Pokémon Ranger/Clear the Rockfalls!

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Revision as of 16:22, 15 April 2024 by Prod (talk | contribs) (cleanup)

Back at Base

After a successful mission comes a rankup. Cameron promotes you to Ranger Rank 5! You'll now be able to use the Rock Assist, and your partner's energy gauge will gain a new segment for a total of 3!

Cameron reminisces on how close him, Spenser and Joel were and how he could never be at the headfront of the Ranger Union like the other two. Cameron says he'll inform Hastings of what happened, so head out of the Base and to the left.

Return to Fall City

You'll get a message from Spenser. He needs you immediately in Fall City. What could have happened? Head over to Lapras to get back to Fall City.

Arriving at the city, you'll meet up with Spenser. He asks that you head to the Ranger Base when you've got the time so he can assign you a new mission. He's waiting for you there, so head over north to the Fall City Ranger Base.

Fall City Ranger Base

Spenser, Joel and Hastings are all talking about Go-Rock, who have apparently resurfaced after what happened at Summerland. Hastings informs you that the Super Styler can be used without the experience of a Ranger and that it allows for repeated use of a Pokémon's abilities. He's also worried because, as the Super Styles is still a prototype, it could possibly harm captured Pokémon.

Hastings says there's no time to lose and storms out. Joel says that he and Spenser will focus on getting more information, and Spenser assigns you your next mission: to go back to Krokka Tunnel and clear up the boulders around there. He also mentions that another ranger from Fall Town will be on their way to help you. Head out of the Base and to the left to go to Krokka Tunnel.

Clear the Rockfalls


When you enter Krokka Tunnel, you'll find Aria there, clearing one of the boulders with the help of a Hariyama. She says that she's too busy to keep going with this job, and that she will be going back to investigating Go-Rock. She leaves the rest of the boulders up to you. Go to the left after she leaves and you can find Diglett, a new Pokémon.

Pokémon Assist Field Move Loops
DiglettDiglett Ground None 2

Go up into the door and catch one of the Poliwag, then go out of the other door. You'll see a Geodude curl up into a ball, so use Poliwag's Field Move to make it reveal itself, then you can capture it.

Pokémon Assist Field Move Loops
GeodudeGeodude Rock Crush 8

Go left and up into the next opening, and you'll be met with the Go-Rock Quads. They'll play you their signature melody, and tell you a bit about the Stylers they've obtained, then leave. Go left and you'll find a grunt who will attack you with three Geodude.

After you've captured the Geodude, they'll be released and the grunt will run. Before you follow him, let's go clean up some other grunts. Go back right and then down. You'll see a grunt with three Zubat, and you'll also see a new Pokémon to capture, Machop.

Pokémon Assist Field Move Loops
MachopMachop Fighting Crush 6
ZubatZubat Poison None 2

You can go back up to the room with the Geodude grunt and head left and down to the next room, keep heading down as you don't have a Pokémon that can clear the breakable wall to the left. You can also ignore the Graveler that hides, as you don't have a Pokémon to reveal it, so just go left to find a grunt with 3 Snubbull.

Go left and up after the capture. Be careful to avoid the Zubat's Supersonic attacks, as they will switch your controls if you're hit by them. Try to sneak up on one of the Poliwhirl to capture one before they run into the water.

Pokémon Assist Field Move Loops
PoliwhirlPoliwhirl Water Soak Soak 5

Take this Poliwhirl back to the previous room and use its Field Move to reveal the Graveler and capture it (There's also a chance that you'll be able to approach Graveler without it noticing you and hiding).

Pokémon Assist Field Move Loops
GravelerGraveler Rock Crush Crush 11

Now take this Graveler up to the room right above it and use its Field Move to clear the breakable wall. Go inside and you'll be able to capture another new Pokémon, Kirlia.

Pokémon Assist Field Move Loops
KirliaKirlia Psychic None 5

Go back to the room with the Zubat and Poliwhirl. Heading up, you'll see a large mushroom, but it requires a Field Move that you do not currently have, so head in the entrance in the middle. Here you'll be able to capture Hariyama.

Pokémon Assist Field Move Loops
HariyamaHariyama Fighting Crush Crush Crush 12

Go down the stairs in this room and you'll find 2 more Hariyama. Capture both of these (MAKE SURE YOU GET THEM ALONE) and then head out of the room. Head down and jump down the ledge, then go right to find another grunt, this time with a Krabby and a new Pokémon, Crawdaunt.

Pokémon Assist Field Move Loops
CrawdauntCrawdaunt Water Cut Cut Cut 10

Boulder Clearing

After the capture, the grunt will run away. This makes all of them, so we can start doing our mission and actually clear the boulders. Head left and down for the first one, and use Hariyama's Field Move to clear it. Then go to the right and up to the next room, then to the right again to find another 2 boulders. Clear these as well (careful for the Spinarak that come out of the top one) and then you'll get a message from Spenser. He says that he'll meet up with you in front of the Dugtrio statue, so head back there by going left and down.


When you get there, you'll be met with Tiffany of the Go-Rock Quads. She'll call upon her Camerupt using her violin. She also reveals that her violin is actually a Capture instrument designed for the Quads. Walk up to her and she'll send her Camerupt to attack you.

Pokémon Assist Field Move Loops
CameruptCamerupt Fire Burn Burn Burn 10

This is a pretty simple capture, just be wary of Camerupt's attack, as it can shoot fire a random amount of times.

After you've captured it, it'll be released, and a grunt will show up to inform Tiffany that they've been wiped out by a high-rank ranger. They'll run, and then Spenser will arrive.

Mission complete!

You and Spenser meet up with Solana/Lunick and all three of you head back to the Ranger Base.