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  • Get to the launch control room
  • Plant the C4 on the wall to the launch control room
  • Upload the abort codes
  • Follow Captain Price

Get to the launch control room[edit]

Once you start the mission, follow Captain Price to the air ducts.

Follow Captain Price until you come to a corridor branching left and right

After you get out, head through the changing rooms and when you reach the red corridor, go to the right. You will be told that you have 15 (Recruit) to 9 minutes (Veteran) to enter the abort codes so you will have to move quickly. There will be two enemies coming out from a kitchen area, kill them then wait and a third will come out. Kill them all then go through the doorway, pick up an AK-47 on the way as it will come in useful later. Look through the doorway to the right and pick off all the enemies, some more should come if you move into the area, kill them as well. Now slowly head down the next red corridor with sights up, picking out any enemies that you see. After you reach the end, there will be a large room with quite a few enemies in. Wait for your team then kill them all, maybe use a grenade or the grenade launcher if you are having trouble. Go down the stairs and reload all of your guns in the small break.

You will be facing a long corridor, there are passages to the left and the right and there will be a lot of enemies in the middle, surprisingly, it is easiest to go through the middle of the area although it may take a few tries. After you have taken out all of the troops in the middle, sprint through and when you feel you have gone far enough, stop in one of the corners between to crates on the left hand side, wait a bit and take out a few enemies then go forward again and go all the way. You might want to go back a bit and take out enemies in front of you first. After you have made it to the next red corridor, you should wait and reload again and make sure it saves, this bit can be even harder than the last.

Go back to take out enemies in front of you

You will be faced with a fairly long corridor, at the middle it will be blocked and a lot of enemies will be firing at you from there, to make matters worse, the only ways past are 2 rooms on opposite sides of the corridor with 2 enemies coming out of each and one at the end of each. To start off with you should use the weapon you got at the start to kill most of the enemies, afterwards, go to the left side of the corridor and go prone, move up to the doors until you can see down the one at the opposite side of the room, kill the enemy then turn round, move up a bit more and kill the other enemy. Now take out your AK-47 and move almost into the room to the left but aim down the sights of your gun and point it at the exit in front of you as you advance. One or two enemies will come, kill them then take cover behind the pole. Swap to the silenced gun you get at the start and slowly look around the pole and kill each enemy. When you are done, reload and switch to your AK, as you enter the room at the end, another enemy will come through, shoot him then swap back to the starting gun. Hide behind the pole and kill all enemies.

Now advance with your team. You should come to a large door that opens slowly, kill a few enemies through the small crack, then make your way slowly to the small office to the right. Enter and shoot down the corridor. After all enemies are dead, make your way down to the dead end that the objective marker is pointing to.

Plant the C4 then blow up the wall. slowly look round the room, killing all the enemies, you may want to take cover under a desk, when you are told that all is clear, follow your objective marker to the keyboard and hold the use key to upload the abort codes.

Follow Captain Price[edit]

The Ultimatum
40 Gamerscore points
The Ultimatum
Complete 'Ultimatum', 'All In', and 'No Fighting in the War Room' on Veteran difficulty.

You will have to go back the way you came from, when you reach where the large door is, look left and aim your gun at the door, you will find 3 enemies coming from a corridor, kill them then slowly look down that corridor, use the grenade launcher if you want, you're nearing the end of the level.

After you get past them go to the end of the corridor, into the lift. You will end up near the vehicle depot, follow your team then engage the enemies there. These are not really a threat, use up all your grenades and grenade launcher ammo if you want as this is the last fight. After all the enemies are dead, wait and the level will end.