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This is the third area in UNDERTALE. If you have seen the Snowdin guide, then this is the next guide. If not, please go back and read the ones you haven't read. Also, Sans has some advice about reading ahead. Don't.

Take A Break, Bro

The first area in Waterfall plays the sans. song, and as it turns out, Sans is sitting there at his stand. You're going to see him a lot during the game. If you don't talk to him, that's fine, but if you wanna take a break with him, talk with him and say yes. There is also a save point here. Save your game. There are a few puzzles that are kinda hard later on. Anyways, continue on.

A Feeling of Dread

There is a puzzle up ahead that involves falling rocks. The rocks knock you off onto a bridge, which leads back to the start. In the middle of the waterfall, there is a secret door that leads to a room with the Old Tutu. Like before, it's the best armor you can get so far. Its weapon counterpart, the Ballet Shoes, are not really useful unless you are a completionist, as well as not available until later. Continue on.

The next area is a hallway with a rocky area overlooking it. After a cutscene with Undyne and Papyrus, we now know 3 things.

  • 1. Papyrus is working for Undyne against his will
  • 2. Undyne is this murderous knight girl that genuinely hates us.
  • 3. We are in trouble.

After walking out of the grass, a small dinosaur monster walks out and says how cool that was. Ignore him, save, continue.

Waterfall Puzzles

The next room is easy. There are 4 flowers in an area to the north. They can be used to make a bridge, which is exactly what you need. Line 'em up right, cross the bridge, and continue. The next area is the same thing. The river at the bottom right leads to a good, one-of-a-kind healing item called the Abandoned Quiche. Get it, then use the bell to respawn he flowers, make a bridge to the next room, ignore Papyrus's call, and continue.

The next room has a telescope that gives you a hint to check the wall. Go to the alcove north of the telescope and press A (or whatever button is the confirm button) and a doorway will appear. Look at you go. The next room is a bridge area. Go to the eastern end. At the eastern end, there should be a single bridge tile you must step on to cross. When you step on it, the tile will start moving east. It stops at another bridge. Huh. Odd...

Step forward when you're ready, and a spear lands in front of you. Undyne will appear and start throwing spears. Wow, what a rude person. Run eastward and avoid the spears. Once you reach a patch of grass, she stops attacking. She then goes up and grabs something (hopefully not you) and pulls it up. It's that monster kid again. Whoops.

She puts the kid back down and walks off. Walk out of the grass and MK (monster kid) will walk out and say how awesome that was and that he's never washing his face again. Gross. Go to the next room then come back. There should be a blob at the end of a bridge close to the way you just came back from. He will take you to the room before Undyne's chase. Use this to stock up whenever you need some stuff from Snowdin, as the River Shortcut isn't available yet. Anyways, continue.

Another Mouse Moment

The next room is a save point with crystalized cheese. Gross, but useful. Save and continue. The next room is a hallway, kind of. On the north side of the hallway, nearest to you, Sans is standing there. Don't talk to him. There is a box beside him, however, that you can use. If you haven't already done this, deposit all quest items I told you to save for later into the box. Go through the door on the right of the box and the Nice Cream Man will appear. Yes. Finally, more Nice Cream. Like I've said before, Nice Cream is the cheapest and the best healing item that you can get so far, so get it.

Backtrack to the Sans room. Continue to the pathway at the southeast end of the room (the one leading south). We can't use the area to the east, but the area at the east end of this room is another shortcut for later. This next room is a large maze that you must traverse. The color palette is swapped here, and the maze is also pretty easy. If you go to the area at the west end of the maze, you can get the Ballet Shoes. Not useful at this point, but you can get it for completionist purposes if you like. Continue on. At the northeast end, the path leads to the next area, which is a long hallway. Great... As you traverse the room, a tentacle(?????) appears in the water. Uh... that's not good. Run. After a minute of walking, it turns out that the tentacle belongs to Onionsan. Ignore him. Continue to the next room.

Piano Puzzle

The next room has a path to the north and the east. When you try to go to one of the entrances to either area, a battle with Shyren will happen. This is a scripted battle. All you have to do is ACT and select Hum over and over until she is spared. You can spare her after selecting Hum the first time, but still, the stuff that happens when you continue to select Hum is actually funny. Anyways, that's the only encounter you can do in this room. Go to the eastern one. In this room, there is a piano and a alcove at the north end. To play the piano, you must press the arrow keys (or move the d-pad in the right direction and press A) to play a note. The right notes in the right order will open a secret passage. Here is the combo: Neutral [•], Up [↑], Right [→], Neutral [•], Down [↓], (Neutral [•],) Down [↓], and Right [→]. After doing the combo, a doorway will appear in the northern alcove we saw.

When you enter the room, check your inventory. It's a dog. What the heck?? If you are playing on console, then drop the dog and a hilarious cutscene will play where the dog absorbs the artifact in the room and runs through the walls (it's literally impossible to get the artifact even through hacking), however, if you are on computer, you can hack the dog into your inventory and keep it even after leaving the room or hack it out of your inventory. Either way, the artifact is unobtainable. Backtrack to the room where you fought Shyren, and go to the east. The eastern room is a hallway. There is an area on the northern side of the hallway that has a statue, which has water dripping onto it. The next room has umbrellas. Put an umbrella on the statue and a tune will start playing, and it won't stop. If you listen to the theme long enough, the arrow combo I gave you will appear in the dark area above the map. You happy I'm guiding you? Believe me, this is harder than it looks. Anyways, go back to the room with the umbrellas and continue to the east.

Monster Kid

The next room is a path leading to an area you cannot return from the way you came. Monster Kid will be standing near the entrance. He follows you, occasionally saying something, until you reach a ledge. He thinks for a moment before telling you to climb on his shoulders. He says he will find a different way around and runs off, tripping. The next room starts out dark, but brightens when you reach the save point. Save. This is gonna be hard.

The Killer Fish of The Underground

The next room is a bridge. Uh oh... Go east until blue dots appear around you and spears come through the dots. That's Undyne. Run run run run run. You really don't want to get hit. After getting through that, the bridge... is a dead end. Well that's just peachy. Go back the way you came and Undyne steps forward and breaks the bridge. And there you go. You're dead. It's game over. You can stop reading the guide and maybe do the Genocide Route instead... Not.

Strange Encounter

When you crash land... somewhere, the theme we heard earlier plays while someone starts talking to you. Odd. They know our actual name instead of calling us "human" they start to say their name but the screen fades to white before they say it...

The Dump

Welp. We've landed... in a dump! How nice (not). Continue east. After getting through a room or two, you reach a save point. Save. There is a really hard battle that is at the end of this part of Waterfall. The next room is a hallway. About halfway through the hallway, there is a cooler with 3 pieces of Astronaut Food in it. Definitely a good healing item. Any healing item that heals at least 14 hp or higher is really good. Up ahead is a dummy. Poke it. I dare you.

Continue to the door. When you try to go to the door, your character looks back at the dummy, who suddenly turns out to be alive. Yup, it's the Mad Dummy. To spare him, send all of his attacks (which follow you around) back at him, which makes him angrier, but makes the battle progress, so do it. After he finishes throwing a knife at you, he says that you will be battling him "forever. Forever. FOREVER!" before laughing as hard as possible. Then Napstablook comes in and he disappears. Napstablook inadvertantly saved you. They say they're sorry for making your "friend" leave and then ask for you to come to their house. It has no effect on the story, but you can go there. If you want to do a speedrun, then don't go. If not, you can decide to go or not.

Quiet Zone

Up ahead is an area with 6 different entrances to different areas and a save point in the middle. Save here. From here, you can go to many different places.

The Tiny Bird

If you need to go back for something, then go to the one on the west end of the area. The room is two ledges with a bird on your ledge. The bird will carry you over if you interact with it, so yes, this is pretty good considering you don't have to redo everything you just did.

Fish House

The room at the northwest end of the area is a house that looks like a fish. That (as it turns out) is going to be a useful location to remember for later. Remember where it is and go back to the save.

Napstablook's House

The areas at the north and northeast of the save room both lead to Napstablook's house. The northeast one leads to Napstablook's minigame, Thundersnail. You don't really need to play that game, so ignore it. If you came through the northeast side, go to the west and you will see 2 houses. The left one is Napstablook's house. The other one isn't important unless you really are a completionist (and by extension, a tryhard) or if you have the Mysterious Key (you will get that later). Napstablook will let you check out their house when you come in, and after all that, you get to lie on the ground and feel like garbage. If you don't move for long enough, the background and music changes to relaxing space music and all that jazz.

After that they let you explore and play the music (played through the books at the bottom of the map) that they have.

Gerson's Shop

If you go to the eastern area, you end up in a hallway that has a doorway on the north side with a box beside it and a pathway at the south side of the hallway. The doorway leads to Gerson's Shop, which sells the next armor set (the Cloudy Glasses and the Torn Notebook) and the Crab Apples. Crab Apples are a really good and really cheap(ish) healing item that heals most of your max hp. Gerson also sells Sea Tea, which is another quest item for later. You only need one, by the way. The armor increases your invulnerability frames if you equip the full set, so it might be a good idea to get them. The path on the south side of the hallway leads to the next part of a shortcut that becomes accessible later.

Odd Encounter

There is one last encounter you can do here that unlocks something at the end of the game. Go to Napstablook's House and play one of his songs. Then leave it playing and go to the save area and walk around. A special encounter should happen where Aaron and Woshua both appear, get spooked out by the music, and decide to leave, screaming like little girls. It's good for two reasons. One: the scene is absolutely hilarious, and Two: every time you encounter Aaron from here on out, you can use the Shoo ACT and he will immediately be spared.

The Lantern Rooms

The next area is a hallway leading to a maze where you must light up the mushrooms to light up the path. After lighting up the third mushroom, go back to the first one and there should be another path leading to the fourth. There is another optional area that appears east of the third one. Go to the fake path after the third mushroom and there is a path leading down. Go to it.

Temmie Village (optional)

Temmie Village is exactly what it sounds like: A village full of the weirdest enemy ever, Temmie. There is one thing, however. The Tem Shop. The Tem shop buys any of your items for a higher (or lower) price. You can actually fill up your inventory with Cloudy Glasses, sell them to Temmie for more money than you had before, and repeat. This is a good way to farm money. Also, paying for Tem College (which costs 1000g) gives you the option for Temmie Armor. The Temmie Armor is the most powerful armor in the game. It costs 9999g, but if you've died, your death count lowers the price. Here is the list:

Death Count
0 9999g
1 9000g
2 8000g
3 7000g
4 6000g
5 5000g
6 4500g
7 4000g
8 3500g
9 3000g
10 2800g
11 2600g
12 2400g
13 2200g
14 2000g
15 1800g
16 1600g
17 1400g
18 1250g
19 1100g
20 1000g
25 750g

The Temmie Armor has code to go down to 500g at 30 deaths, but it went unused because Toby Fox screwed up when he was writing the code for it. It doesn't really matter; the armor should be pretty easy to farm for. Anyways. Save, and continue to the next lantern room.

The Darkening Lantern Room

The darkening lantern room is an odd room. The lights dim slowly, and you have to interact with the lanterns around the maze to brighten the room back up. The room should be pretty easy. There are no secret areas here, and there are a few encounters that might happen that are random, but other than that, you're good. The next room immediately starts darkening when you enter it. Continue walking east until you reach a blue flower called an Echo Flower (which have appeared throughout waterfall). Interacting with it prompts the text... "B e h i n d y o u" Uh oh. The killer fish woman is right behind you. She tells you that the monsters only need one more soul before they can leave the underground. She then says that you can die willingly, or she will make you. She attempts to attack you before Monster Kid jumps out and says he wants to fight with Undyne. He then realizes that they are fighting the human before getting dragged away by Undyne. Thanks, Monster Kid.

Backtrack and you will see a path leading north. Follow the path. The next room is a upside down L. There are more Echo Flowers you can ignore, and a glyph at the north end. But first, there is a sort of scary secret you can do. Go to the end of the room but don't leave it, then backtrack. You will see Flowey going back into the ground next to an Echo Flower. Interacting with that flower (in any route) causes a message to be seen. Weird. Very weird, Flowey. Anyways, continue. The next room is a bridge. Monster Kid stops you near the end of the bridge and asks you to hate him since you are a human. He then says he should go home, so he walks away. He trips and hangs off the edge, and Undyne appears at the other end. You must save him for the route to continue. Monster Kid will then get in front of you and make Undyne back off. Once again, the dino child strikes. He then runs off. The next room is a path with a bridge. Continue.

The Killer Fish Attacks

The next room is a path leading into a dark cave on the side of a mountain. Continue towards the mountain and Undyne will talk to you. She says that your soul (and you in general) is the way the monsters are going to escape. She then says to come forward if you dare (after taking off her helmet). use the save point that just appeared, check to see if you need to buy anything, and challenge Undyne.

Her battle is hard. Really hard. She introduces a new SOUL mode: Green. In that mode, you must face your shield towards the arrows she sends at you to block them, since you can't move. The arrows get progressively faster and harder as her battle(s) continue. To spare her, keep selecting spare until she takes you out of the Green SOUL mode. Use items if you have to, but otherwise, you should spare, since attacking (and possibly killing) her aborts the Pacifist Route. After she turns your soul back to normal, flee and run to the next room. After that, keep repeating the same process (since it's inevitable that she catches up to you while you run) until she says, "JUST DIE ALREADY!!" when the fight starts. You should do this until you reach a room in Hotlands with a water cooler. Undyne will faint from the heat and pass out. Go to the water cooler and get a cup of water. this is absolutely NOT optional. Get the water and pour it on her. She wakes up, looks at you, looks around, and walks off. Huh. Welp. One last thing. Papyrus should have called you while you were running to Hotland. If you remember, he said something about hanging out with you and Undyne. Go back down to the fish house you saw earlier.

Killer Fish wants to Hang Out????

Papyrus should be in front of the fish house. Talk to him from behind twice to start the hangout. Undyne lets you in before Papyrus says he has to go to the bathroom and jumps out a window. Wow, that's one way to do it (painfully). After answering a question from Undyne, go sit down in the chair at her table. She then asks what you want before setting a bunch of containers down on the counter. If you move, she throws a spear and says not to get up before saying to use the spear to choose what you want. Feel free to choose whatever you want (only to get hilarious reactions from Undyne.) Choose tea when you want to continue. She will make you tea and then sit down and talk to you about a fight she had with Asgore. After talking for a bit, she gets up to give you more tea, but realizes that Papyrus was supposed to have his cooking lesson. She then picks you up by the head and starts. Just do whatever it prompts you to do (and choose Strong and Fierce when prompted to both times) and eventually, the house burns down from Undyne telling you to turn up the heat too much. Welp. There goes the house. And any chance of not being attacked. Killer Fish will tell you if she can't befriend you, she will attack you. Choose FIGHT or Fake Hit. Either way, that only does... 1 damage. She then realizes you don't want to hurt her, and she gets you out of the house. She then tells you to call Papyrus if you need her, since they will both be in Snowdin. Other than that, go to the Hotlands, and continue with the next guide. Here we are: Hotlands!