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Domination requires you to take control of various control points, where you gain 1 point for each point you hold for five seconds. Unlike the other campaigns, this may be the easiest since it is more prone to chance rather than skill.

You can play this campaign after winning three Deathmatch tiers.


3 players per team, score to 100.


4 players per team, score to 100.

Expect a lot of activity at the Bottom and Center points - they are close together, and a change in one will signal a change in the second.

The top point is near the Bio Rifle ad flak cannon, which can be used to seal off the lift from the center. While not as effective against a side attack (used more often by humans), but AI players normally take the lift from the central area.)

The lower point has a pair of jump boots. You can use these to jump to the above beams, and ambush other players trying to reach the control point.


4 players per team, score to 100.

The best place to control this map is to wait between the Iron Star and Daemon head. That control point only has two entrances covered from a single position. There are no spawn points that lead directly to this point, and if necessary, you can cover the Gargoyle or Iron Star. The AI players tend to take the ground path to this point, and as such, are more vulnerable to a player attacking from above.

Against human players, however, the Iron star is a signal that enemies are approaching.


4 players per team, score to 125