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Revision as of 13:43, 29 September 2021 by Demon Pikachu (talk | contribs) (Fixed a small spelling mistake and added more info on his personality)
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Sans is a paunchy skeleton from UNDERTALE. He is a major character who has many roles in the story and as one of the most recognized UNDERTALE characters. He is a supporting character in the Pacifist and Neutral Routes (well, some of them, anyways) and a heroic antagonist in the Genocide Route.


Sans is a paunchy skeleton with large eyes, gloved hands, and a wide grin. He wears slippers, a white t-shirt, an unzipped blue hoodie (sometimes seen as a parka, due to the fact that he lives in Snowdin), and black shorts with white stripes on the side. He is seen to have telekinesis, and his pupils flash cyan and yellow when he uses it.


Sans is really lazy. Like, really lazy. He is often found by Papyrus sleeping on the job. He says at one point during the game that he can time travel, and so he knows all progress he makes will be lost due to the timeline reseting. This is why he does not work. He mentions this in game.

Although normally agreeable, he is seen to be... eerily serious at times, like commenting on the player having a bad time, or seriously explaining the flower thats been talking to Papyrus. Other than that, he is a SERIOUS prankster. He can pull off large pranks. Some of them make no sense however. Like fried snow, which doesn't make sense and is impossible to make. He also stacks 30 hot dogs on the players head if they try to buy a hot dog when they're inventory is full.

In the Game

Pacifist Route

He is first seen in Snowdin Forest stalking the player. He then appears behind the player and introduces himself. He then hides the player from his crazy brother, Papyrus. Then, he helps the player get through all of the puzzles Papyus sets out for them. He then appears everywhere until the final part of the game, where he appears as a lost soul in the battle with Asriel.

Neutral Route

His appearances are the same as the pacifist route (unless the player has started a genocide route but aborts it in Snowdin when fighting Papyrus) and he helps the player a little. He will judge the player by how much LV they have gained at the end of the game.

Genocide Route

He appears as normal in Snowdin, but after the "Gauntlet of Deadly Terror" he tells the player they will have a bad time. He then appears at the Final Corridor as the Final Boss. He dodges attacks until he is finally hit by a knife slash.

Sans Judgement

Sans will say different things depending on if you gained LV in the game. Here is the dialogue for that. Sans's judgment occurs after he re-explains LOVE and EXP, and after he tells the protagonist to look inside themself.

(Before Judgment)

  • huh?
  • you look bored.
  • i get the feeling you aren't gonna learn anything from this.
  • well, guess i gotta judge you then.

(Failsafe text; can occur if the protagonist is at LV 1 with EXP but has previously been judged at a higher level.)

  • come on. really?

(One LV higher than the previous judgment, or LV 1 with EXP if it is their first.)

  • ... huh?
  • what's with that look in your eye?
  • did you go through and kill someone...
  • just to see what i'd say about it?
  • wow.
  • you're a pretty gross person, huh?

(LV 2)

  • lv2...
  • seems like you messed up the slightest amount.
  • welp.
  • that's pretty sad.
  • you probably weren't even aware of what you were doing...
  • and when you learned, it was too late.
  • nah, just kidding.
  • who gets to lv2 on accident?
  • get outta here.

(LV 3)

  • lv3...
  • 3's just an ok number, i guess.
  • i'll give you a C+.
  • you can do better, right?

(LV 4 – LV 9)

  • hmmm...
  • over lv3, huh.
  • you killed some people on purpose, didn't you?
  • that's probably bad.
  • though, maybe some of it was in self-defense...
  • i don't know.
  • help me out here.
  • i wasn't watching.
  • anyways, don't do that.

(LV 10 – LV 14)

  • hmmm...
  • over lv9, huh.
  • that's over halfway to lv20, the maximum.
  • but don't think that means you're still 50-percent good.
  • 50-percent, 20-percent.
  • those are both still failing grades.
  • besides.
  • chances are...
  • i've already tried to steer you in the right direction.
  • so what can i say?
  • what can i say that will change the mind of a being like you?

(LV 15 and Above)

  • hmmm...
  • over lv14, huh.
  • well, hmmm...
  • judgment-wise...
  • you're a pretty bad person.
  • you wander around, looking for people...
  • killing them to take their money.
  • that's just plain messed up.
  • and what's worse, is that as bad as you are...
  • you aren't anywhere near as bad as you could be.
  • you pretty much suck at being evil.
  • honestly, it's super embarrassing.
  • but maybe you'd be better...
  • at not killing anyone?
  • crazy idea, huh?
  • let me know how that one goes.


  • He speaks in a font called Comic Sans.
    • He is one of the few characters to speak in a different font
      • Gaster speaks in WingDings
      • Papyrus speaks in Papyrus
      • Flowey speaks in Gulim Che (he speaks in the normal font one time during the game)
  • He has a fake telescope that the player can interact with, giving the player a red ring around their eye for a period of time.
  • Attempting to name the fallen human Sans prompts the message "nope" and prevents it from being used.
    • This will happen with the name of all other main characters including Gaster, who's name can crash the game, should it be entered