappeared, in this fourth room of the chateau dungeons, throw the cherry and lamp at Lieutenant Gruber and Colonel Von Strohm, to stun them, and make them drop a bear and cake (again, Gruber will start sucking his thumb, and Von Strohm will start imagining a saw going through one log); once you have picked up the bear and the cake, jump up to each of the three steps of a pillar in turn to collect two more sunglasses-wearing stars, jump onto a platform made up from six bricks to collect eight more sunglasses-wearing stars and eight red stars, drop down to another platform made up from three more bricks to collect four more red stars and four more sunglasses-wearing stars, retrace your steps back to the ground, walk to the left, past a door (possibly leading to a fifth room of the chateau dungeons), jump onto a third platform made up of six more bricks and three brown blocks, jump onto a fourth platform, made up from eleven more brown blocks, jump onto each of the six steps of two more pillars to collect three more sunglasses-wearing stars and three more red stars (while watching out for a bat that is flying towards you), jump to the right up to a seventh platform, throw the cake at a bayonet-wielding German guard to stun him, and make him drop a bottle, pick up the bottle, open the cell door to free the second British airman (RAF Flight Lieutenant Gavin Fairfax), drop down onto an eighth platform which is made up from thirteen more brown blocks, to collect nine more red stars and four more sunglasses-wearing stars, jump to the right to a ninth platform, to collect another group of nine more red stars and four more sunglasses-wearing stars, throw the bear at a second gun-wielding German guard to stun him (and make him drop a gold coin), collect the coin, open the cell door to free the third British airman (Wing Commander Blenkinsop, from the 1991 episode "René of the Gypsies"), drop down to a tenth platform with three more brown blocks on it, drop back down to the ground, then go through the door into a fifth room of the chateau dungeons.

Once you have reappeared in the fifth room of the chateau dungeons throw the underpants at a bulldog to stun him; you will then have to pick up the petrol can, and throw it at another bulldog to stun him, open the cell door to free the fourth British airman (Ginger, again from "René of the Gypsies"), throw the boot at a third bulldog to stun him, pick up the other two boots, retrace your steps back to the doorway, and go through it to a sixth room of chateau dungeons. Once you have reappeared, in this sixth room of the chateau dungeons, jump up (to collect three more sunglasses-wearing stars and two more red stars), walk to the left, pick up the saucepan and lamp, walk back to the right, and go back through the doorway to the fifth room of chateau dungeons - and once you have reappeared back in the fifth room, you will have to retrace your steps back to where you stunned the second bulldog, jump onto each of the four steps of a pillar in turn, to collect nine more sunglasses-wearing stars and ten more red stars, jump to the right up onto a platform made up of eleven more brown blocks and four more bricks, pick up the helmet, jump back to the left, throw the helmet at a bat that's flying towards you to stun him, jump to the left onto another platform (to collect four more sunglasses-wearing stars), drop down onto a third platform made up of fifteen more brown blocks and nine more bricks, jump to the left, to collect thirteen more sunglasses-wearing stars and thirteen more red stars, jump back to the right and up to a fourth platform, throw the lamp at Yvette (who must have been imprisoned for snooping around the chateau grounds), to make her adjust her suspenders and cause a German guard on a fifth platform to stare at her, pick up the petrol can (the brown block it stands on shall crumble beneath your feet, as you collect it), jump to the right onto the fifteenth platform, jump over a tenth platform with a door on it, crouch under a bat that is flying towards you, jump up to an eleventh platform, and throw the petrol can at a gun-wielding German guard to stun him, open the cell door to free the second Resistance prisoner, retrace your steps back to the tenth platform's door and go through it into a seventh room.

Once you have reappeared, in this seventh room of the chateau dungeons, jump up to collect two more red stars, and two more sunglasses-wearing stars, then drop down to each of the eight steps of a pillar in turn (while watching out for two bats which are flying back and forth) and go through the door to an eighth room of the chateau dungeons; once you've reappeared in the eighth room of the chateau dungeons, walk to the left, open the cell door to free the fifth British airman (Sparks, again from "René of the Gypsies"), walk back to the right, jump onto a brick and onto a brown block on a pillar to collect two more sunglasses-wearing stars (while watching out for a spirit that is flying towards you), retrace your steps back to the cell door, jump up to collect three more sunglasses-wearing stars and two more red stars, walk past a door, throw the boot at a German guard to stun him and make him drop a gold coin, collect the gold coin, jump up and collect six more sunglasses-wearing stars and four more red stars, and go through the archway into a ninth room of the chateau dungeons. Once you have reappeared, in the ninth room of the chateau dungeons, jump to the right onto a platform with five bricks on it, drop down to the ground, and climb up a ladder to the first floor (which has a third straw-filled dummy of Hitler standing upon it) - and once you have walked to the left until you are standing next to it, the "level clear" jingle shall be heard from the Amiga for a fourth time.