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You wake up in a beach, where you are introduced to Sora's friends, Kairi and Riku. It turns out you are building a raft for some reason. It's only a couple of days away from being finished.



You start here. It is the main side of the island. There is a tree house, a dock, a beach, a cave, a shack, a waterfall, and a smaller island. You can battle Tidus, Selphie, and/or Wakka here, Riku on the first day. Sora, Riku, and Kairi play in this part of the island the most.

Treasures: No treasures here.

Seaside Shack

Just an old shack with stairs to the smaller island, and a Save Point. Use it if you have to.

Treasures: No treasures here.


Another side of the island. There is a bridge over shallow water with a few gaps. Part of the bridge is breakable. It has a watch tower with stairs beside it. The raft is built there. there is a ramp that leads to a cave back to the Seashore. There is also coconut trees where you can jump on. there is also a small cave, but not important.

Treasures: Protect Chain - Near the stairs, a crate is there. Push it below an out of reach cave. Use the crate to jump there, and open the chest.

Secret Cave

This is where the trio draw pictures on the rocks at. There is a door here for some reason, but it doesn't open. First discovered by Sora and Riku when they are still little.

Day 1

You start near Kairi. Talk to Kairi and she will tell you your task is to collect items to build a raft.

  • There are two logs to collect - one is underneath the bridge going out to the small island. The other is on the small island itself.
  • The cloth is up the platforms inside the treehouse. It's hanging on the wall.
  • The rope is on the elevated wooden area past the boats.

Speak to Kairi if you are ready to continue, but do some exploring first. You can battle Wakka, Selphie, Tidus, and Riku located on the beach, the dock, the wooden location where the rope is, and the small island respectively.

Mini-boss: Wakka

HP: ??? EXP: 1p

Wakka is orginally from Final Fantasy X, and his weapon is his ball, which he throws at you. With precise timing you can hit hit back at him. Missing it will result in damage. After a few times, he'll be stunned. Hit him with a few combos until he gets back on his feet. Sometimes he'll jump and throw the ball harder, resulting on twice the damage as his standard attacks. It also comes to you faster, but if you want more experience points, hit it back, otherwise dodge. After a series of combos, he'll give up.

Mini-boss: Selphie

HP: ??? EXP: 1p

Selphie's weapon of choice is her jump rope. She whips it at you. You can hit it back with timing. When she jumps back, she is ready. If you hit the jump rope, it'll take time for her to recover, take this as a chance to lend her your combos. When she says "You ready?", it means she'll come at you. As she runs towards you, make precise timing to counter her swinging rope. After a series of combos, she'll give in.

Mini-boss: Tidus

HP: ??? EXP: 2p

Originally from Final Fantasy X, Tidus' weapon of choice is his stick. He'll try to hit you with it. Dodge it, you wont counter it. Slam combos to him if you have the chance. The biggest one will be if he jumps back. Move out of the way when he slams down. Attack him from behind for a few combos. After unleashing a fury of combos, Tidus will stand down.

The best person to train with is Wakka since you will gain the most experience and technique points. He will throw his ball at you and you'll receive technique points for deflecting it back. If you press ATTACK just as he throws the ball you will hit it back at him. You can continue to do this until he gives up, or you can just go up to him and start attacking. Similar methods can be used with the other characters for practice fights, though each of them vary in difficulty.

Mini-boss: Riku

HP: ??? EXP: 5p

Sora's best friend, rival and an equal to him. Riku shouldn't be that difficult if you're inexperienced. So for you inexperienced gamers, here's what I recommend:

First, Riku will frequently jump behind Sora and attack. It is a bit to dodge, mainly because you do not have your Dodge Roll or Guard abilities as of yet. Should you manage to attack Riku with a combo finish, you will knock him onto his back. You may want to move out of the way at this point, as this immediately prompts a powerful counterattack that will deal quite a bit of damage.

You cannot simply attack Riku. Strike at him, and then get out of the way, or move to Riku's backside and strike back.

Day 2

Racing Riku
Riku challenges you to a race - it doesn't matter if you win or lose, but it's not too hard to win if you've mastered jumping. Watch out for the falling planks as you run over the wooden bridge, then jump straight onto the wooden tower, climb and slide down the rope. Run up the slope, jump across the grassy platforms and touch the star. You can then run (and jump) back the rest of the way.

If you go through the door in front of which Kairi was standing the previous day, you come through to the Cove. Kairi tells you your task is to collect provisions for the raft.

  • 2 coconuts: just hit the coconut trees (the thicker ones) until they drop yellow coconuts (ignore the brown ones, they don't count)
  • Drinking water: wade into the area by the waterfall (under the bridge with broken planks) until you fill up the bottle
  • 3 fish: find them out in the ocean, back on the beach
  • Seagull egg: still on the beach, go up to the ledge that connects to the island. There are three trees. Climb the skinny tree and jump to the top of one of the others to get the egg.
  • 3 mushrooms: one is in the secret area by the waterfall, go all the way to the end, it's to the right of the door. The other two are back in the cove area - one is near the base of the wooden tower, the other is near the raft, behind a boulder (push the boulder out of the way)

Speak to Kairi when you are ready to continue.

You can also try a 3-on-1 fight against your friends on the beach if you talk to Tidus. It's a little tricky, but rewarding in terms of experience.


Something weird is going on...OMG A VOID SUCKING UP THE ISLAND!!! You must run, but where is your friends?!

Remember the enemies you faced from the Awakening part of this guide? Well they are back and are not friendly. Somehow you are unable to do anything here to hurt the "dark things", so ignore them and run to the shack and save. Now head to the lonely island for Riku sending himself and you lost in the darkness, but saved by a weird light and a sick new weapon!

So now you can attack the dark enemies now and gain some good EXP and a few potions. If your set, head to the secret place, which is oddly replaced by a door. Anybody know why?

So there, run to the door to darkness and you'll meet Kairi.

Boss: Darkside

HP:300 EXP:30p

He's back and out for revenge! (maybe)

He's the same from when you faced him before. but this time he has a new attack. He sticks his hand in the island, creating a shockwave. Then he takes out a ball of gravity/darkness and releases it into the air. Now smaller versions of the ball will rain on you from time to time in this battle, but still whack him with your Keyblade and don't forget to hit his head for extra points.


Well, the void eventually sucks Sora up and it's goodbye to Destiny Islands!