The King of Fighters Ash Saga/Hayate

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki


The King of Fighters XI

Ate Otoshi (close) or + or
Command Moves
Hitsue Kesageri (close) +
Hitsue Sokukyaku (far) +
Hitsue Ashibarai (close) +
Hitsue Naname Geri (far) +
Hitsue Otoshi Geri +
Hiji Ate +
Special Moves
Hikontou Jutsu +
Kyouretsuzan ++
Hiten Shou'oukyaku +
Reppuusatsu +
Asokageri +
Aerial Asokageri +
Super Moves
Nendou Hitsue +
Gen'ei Hitsue +
Leader Super
Ougi • Musou Ranbuu or +


Other character pages of Sho Hayate: