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  • Eliminate Imran Zakhaev
  • Take Out the Attack Helicopter
  • Get Out of the Hotel
  • Carry MacMillan to the Extraction Point
  • Put MacMiillan down behind the ferris wheel
  • Hold Out Until Help Arrives
  • Get MacMillan into the Helicopter

Eliminate Imran Zakhaev[edit]

This is a fairly hard mission. When it starts you will be in a hotel watching over a meeting between Imran Zhakaev and some Ultranationalist. When the wind picks up, Cpt. MacMillan says you can either compensate for it, or wait for it to die down. Be patient, wait for the wind to die down before you take the shot. A good time to shoot is after the enemy attack helicopter passes by and blocks your vision. When the heli flies off, wait for Zakhaev to raise both his arms in fustration. The wind will die down in a few seconds. Then take him out. When Cpt. MacMillan says shoot, shoot! Shoot at Zakhaev multiple times until you are told that you have got him.

Once you take the shot and take down Imran, a chopper tries to find you. Shoot the enemy inside the chopper and it will go down. Now you have to escape from the building, all you have to do is press the use key when you are near the rope. You will rappel down the window.

Get to the Extraction Point[edit]

Don't get too enveloped in the firefight, go forward and then move to the left, snipe a few enemies in front of you. You can try to take a Dragunov off one of them, for it will come in handy at the end of the level. However, your current M21 will do the job just as well. Now turn round and attack the enemies. After taking out most of the enemies from the spot, rush forwards and try to get to the apartments. Turn around to check if any enemies are following you then enter the building.

Go through the apartment, you will come to a fence with a dog banging on it, shoot the dog and then continue. When Captain MacMillan tells you to plant a claymore in the doorway, do it, then go back into the building and snipe the remaining men from there. When the enemies are dispatched, another helicopter will arrive. Shoot it down by hitting the engines or the rotor then run as it starts to fall towards you. You should get away but you will have to carry MacMillan the rest of the way.

Carry MacMillan to the extraction point[edit]

You must pick up Macmillan with the Use Key, as you are carrying him, you cannot shoot any of your weapons, so if you see any enemies, drop him and get ready to shoot, even though he is injured, he is still a very useful ally, just try and help him and watch out for grenades.

Start going forwards, when you see enemies, put him down in the middle of the street, after the enemies are killed, look behind you as about 2 enemies will come then continue.

Hide MacMillan behind the hedge to the right then attack the 2 enemies in the middle of the park, a helicopter will come and drop some more off where they are, just kill the troops as they rappel down then continue on to the building.

Go round the apartment until you see a dog, go to the end of the corridor and look down the hallway, if there is an enemy there, kill him then watch out for the dog, there will be a second enemy so throw a flashbang into the next rooms, there will then be a second dog, kill it then get MacMillan outside, go up the ladder for some intelligence then continue through the building

Waiting for the helicopter[edit]

Move through the changing room, and you will come out into a large swimming pool. Note the dogs at the bottom of the pool: do not shoot them Instead, lay down Captain MacMillan and look out over the side of the building, you will see two enemies, pick them off with any gun then go and find their bodies and pick up their Dragunovs and ammunition for them. When you come to the Ferris Wheel, first put Captain MacMillan down somewhere except for the marked area and plant all of your claymores and C4s making sure not to go too far from MacMillan as this will cause you to lose the level. When you have finished, pick up Captain MacMillan and place him in the area specified and you will get more C4s and claymores to plant. Find a suitable sniping position yourself, and hold out until the chopper arrives.


An overview of the area

This mission is probably second hardest in expert difficulty but there is a way to make the end of this mission a lot less challenging. The first thing to know is that there are two spawn-points for enemies. The first is a door behind the swimming pool, the second is another door on another road to the right of the road leading to the first spawn-point. After you have placed the claymores and C4s, head to the spawn-point to the right and pick up a second sniper rifle. Go to the end of the road and go prone, and you will see a huge force of enemies charging. You can snipe most of them as they go to attack MacMillan from the other spawn-point. As you are near the second spawn-point no enemies will spawn behind you. After the enemy helicopters arrive, you will have a much harder time with the enemies as there will be a few dogs and if you are not in the right place, people will shoot you from behind. The best place to be is in the middle of the path (so you can see well), facing the first spawn point. Move forward so you are hidden by the building so nobody can get you from behind.

Proning here and sniping off most of the enemy troops near the spawn-point is a good idea

At the start, there will be a few enemies attacking you. Shoot them and pick off the rest as they go for MacMillan's area. Try and shoot the dogs as they come or else you will have trouble knifing them in the small window of time and when you get back, you will be standing. After you have taken care of the dogs, there may be a few others shooting at you but there will not be much to worry about apart from a few enemies that backtrack to get you. They shoot around the left corner of the building and as the spawn point is at the right, they may catch you off guard. After those enemies, just snipe everyone until the helicopter comes, wait a bit, then you have 30 seconds to get MacMillan to safety. This should be ample time and if you head to him before the timer starts, it can be even easier. You should not encounter many enemies at all and even if you just run through you should be fine.

Get MacMillan into the Helicopter[edit]

If you cleared out most of the enemies by sniping, you will have a very easy job here, wait about ten seconds for all the troops to unload from the helicopter and dispatch all remaining enemies, then sprint over to where Macmillan is, pick him up and carry him on to the helicopter.

Piggyback Ride
20 Gamerscore points
Piggyback Ride
Complete the level on any difficulty
The Shot
40 Gamerscore points
The Shot
Complete 'All Ghillied Up' and 'One Shot, One Kill' on Veteran difficulty